
Saturday, December 25, 2010

This Week's Stock Prediction

As predicted last week, from 19  to 21 December the share of hotels gained and shares of banks lost. From 21 December to 23 December, banks, insurance and hydro companies gained but hotels lost.
This week Nepali Share Market starts trading on 26 December and ends at 30 December. The trading starts at 12 noon and ends at 3 afternoon.
According to weekly planetary position of 26-30  December 2010, Moon will be transiting in Leo, Virgo & Libra; Rahu, Mars and Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio. Mars, Rahu and Sun in Sagittarius. Ketu in Gemini. Venus in Libra. Saturn in Virgo. Jupiter in Pisces.
According to this Planetary position, we can predict that share market could pick up this week.
On 26 and 27 December, shares of Hydro power and insurance companies will do good and shares of development banks will perform poor.
On 28 December Share Market will perform poor but finance company could perfomr good and is better for income.
On 29-30 the Planetary positions will be supportive for Development Banks and hydropower companies also but not supportive for hotels and others group.
Be cautious that the investors' own individual planetary position is also likely to impact the investment. Thus for individual decisions, please consult the Astrologer.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Abhijit Muhurta

If you don’t have any good muhurta pre-calculated for your purpose, you can use the muhurta of the mid day (i.e. when the Sun is at the highest point in the sky at a particular location). This muhurta is called Abhijit muhurta and is universally good. Abhijit means great victory. The reason why shastras recommend on this is because at mid day, the Sun is located three signs (equivalent to 6 hrs) behind the Lagna and thus will be located in the 10th house from the Lagna (each Rasi is a house with Lagna as the 1st house, the houses are counted in the zodiacal direction, 10th house represents one's karma and the success in it). Thus Sun being in the 10th house is auspicious for any activity.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ज्योतिर्विज्ञान अनुसार उल्का वर्षा

आज बेलुका नेपाली आकासमा उल्का वर्षा हुने भएको छ । सामन्यतया महिनामा एकपटक मात्र उल्का वर्षा हुने गरेको विज्ञहरुले बताएका छन् ।
आज नेपाली आकासमा हुने उल्का वर्षा प्रष्ट रुपमा देख्न सकिने छ । बेलुका ५ बजेबाट सुरु हुने वर्षा सूर्यको उज्यालो बाँकी रहने कारणले सूर्यास्तपछि मात्र प्रष्ट देखिने भएको हो । उल्का वर्षा अवलोकनका लागि बेलुकी ८ बजेको समय उत्तम रहेको छ।  काठमाडौंको प्रकाश प्रदूषणका कारण  उपत्यका र अन्य सहरी क्षेत्रभन्दा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रबाट अझ प्रष्ट रुपमा उल्का वर्षा हेर्न सकिने छ । उल्का बर्षाको स्रोत जेमिनी तारामण्डल मिथुन राशी जस्तो देखिने भएकाले यसलाई जेमिनिड मिटियर सवार नाम दिइएको छ ।
ज्योतिर्विज्ञान अनुसार उल्का वर्षा उत्तरभद्रपदा नक्षत्र मा भयको हुनाले राजालाई (सरकार) पिडा दिने छ । त्यसकारण वर्तमान सरकार परिवर्तन हुने लक्षण देखिन्छ । त्यसकारण वर्तमान सरकार एक महिना भित्रमा परिवर्तन हुने लक्षण देखिन्छ ।
विज्ञहरुका अनुसार भौगोलिक विविधताका कारण नेपालको पूर्वी क्षेत्रमा बेलुका ८ बजे राम्रोसँग देख्न सकिने उल्का वर्षा सुदूरपश्चिम क्षेत्रमा भने साढे ८ मा मात्र प्रष्ट हेर्न सकिने छ । आजदेखि सुरु हुने उल्का वर्षा पुस २ गतेसम्म हेर्न सकिने विज्ञहरुको भनाइ छ । उल्का वर्षा भएका बेला कुनै कुरा माग गरेमा त्यो पूरा हुन्छ भन्ने जनविश्वास रहेको छ ।

Monday, November 8, 2010

Palm Reading Seduction

Thin Hand, long, thin fingers, kind of pointed is Intuitive Hand (Element Water) .
This woman is a very sensitive and emotional creature. She is able to pick up subtle signals very easily and she is highly intuitive. This woman is not a logical person.  It is an easy task to get this woman attracted to you by concentrating on her emotions. She is very interested in spirituality, psychology, and the occult. Some of them even have an uncanny psychic ability, or sixth sense. These women are very caring, and love good old-fashioned romance.
Short, thicker fingers, square looking palm is Outdoor Hand (Element Earth) .
This person loves spending time outdoors.They are very physical women, and sometimes impatient.  You can depend on these women to be emotionally stable. They have the ability to have many great insights, particularly due to their ability to look past the surface and see something much deeper in life.
Family is important to these women, and they tend to be very pragmatic and practical.They are realistic and honest. They are planners, which means they look beyond what’s happening right now and into the future.  So you can already see them imagining themselves with you if they like you… just something to watch for if you are scared of commitment.

Dynamic Hand (Element Fire) is Long Palm, but short fingers… has a conical look to it .
This woman is a people person.She is fun, dynamic, and alive.She needs a constant challenge, and lives fast.  She is excitable, and often exudes an almost charismatic, sexual presence. These women need a lot of physical activity, and love to be the center of attention.They are incredible lovers and romantics, but have the tendency to fall in love rather quickly. Unfortunately, some of these women and get bored easily in relationships if they’re not being stimulated enough.They are the artistic types. 

Creative Hand (Element Air) Long, sometimes thin fingers, and short, square palm.Spatulate looking fingers. 
These women are very intelligent.They have a very sharp, quick mind that  needs constant stimulation on an intellectual level.They are always on the hunt  for new experiences and can also get easily bored with repetitive routines. You  can find many of these women in bookstores and are a great source for interesting friendly conversation. They’re extroverted, talented, inventive,  futuristic and fun. 
Knotted Hand (Mixed Elements)  Knotty fingers and knuckles highly.
This woman is philosophical, idealistic, and a seeker of knowledge and truth. Sometimes she can be very critical, and remains distant emotionally.  Sometimes they can be overly analytical and logical.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

भाइटीका को महिमा

कात्तिक २१ गते प्रतिपदा ९ बजेर २२ मिनेटसम्म प्रतिपदा, उप्रान्त द्वितीया लाग्ने र कात्तिक २२ गते मध्याहृनकालमा द्वितीया नरहेकाले कात्तिक २१ गते नै भाइटीका गर्नु शास्त्रसम्मत् भएको नेपाल पञ्चाङ्ग निर्णायक समितिले जनाएको छ ।
यमपञ्चकको पाँचौं दिन भाइटीका पर्छ । यो दिन दाजुभाइको महत्त्व बेग्लै हुन्छ । भाइटीकालाई लामो समयसम्म भेटघाट नभएका दाजुभाइसँग भेटघाट हुने, सम्बन्धमा आएको चिसोपन हटाई मिलन गराउने तथा सम्बन्धलाई अझ दिगो बनाउने माध्यमका रूपमा लिइन्छ । दिदीबहिनी भाइटीकाको अघिल्लै दिन दाजुभाइलाई भाइटीकाको निम्ता स्वरूप पान-सुपारी आदि दिइन्छ । भाइटीकाका दिन टीका नलगाई केही खान हुँदैन । टीकाको दिन बिहानै नुहाएर अष्टचिरञ्जीवीको पूजा गर्नुपर्छ । यमराज, हनुमान्, विभीषण, परशुराम अष्ट चिरञ्जीवीभित्र पर्छन् । भाइटीका गर्न ओखर, तोरीको तेल, बिमिरा, मसला, मखमली, दूबो तथा सयपत्रीको माला, रोटी, मीठा-मीठा परिकारको आवश्यकता पर्छ । सबैभन्दा पहिले दियो, कलश तथा गणेशको पूजा गरी बिमिराको पूजा गर्नुपर्छ । त्यसपछि दाजुभाइको मंगलको कामना गर्दै ढोकामा ओखरको तथा यमराजको पूजा गरी कालको बाटो छेक्नुपर्छ । पानी तथा तेलले ७ घेरा हाली दाजुभाइलाई छेक्नुपर्छ । फूल, अक्षता, चन्दन तथा लाभाले पूजा गरी दाजुभाइको शिरमा तेल लगाइदिनुपर्छ । सगुनका रूपमा दही दिनुपर्छ । भाइटीकाका दिनमा दाजुभाइलाई लगाइदिने मखमली, सयपत्री तथा दूबोको मालाको छुट्टै महत्त्व छ । मखमली कहिल्यै ओइलाउँदैन, सयपत्रीको रंगकहिल्यै उडेर जाँदैन भने दूबो सधै हरियै रहन्छ । दिदीबहिनीले दाजुभाइको यश, आरोग्य, दीर्घायुको कामना गर्दै निधारमा सप्तरंगी टीका लगाइदिन्छन् । सप्तरंगी टीकामा भावना मिसिएको शान्ति बताउँछिन् । दाजुभाइप्रतिको प्रेम रंगजस्तै गाढा तथा निरोगी भैरहने विश्वास गरिन्छ। दिदीबहिनीले दाजुभाइलाई ढाकाको टोपी लगाइदिन्छन् । यसले आयु बढाउनुका साथै राष्ट्रियता झल्काउँछ । टीका लगाएपछि उपहार आदान-प्रदान गरिन्छ । दाजुभाइ वा दिदीबहिनी नहुनेहरूले रानीपोखरीस्थित मन्दिरमा पूजाआजा गर्छन् । भाइटीकाको पौराणिक कथा परापूर्व कालमा मृत्युका राजा यमराज आफ्नी बहीनी यमुनालाई भेट्न आएका थिए । यमराज यमलोकमा बस्थे भने यमुना पृथ्वीमा । त्यसैले यमुनाले निमन्त्रणा गरी यमुराजलाई भेट्न बोलाइन् । त्यो बेलामा यमपञ्चक परेको थियो । यमपञ्चकभर यमुना कहाँ बसे । भाइटीकाको दिन यमुनाले दाजुलाई पूजा गरी उपहार दिइन् र दाजुसँग आशीर्वाद लिइन् । त्यहीबेलादेखि नै भाइटीकाको प्रारम्भ भएको पाइन्छ ।

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today is Laxmi Puja.

Lakshmi Ganesh Puja is the most significant aspect of Tihar celebrations in Nepal. Hindus observe the elaborate Lakshmi Ganesh Pooja with devotion and sincerity. It is believed that by propitiating Goddess Laxmi on the auspicious Dipawali night one is blessed with riches and prosperity.
On the day of dipawali people celebrate the birth of Goddess Lakshmi or the Goddess of Wealth hence Lakshmi Puja is an integral part of dipawali celebrations.
Hindu businessmen regard the day of dipawali as New Year's time. They start new account books on this day and seek blessings from Goddess Lakshmi. Astrologically this day is important as on the dipawali day sun enters its second course and passes Libra which is represented by the balance or scale. Hence, this design of Libra is believed to have suggested the balancing of account books and their closing.
Traditional Lakshmi Ganesh Puja involves a combined worship of five deities. Just as in all other Pujas, Lord Ganesha - the Vighanharta is worshiped in the beginning. Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped in her three forms as Mahalakshmi - the Goddess of Wealth, Mahasaraswati - the Goddess of Learning and Mahakali. There is also a tradition to worship Kuber - the Treasurer of the Gods.
Right time to perform Lakshmi Puja on dipawali Amavasya,between 17:49 to 19:45 on 05 Nov 2010 ( Kartik 19 2067) in stable Ascendant (Taurus sign).
It is considered as Pradosh Kaal, which is most preferrable time to perform Lord Ganesh, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kuber Puja.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Astrology of President Obama 49th birthday

US president Barak Obama celebrated his 49th birthday on August 4. He was born in  Honolulu, Hawai at 7.24 in the evening on August 4, 1961.
At the time of his birth, the Capricorn ascended was rising in the eastern horizon of Honolulu.The capricorn has given him the excellent personality and good command over politics.The exalted moon in his fifith house in the birth chart has given him intellect and wisdom.
Saturn and Jupiter are in his first house that is also called lagna that gave him the political power.These planets also give him spiritual and social clout.
The Sun and Mercury in his seventh house in the birth chart help him get support from the opposition party and international community.
However, the Mars and Rahu in his eighth house is negative for him. He might be victimized. In some cases, it has been observed that such combination in the eight house could be fatal.
According to his annual chart on August 4, 2010, Leo is in his lagna that is in the sixth house from his birth lagna. It means opposition will be dominent this year and he has to face some troubles in his home front. He also might have to face legal troubles.
Muntha (that gives similar troubles like Saturn) is in the seventh house and it also indicates that he has to face legal troubles and he will have health related problems too.
But in his annual chart of this year, exalted moon is in the tenth house that gives him respect from his countrymen.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Americans believe in Reincaration and Astrology

DALLAS (Reuters Life!) - Although most Americans are Christian and many are devout it hasn't stopped some members of the flock from believing in astrology, reincarnation or the ability of trees to trap spiritual energy.
A poll by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life shows a surprising number of U.S. adults claim to have had supernatural experiences such as ghost sightings or hold beliefs associated with the New Age movement or Eastern religions.
And some of them claim allegiance to more traditional faiths such as Catholicism or evangelical Protestantism.
"American religious folks hold a variety of views and there is overlap among their beliefs and practices. Many do not fit into simple boxes," said Pew researcher Alan Cooperman.
The poll released on Wednesday showed that three-in-ten Americans say they have felt in touch with a dead person and 18 percent say they have seen or been in the presence of a ghost.
Other Pew surveys have shown that relatively few Americans would identify an Eastern religion or New Age spirituality as their core faith. But about a quarter of those surveyed say they believe in aspects of Eastern religions.
Nearly 25 percent said they believed in reincarnation and 23 percent said yoga was a spiritual practice. Twenty six percent said they believed "spiritual energy" could be found in objects such as trees.
A quarter said they believed in astrology, while 16 percent of U.S. adults think that an "evil eye" exists or that some people can cast curses or spells on others. Among black Protestants the evil eye figure is 32 percent.
The number of Americans who profess a belief in astrology is about the same as the number who claim to be Roman Catholic. Nearly 30 percent of Catholics surveyed said they believed in astrology. Among Catholics who attended church each week the figure was 16 percent.
Much of this would be jarring to -- among others -- many evangelical Protestants, who account for one in four adult Americans and take their Bible very seriously.
Still, 13 percent of white evangelicals profess a belief in astrology and about 10 percent accepted the possibility of reincarnation. Although the percentages are lower than in other groups, they are high enough to curl the hair of a Southern Baptist preacher.
Researchers said they were careful to stress that reincarnation meant being reborn again and again in this world and did not refer to, say, the resurrection of Christ.
Evangelicals, who place a heavy emphasis on spiritual conversions, are much more likely than most Americans to have had "a religious or mystical experience -- that is, a moment of religious or spiritual awakening," according to the poll.
About half of Americans claim to have had such an experience but among white evangelicals the number is 70 percent and for black Protestants it is 71 percent.
The nationwide survey of around 4,000 adults was conducted in August. Interviews were done in English and Spanish.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Vastu Shastra Feng Shui

Vastu Shastra, in simple language, is a Science of house building. In ancient times, Vedic civilization used to plan a lot before moving out to a new house or new constructions. They used to take into account various religious aspects and calculate their moves accordingly. Let me make it clear that architecture and Vastu Science are two different things. Vastu is not only house-craft but also a religious ritual.
An architect’s job is to build a house with all modern amenities but he is not in a position to guarantee a happy life to the people living in that house, whereas Vastu Science confirms and gives a guarantee for this. Architecture has been considered a worldly act among all the human civilizations of this world, while architecture in Nepal is a religious activity.
It will be difficult to understand Vastu unless we understand the religious beliefs behind it. Believers of Vastu assert that planning and constructing a house without Vastu is nothing but a concrete structure and the value of the house becomes zero.
Some people with modern outlook do not believe in Vastu and think it a waste of money and efforts. They would rather build a house and for namesake, would some puja. For this category of people, Vastu as s concept has not been popularised, it will take some time before the concept becomes a household name.
In reality, Vastu Shastra is a priceless gift to mankind. Countries like Germany, China, Japan, India, and America are some of the nations which took full benefits of our ancient, priceless science.
In the modern age, Vastu Shastra has gained a position of pre-eminence in recent years. Every Publication worth its name- from national dailies, news magazines and television, radio has Vastu experts on the panel to aid and advice readers, viewers, and listeners on how best to construct new residences and their places of work as well as remodel the existing structures on vastu guidelines. But authoritive treatise on this ancient Science of Architecture are just not available, if available they are beyond the reach of the common people.
Hence this work to provide information and guideline in simple and lucid language to the general public.Dr.S.Suneel’s Vastu Sense seeks to provide all that you have wanted to know about Vastu in this small effort. It explains the meaning of the vastu science and importance as well as provides practical guidelines for site evaluation and laying foundations for house, the various ceremonies to be performed, the importance of directions as per the ancient rules, etc. in addition to putting forth the relationship between the Vedic Vastu Shastra and the Chinese Feng Shui.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Shivaratri Live From Pashupati.

Shivaratri Live From Pashupatinath Temple Kathmandu Nepal On Image Channel Television