
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Problems on Proposed(11 Months) Nepali Calendar

Government of Nepal has recently directed Nepal Panchanga Nirnayak Committee to produce panchangas( calendars) for the Vikram's years 2066 and 2067, by excluding the solar month chaitra from 2066, and validating the adhika masa, which occurs in Baishakh of 2067 as a regular lunar month. Chaitra excluded, the Vikram's year 2066 will consist of only eleven months. The logic behind this decision is precession of the equinoxes, due to which the six seasons have moved back by 24 days. According to the sayana system, this retrogression of seasons is theoretically unquestionable although it tends to dishevel astrological canons of interpretation and system of belief. We have no theoretical disagreement with it; neither do we deny that Hindu festivals and ceremonies bear importance only if linked to their respective seasons. However we have considered it urgent to raise some concerns.
First, if the seasons have drifted back by 24 days from their original places, why do we need to move them one month backwards in order for adjustment? Why not just 24 days?
Our first concern is that this is not the right time for the decision. If the precession of the equinoxes were 30 degree, it would be the right time for readjusting the festivals to their respective seasons although such readjustment is required every 2150 years. It would be perfectly rational, in a sense, and would cause little or no confusion if implemented simultaneously in both Nepal and India.
Our second concern is that the decision is bound to shake religious faith of the people in both India and Nepal, which are religiously inseparable. Maha Shivaratri, for example, is a common festival observed by millions of pilgrims from India to Nepal and vice versa. How chaotic it will be if this festival is observed in Nepal one month prior to India! The same is true with Bibaha Panchami, the wedding ceremony between Shree Ram from Ayodhya and Sita awaiting Him in Janakpur. This festival is most popularly celebrated in Janakpurdham. With the decision implemented, when the groom Shree Ram arrives in Janakpur, the wedding will have been over!
These are only a few examples. We assume a number of such discordance and confusion related to common belief, culture and customs. Playing with the deep-rooted faith of people is always disastrous. It must be very sensibly and sensitively handled.
Therefore we strongly object to this decision of Nepal Government, and seriously request that it be postponed for now. If it is to be implemented, it should implemented simultaneously in at least India and Nepal. Considering the far-reaching consequences of the decision, we have formed a protest committee, and declared a set of peaceful protest programs with full involvement of astrological and religious organizations such as South-Asian Astro-Federation Kathmandu, Nepal, Nepal Jyotish Parishad etc.
We would like to request earnestly for support and suggestion from you all, to create pressure on Nepal Government to withdraw this reckless decision- the decision which is too hurried and short-sighted to assess the inevitable upheaval in religious faith of the people.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How To Win In The Lottery

Charms, amulets, and talismans are believed by some to have magical powers. Traditionally, they are carried on one's person, or around one's neck or the object is touched in some way in order for it to work. This touching of the lucky object is a belief in many cultures. In Mexico and other Latin American countries, you must touch a person or item that you verbally admire or risk invoking El Ojo, the Evil Eye. For instance, don't tell a woman in a grocery store that her baby is cute unless you give the child a small pat or tweak his toe.

American Indian lore is filled with charmed objects, such as the Navajo mandalas--which are amulets composed of feathers, leather, and fur - and the shamanic or totem animals.

Traditional folklore includes some common charms you've probably seen or used before, such as an old copper penny, a silver coin, a four-leaf clover, a rabbit's foot, or a horseshoe. Even another person can be a lucky charm. Does a lucky charm really work? Who knows? But there are some people who are glad they believe in lucky charms. Andy Bownnleur's experience shows that there is such a thing as "the magic touch." The Virginia resident rubbed the shoulders of a friend who'd already won the Lotto and then became a $2 million winner himself. A car turned out to be a lucky charm for Johnny and Becky Taylor. They bought a GMC van that had been previously owned by a Florida Lotto winner. Now they themselves are $7.9 million Lotto winners, and they give credit to the car for their good fortune.

Lucky Numbers
The age-old science of numerology uses certain algorithms to calculate numbers that are favorable to the individual. These numbers are called "Lucky Numbers". They are derived from your date of birth, and the letters in your name.
Does it increase your chances of winning? If one ticket offers you a chance of 1 in a million, five tickets increase your chances to 1 in 200.000. We all understand this simple arithmetic and we happily put down five bucks hoping to take home the jackpot. Lucky Numbers are said to increase your chances in a similar way. There are two groups of Lucky Numbers: those that stay with you for the duration of your life, and another set of numbers that changes at regular intervals, in a pattern based on certain cycles found in your personal numerology chart. Some change every calendar year, others change every month or every day, and some change with each birth day.

Winning Vibrations
Number vibration RESONANCE and the phase relationships of number vibrations are the most important basic principles to learn and master, in order to predict winning numbers with professional expertise. This is essential for purposes of knowing how to locate, isolate and work with the most correct numbers to use for making winning number predictions. Vibration Lotto, Vibration Keno and Vibration Roulette number predictions are not based upon assumption math, theory, imagination or some kind of hypothetical left-brain rational mind pattern or system. Numbers are self-predicting via the parenting relationship of the creative force vibrations their unions automatically spawn. Number vibrations are subtle, invisible, color-toned electrical charges that flow according to principles of resonance and certain phase relationships similar to the way 120 degree Y and Delta transformer connections set up, step down and channel the flow of electric power. These same resonance principles make radio and TV transmission and reception possible.


Of course, you can't control the things you dream about, but if you do happen to dream about a specific number, then play it. If you dream about a certain number of people or objects, play that number also. Your subconscious often gives you clues in riddles, so become adept at interpreting hints from your dreams. For instance, if you dream of buying eggs at the convenience store, play the number 12 (a dozen). Or instead, play numbers with the same value as the one you dreamed of. For example, if you dream of the number 6, play the numbers 15, 24, 33, 42, or 51.

A Texas woman dreamed about dancing feet on three consecutive nights. Later she bought an instant Texas Two-Step ticket that depicted a pair of cowboy boots dancing. She won over $1,000. Even though you may not be able to control your dreams, you can keep track of them. Sleep researchers recommend this method to help you remember your dreams: Keep paper and pencil within reach of your bed. Before you fall asleep, tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up in the morning, try to recall the night's dreams while they're still fresh in your mind. Think about your dreams, and then write down as much as you can remember before you forget. And definitely jot down any numbers you see in your dreams.

The Unexplained
Carl Jung had an interest in numbers. He also made a lifetime study of coincidence. Jung attributed these occurrences to unknown forces seeking to bring order to a chaotic world. He wrote that coincidences happen more frequently than probability theories would predict. He called the phenomenon synchronicity -- when seemingly unrelated events occur in some unexpected association with each other. Certainly, when it comes to lottery games, some very strange things indeed have occurred. As to whether they are random occurrences or synchronicity, pure chance or fate, only you can decide.

Fred Thompson of North Haven, Connecticut, had played 111 in the Pick 3 Game for days with no luck. But when he went to the store, he bought a Lotto ticket on a whim and forgot his usual Pick 3. That night he watched in dismay as the winning Pick 3 numbers -- 111 -- were announced. He wasn't disappointed for long, though. Shortly afterward, he found his Lotto ticket had won him $3.2 million.

Remember Bernie Bobowicz, who won the New York Lotto? Several years before he found the six winning numbers in the Bible, he had won over $3 million using his old army dog-tag numbers. And on the day he won using the Bible, he also picked five of six on another ticket.

In July 2000, Lotto Texas changed its field of numbers from 50 to 54. On the very first night, the six numbers drawn were 9, 28, 35, 51, 53, and 54. In a seemingly incredible coincidence, three of the four new numbers were drawn. Some people were skeptical, believing the drawing results were too coincidental. At the time, an assistant professor of statistics at Rice University, Keith Baggerly, said, "It's rare, but not that rare." He said the odds were 1 in 330 that three of the new balls would be drawn.

If Jung's theory appeals to you, then your challenge is this: Assimilate what you read in this article about numerology, astrology, dreams, charms, and so forth. Then use all those ideas creatively in connection with people and things that are personally significant to you, such as your family members, house, job, and hobbies. Who's to say that the people who used a toy spinner to win $14 million weren't actually making use of the ancient art of divination?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Year 2066 will have 11 Months

Nepal's New Year 2066 will be one month shorter than the regular calendar and have 11 months only, Culture ministry official today

"According to Bikram Era calendar beginning from mid-April, 2066 year will have 11 months only, one month shorter than the regular one," Ministry of Culture and State Restructure spokesperson Lok Bahadur Khatri told reporters here.

"Nepal government has taken this decision after consulting the astrologers," he said.

The New Year beginning from the month Baisakh will normally ends with Chaitra, but this time there will be no Chaitra. After Falgun of 2066, 2067 Baisakh will come, Khatri said.

"The Hindu festival Vijaya Dashami will also come one month in advance in the next year. The month has been shortened to 11 to make adjustment with the solar movement," he said.

There is a Leap Year in Gregorian Calendar for making such adjustments. But as Nepal does not has such a provision, we have to deduct one month for the adjustment, Khatri added.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Numerlogy & Valentine's Gift

Numerlogy & Valentine's Gift

Date of Birth Birth Number
1st, 10th, 19th, 28th 1
2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th 2
3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th 3
4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st 4
5th, 14th, 23rd 5
6th, 15th, 24th 6
7th, 16th, 25th 7
8th, 17th, 26th 8
9th, 18th, 27th 9

Birth Number 1:
Present white or yellow coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 2:
Present yellow or pink coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 3:
Present pink or purple coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 4:
Present yellow, golden or brown coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 5:
Present light blue or green coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 6:
Present white, pink or blue coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 7:
Present magenta, orange or white coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 8:
Present blue or black coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.
Birth Number 9:
Present red or maroon coloured gifts to your dear ones to improve your relationship.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How sexual are you?

By Pandit Vvidhushekhor Pandey

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, and it's a fire sign and a cardinal one too. Arians feel the urge to make love in the most unlikely and uncomfortable places, just because, the risk of someone catching them is high. Some of the Arians live quite happily without sex.

The Aries woman has a wicked sense of humour. She can charm her man both before and after lovemaking. Women born under this sign are very spontaneous, full of vitality, aggressive and may have uncontrollable impulses followed by aggressive instincts. They always full of optimism.

Aries man is equally open-minded, but sometimes has a hard time being faithful. Naturally impulsive and often reckless, this sign above all others needs to be careful with sexual health. Aries men need a powerful love driving them all the time. That's their key. They dream of a perfect couple and won't give in until they find her.

Taurus is an earth sign, and incredibly sensual. Although they enjoy sex with the right partner, they are quite undemanding and don't go in for party tricks. Spend an evening with good conversation, food and companionship, which ends with nothing more than a kiss. Some Taureans are very modest, and most are shy to a certain extent, especially if they are young.

The Taurus woman may be a late starter, sexually - whilst all her friends are comparing bedroom notes while she will sit and ponder and wait for the right time. They are considered to be a faithful partners.

Taurus man can be quite uptight about sex, but in the company of a gentle and considerate companion both sexes flourish and enjoy. These kinds of men are strong, at least in their looks. Once that decision is made, they give their best. They are faithful and passionate.

Gemini is true, but that studious exterior masks a healthy, lively and joyful appreciation of sex as well. Geminians are expert in bed. This sign is also the most likely to be bisexual.

Gemini women are extremely complicated in their personalities. You never know how they are going to respond, how they are feeling and what their thoughts really are. They change their minds pretty easily. When their man comes, they love him passionately.

These men are real Casanovas who need to live new sensations with new lovers all the time. They need their partners to understand them and support them completely. Somewhat immature in love, they like to fully control their lovers. You need to be truly in love to have a lasting relation with a man like that.

Cancer being a water sign, people often assume that slushy sentimentality takes precedence over sex in their lives. They are sentimental, but this is a cardinal sign too, and Cancer has a healthy sexual appetite. This is sometimes spoiled by shyness or over-anxiety, however, especially with a new partner. Cancer woman is terribly worried about what their partner thinks of her body, and will cover up when she can if she's not in tip top shape. Cancer man worries too, but is more likely to just avoid sex if his confidence is low. All Cancerians have a very active fantasy life. Sex without love is incomprehensible to a Cancer person of either sex. In a happy relationship both sexes are eager to please their partner, and will take time over making love.

Cancer women need to be loved and give love, and they've got tons of it as if stashed deep in their hearts. They change their mood quite easily, but they are always willing to make love. Excellent partner with a view of a lifetime relationship who never focuses on the present.

Men born under this sign are the endless lovers whose instincts take over any reasoning, extremely tender and loving, full of passion. For women who like henpecking men, this is it. Cancer men are always willing to give their partners all the love and passion they need, and a lot more.

Leo is the second fire sign, and loves sex nearly as much as Aries does. There's one important difference, however - they're fussy. Leos are sticklers for luxury and comfort, and won't be found bouncing around in bushes for anyone! Being a fixed sign they can also be extraordinarily self-contained, and would rather not make love at all than feel in any way emotionally unsure about it.

The Leo woman makes love with more than just her genitals, making full use of her hair, her eyes and her voice. Leo women are selfish and self-centered, but very creative and passionate in lovemaking. They convey optimism toward life all the time, they need to be loved, and above all things, desired desperately.

The Leo men are slow, sensual and appreciative, and he even knows where the less obvious erogenous zones are without having to find a map first. Both sexes enjoy the use of mental fantasy and imagery, and both are quite vocal in bed. The Leo man, a being controlled by his heart, seeks and finds love all the time. Don't pay any heed when he gets stubborn and let him cool down. The bottom of his heart is excellent and kind. Give him signs of love and tenderness as much as you can, for he's very receptive to this kind of affection. For this man, no love is impossible when he has decided to conquer someone.

Virgo , the virgin is a bit of misnomer, as Virgo men and women are actually quite highly sexed. This is an earth sign, after all, and their curiosity leads them into adventurous situations, often early in life. In their day to day lives, many Virgos are quite and submissive - despite, or perhaps because of this, a Virgo in the bedroom is often keen to be in control. They like bondage, or at least the thought of it - perhaps this is a quirky reference to Virgos being known as the servants of the zodiac! Cleanliness and hygiene are important to them, but not to the extreme that you might believe. With Mercury ruling this sign, Virgo women are often keen to act out their fantasies. Virgo women always look for perfection in their lives. She's the lady who dreams of love all her lifetime, always willing to find a lover and fight for him. They need to know they're not only lovers, wives or fiancés, but also friends and advisors. Extremely faithful and communicative, they just can't stand being used or deceived.

Virgo men lean to perfectionism and needs to know they play a major role in their lover's life. Their dream is to have just one relationship for the entire lifetime, however they must be sure about the person they want to get engage with before taking any decision. Right after that, they give their heart and soul. Virgo men are sometimes too shy to ask, but will love you forever. Both sexes worry about their sexual health, and this is the sign most likely to 'never' forget the contraception. Surprisingly, it's also one of the most likely to be promiscuous - sex and love are separate issues for them, and so they don't feel that being physically unfaithful is necessarily wrong.

Libra often confuse sex with love, to the extent that the partner of a Libran may complain that they don't spend enough 'affectionate' time without having sex. The whole aesthetic experience of lovemaking is very important to Libra, but the details have to be right. Making love on top of a grand piano in an opulent ballroom is fine.

For the Libra woman, quality is more important than quantity. She may not make love as often as some other signs, but when she does, she does it properly. Being in love is the reason to be alive and everything spins around that feeling. They keep a watchful eye on the person she has a relation with before opening her heart lock. They fight and defend their love. They believe in happiness, and they need and expect full support from their better halves. They tend to help their partners unconditionally. Since they need peace of mind, balance and harmony, they give all that to their partners.

Libra man has an almost intuitive grasp of what pleases a woman, and is especially good at erotic massage. Being ruled by Venus, this is a sensual sign, and they especially adopt at the soft music, candlelight and rose petals bit. Languid and sometimes a little lazy, this sign likes sex that doesn't require too much physical effort! These men are tender and passionate. Good couples, understanding, tolerant, communicative, and sociable, always willing to help out and protect their partner. They are unique when they want to reveal their love. They're always on a quest for the perfect couple. When they realize they haven't found her yet, they let her know tactfully and the search goes on. Once they find her, they give the best. They like fancy, aggressive and crazy sex.

Scorpio's reputation as the sex-machine of the zodiac is unwarranted. This is actually a very sensitive sign, and they are far too emotionally involved with the act of sex to be as promiscuous or as lustful as is often suggested. Many like to cultivate that image, but the reality is a different story - this is one of the more prudish signs of the zodiac.

Women born under this sign are tender lovers, full of both sensuality and sexuality. Their sexual capabilities are far beyond belief. They never forgive deceit and this is when they act in a violent, ruthless and implacable way. Very proud and dignified, the Scorpio woman doesn't want to perform party tricks, and nor does she want to be caught in a compromising position.

Scorpio men sometimes have difficulty in letting themselves go enough to really enjoy sex, but if they are in a happy relationship they will eventually be persuaded to engage in some of their milder fantasies. Neither sex is particularly vocal during lovemaking, preferring to express themselves with bodies and eyes rather than voices. For them, the main features is their hard-to-crack endurance. When they are in love, they fight with tooth and nails and do everything within their reach to conquer that woman. They won't stop until she falls into their arms. This is a man full of passion, very sexual, always willing to give love. For him, that's the main drive in life.

Sagittarius is a restless, outgoing fire sign, and never more when it comes to sex. Fans of the proverbial 'quickie', Sagittarians of both sexes enjoy sex which is fast, outdoors and a little on the rough site - or preferably all three! Sex is not a driving force in the Sagittarian's life, however. Companionship is far more important to them, and this is the sign most likely to have casual sex whether with friends or with strangers.

Vocal and expressive, it's a Sagittarian woman making love who has the neighbours shaking their heads in embarrassment - and a Sagittarian man who is most likely to rent hardcore porn. For both sexes, fidelity can be a problem, and as with Aries, they need to look after their sexual health. Women born under this sign are marked by outer optimism and strong will. Full of love towards the person they love, they show their feelings in the most natural and unbiased way. Very kind and faithful to their partners. They know how to drive their couples out of strain and depression by providing him full support in. This is an extremely understanding and tolerant kind of relationship.

Sagittarius men are watchful and willing to learn about everything. Their curiosity can't ever be quenched. They need to know everything about their partners, and they don't hide anything to them. Sagittarius are faithful towards their partners. Deep in his relationships, he's a good lover and a great friend. Sometimes his partner doesn't know exactly which side is better: as a lover or as a friend. However, this man knows how to enjoy sex and make his lover feel great.

Capricorn is a highly sexed sign. Many Capricorns can, and do, without sex altogether, as other areas of their lives are much more important to them. Some are embarrassed by it, and many are old-fashioned and traditional in their preferences. The majority lead perfectly happy sex lives, but they need to be in a solid and trusting relationship before they enjoy making love. The thought of casual sex horrifies them, as does anything even remotely 'unusual'. Partners need to understand Capricorn's sexual motives, which are not always clear.

Capricorn women flourish in a relationship with an understanding and relaxed sexual partner who can draw them out of themselves, but suffer in a partnership with an over-demanding lover. She bides her time before going steady with someone. She looks for inner beauty. She goes real deeply into her couple as if she were trying to get to the bottom of his truth. When she decides to go steady she means business: a serious, lasting, loving relationship. She knows exactly how to keep her couple and how to swim out of all loving crises.

With the right partner, however, both sexes have a wonderfully good sense of humour, which leads them to explore new positions with a text-book in one hand and a large grin all over their faces. They are extremely perseverant when they are attracted by someone. They bend over backward to meet their couples' material and spiritual needs. That gives them satisfaction. They can love deeply and are expert love-makers. They know how far they can really push the envelop in this major thing for every relationship called sex.

There are two types of Aquarians when it comes to sex. The first type can frankly take it or leave it. They need sex as a physical release, but don't become overly keen on it in anything other than a clinical way. The second type sees the sexual act as an almost spiritual practice, and will be the type most likely to get involved in tantric or ritual sex. What both types have in common is an ability to totally separate emotion and sex. In a loving relationship, the Aquarian of either sex is an experimental and open-minded lover, but not particularly attentive one. Not because they don't care, just because they are so self-reliant that they expect a lover to be so too. Outside of a relationship this sign is capable of being very promiscuous indeed, and not even enjoying it that much! Either type of Aquarian is prone to some rather kinky stuff, but more out of curiosity than fetishism. These women are independent, breaks old-fashioned styles and traditions. They don't like longstanding relationships.

Aquarius man is the original 'roll over and go to sleep' type, whilst Aquarius woman also doesn't care much for the post-coitus cuddles and small-talk, and would rather get right up and get on with her life. The man of Aquarius is original and creative. He can hardly express his feelings. He hates engaging sentimentally and he rather enjoys his freedom. When he decides to go steady that means he is aiming for his lifetime relationship.

Of all of Pisces has the most active sexual fantasy life. Rather surprising for a sign known for its romanticism, but in a good relationship a Piscean makes love with no holds barred. Making love in or near water is a huge turn on for them, and as such the bathroom is a particularly erotic place. Fountains, waterfalls, rivers, lakes and the sea also do the trick, with the added bonus of being pretty scenery for the Piscean imagination to play with.

Pisces woman is comfortable with sex in any form, and will encourage a partner to really let go. Women born under this sign are the most romantic beings under the sun. Each romance, each sexual encounter is enjoyed to the utmost. Just one touch can make her scream in bliss to the top of her lungs. This is the kind of woman who can do with little love, completely happy and satisfied. Sometimes her partner tends to abuse her, and sometimes she suffers in silence.

Pisces man is attentive and encouraging in bed. He's also fond of sex toys, and would probably buy one for his partner as the ideal Valentines present! Despite being really rather a raunchy sign, both sexes are incapable of sex without love, and both place a lot of emphasis on affection and tactile contact in day-to-day life as well as during sex. They have a special hard-to-find sensitivity among men. They give passion like no other and fall in love easily, a situation that brings about quite a few disappointments in their life. This is the kind of man who makes everything to please his partner and make her happy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Can astrology be called a science?

The conflict between rational and adherents of astrology has been going on for hundreds of years. While the first group considers it as a mere superstition and a nice ploy of deceiving people, the later group has wide regards for it. India is no different and the same tussle persists in this soil too. However, the contribution of Indian astrology has not been less than any and its attraction in the world (especially after the introduction of internet or other sophisticated technology) knows no bounds. The foundation of Indian astrology or Jyotisha is found in the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures.

Well, there is a acute difference between the Indian and western astrology The practice of Jyotisha primarily relies on the sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology in that an ayanamsa adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox. Besides the major aspects of Indian astrology include several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction. Do you also consider this as a science? It may be but the rational prefer to hurl scathing attacks against this always.

This attitude came into light once again when Prof. Dr Jayant Narlikar, the famed Astrophysicist, launched a vigorous attack recently. He was found to paint the whole discipline of astrology in the color of superstition while speaking on the topic “Astrology-Pseudo Science” for a packed audience in Rourkela. He also cited several investigations that proved the fallacies of astrology and the pertinent gurus to a great extent.

Speaking on an investigation in the recent past he stated, “We took the horoscope of 100 mentally retarded and 100 bright children and jumbled them up. Finally, we tried to find out from the astrologers whether they can spot them rightly in which 50 persons participated. We gave 40 horoscopes to each individual. Surprisingly many did not return their findings to us and of those who did the highest was 22 correct answers and 17 was the average. And it was like the chances one takes with coins where the chances of heads and tails always come.”

However, the number of convinced people among audience is still unknown.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don’t believe in Astrology, says Astro-physicist

Statesman News Service
ROURKELA, Feb. 9: “We want to listen what we like and the astrologer does that, plays to our psyche,” said Prof. Dr Jayant Narlikar, the famed Astrophysicist, here while speaking on the topic “Astrology-Pseudo Science” for a packed audience at the Civic Centre here.
He, however, found it very difficult to convince the gathering when he said: "It is not advisable to believe in astrology." Like he said in USA, the horoscope of 2,978 persons were taken for matching and it consisted couples with excellent married life and divorced or separated ones. And he said the astrologers could not predict about the couples correctly from the samples and here he did not furnish any clear figure or statistical data of the study.
“We took the horoscope of 100 mentally retarded and 100 bright children and jumbled them up. Finally, we tried to find out from the astrologers whether they can spot them rightly in which 50 persons participated. We gave 40 horoscopes to each individual. Surprisingly many did not return their findings to us and of those who did the highest was 22 correct answers and 17 was the average. And it was like the chances one takes with coins where the chances of heads and tails always come.”
During the question hour session, when he was asked that a recent study by a reputed and widely believed and accepted house showed that every third American believes in some kind of Astrology he was not ready to accept. He tired to downplay by saying it was another media stunt.

The Astrology of the Australian Bushfires

by Lynn Hayes

The timing of the horrific fires in Australia coincidental to a penumbral eclipse of the Moon that peaks today appears to be significant. As I have been writing, we have experienced a shortage of the Fire element and a preponderance of Aquarius which is not only airy and dry, but also electrical in nature.

The eclipse is in Leo, a fiery sign that tends to be somewhat larger than life. I was unable to find exactly when these fires began, but it appears to have been sometime on Saturday. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius and the planet ruling electromagnetic energy and sudden change, was exactly opposite Saturn as it crossed the Ascendant at 9:23 am in Melbourne, the site of the worst fires. The firestorms spread rapidly once they began, burning houses to cinders within minutes and overwhelming residents in their cars as they attempted to flee the area.

The Moon was still in Cancer when the fires started, but the energy of a Full Moon typically begins about three days before the actual event and in the case of an eclipse that is even more true, so the eclipse effect was beginning to accelerate at this time.

It appears that the fires were the result of a combination of factors: possibly arsonists (rebels (Uranus) against the system (Saturn)), combined with high temperatures, dry conditions and winds (Aquarius and the Leo lunar eclipse).

Eclipses are associated with revelations of some kind, and there are indications that the higher temperatures that facilitated the fires may be caused by global warming. Although eclipses have been feared into antiquity, they are not usually associated with this kind of devastating event. However, the symbology is rather vivid here.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Importance of karana in Muhurtas

Half of thitis or lunar date is called karana. A lunar date has two karana daily. They are eleven in numbers. 1 Bava,2 Balava, 3, Kaulava ,4 Taitala,5 Gara 6,Vanija 7, Visti 8, Shakuni 9, Chatushpada, 10, Naga &11, kaustuva or Kimstughna.
Of these the first seven are moveable Karanas while the last four are fixed Karanas.
Effects of Karanas
1, Shakuni :- Its rulling deity is Garuda (eagle). It is fixed in nature. Shakuni Karan falling in the night in the 14 th day of the dark moon is suitable for hold-ups, commiting thift and the like crimes, driving away enemies and soldiers, taming birds, starting medication and all kind of war operations.
2, Chatushpada:- Its rulling deity is Vrishabha( Bull).This Karana also fixed in nature .This karana falling on Amavasya is suitable for Vanquishing enemies through Tantric methods . it gives success in all business related to four footed animals, particularly cattle.Shraddha, Tarpana work done in this karan also give quite good results.
3, Naga :- Its rulling deity is naga ( serpant) . This is also fixed in nature. Naga Karana falling in Amavasya is more suited for destructive and Subversive acts.
4, Kaustuvaor Kimstughna:- Its rullinmg deity is Kubera( Lord of wealth). This is also fixed in nature. This karana falling on Sukla Paksha Pratipada causes Vaisvadeva Yoga ,which is held to be the best karana for doing any work.
5, Bava:- Its rulling deity is Lord Vishnu. It is moveable in nature. This karana is suited for all kinds of works, both durable or/and temporary one. The karana is also suitable for leaving a place or a house and even for entering a new place or new house.
6, Balava:- its rulling deity is Brahma. This is amoveable Karana .This Karana is said to be exclusively superior for performance marriage and other auspicious Samskaras of the Brahmanas.
7, Taitila:- Its rulling deity is indra. This is also moveable Karana It is suitable for Rajakarya ( government affairs) .
8, Kaulava :- Its rulling deity is Chandra ( The moon). It is also a moveable Karana . it is suited for Maitri( Friendship) and for all works of a permanent and durable nature.
9, Gara:-Its rulling deity is Vasudeva. This is also a moveable Karana. It is suited for animal husbandry works, cattle trade, dairy trade , fodder trade, ploughing the field, Vastu karma or construction of houses, buildings and other similar projects works.
10,Vanija :- Its rulling deity is Manibhadra . This is also a moveable is suited for sale transactions and sellers may reap good profits whereas buyers may incure losses in this karana.
11, Vishti:- Its rulling deity is Mirtyu or death. This is also moveable karana. It is held to be a very inauspicious Karana for Performnance odf any imporant work .Work stated in this karana may have little success.Vishti is also known as Bhadra.

Future lies in hands and not planets

"Our future lies in our hands and not on the position of planets," said eminent scientist and internationally acclaimed astro-physicist Prof J V Narlikar.
He said there was a wrong concept that planets influenced the future. "The planets are powerless. Stand on your own feet, know your problem and try to solve it yourself."
The astronomer pointed out there were even differences among astrologers with western astrology differing from Indian astrology.
"Astrology is not science, but superstition, he said.
Astrologers knew that people came to them when they faced problems and kept them hanging so that they made repeated visits.
Narlikar was speaking at a seminar 'Astrology-a pseudo-sience' here last night organised by the Orissa Rationalists Association.
(Press Trust Of India)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Want a Job? What’s Your Sign?

A Salzburg company In Austria is restricting its job openings to applicants born under one of five specific signs of the Zodiac.

A Salzburg company did a statistical study of employees and found that the best employees were all one of five astrological signs. The study led the company to place a want ad in several newspapers that required all applicants to be a Capricorn, Taurus, Aquarius, Aries or Leo. The company insisted that their methods were scientific, not discriminatory. A spokesperson stated that sociologists have used astrology-based methods in conducting research.

A number of equality groups were up in arms about the ads, claiming they were discriminatory. Despite the protests, the Austrian government determined that the ads did not violate any antidiscriminatory laws currently on the books.

A spokeswoman for the employee’s association of Salzburg says that “limitation” is not “discrimination,” as prospective employees born under a particular star sign could be any age, race or gender. A UPI article speculates that if the case is taken to the European Court of Justice, and the court rules in favor of the company, the practice of selecting employees based on star sign might spread.

Barry Williams, editor of the Skeptic Journal, wrote a 2007 blog post in the Australian condemning the popular belief in astrology. He noted that famous atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has demonstrated that if we substitute nationalities for astrological signs, the kind of generalizations people make seem intolerable. Williams also writes that the numerous studies testing the validity of astrological theories have all found them to have no substance.

In Japan, many people believe that blood type determines personality. Kindergarteners are sometimes grouped together based on blood type, matchmaking services take blood type into account and, although they are not supposed to, employers often ask prospective hires their blood type during interviews. The Japanese feel that drawing such conclusions based on blood type is more legitimate that using astrological signs, and books on the subject are extremely popular.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Astrologer Engaged in Immoral Activity

Karkala, Feb 6: In an incident that occurred on Thursday February 5, an astrologer who was reportedly engaged in immoral activity was caught red-handed by Hindu organizations which raided the astrologer's office located in the heart of the town. He and a lady were then handed over to the policemen.

The astrologer named Santosh reportedly was engaged in immoral activity by locking himself in his astrology centre with a lady from Bola village. The activists of Hindu organizations, who observed this, raided the office and informed the policemen. The policemen took Santosh and the lady concerned, away for questioning.

Allegedly, the astrologer and the lady had unethical relationship since some time. Most of the days, she used to arrive at the office in the afternoon and the astrologer locked the doors of the office as soon as she came there. Several locals had observed this, and when the youths raided the office, both of them were reportedly found in compromising position.

It is gathered that both of them informed the policemen that they were in love and will marry soon. However, on further questioning, the policemen realized that both of them are married, but are believed to have concealed this fact from each other.
Daijiworld Media Network - Karkala (SP)