
Monday, July 30, 2007

Return to reality

By Prof. Kavan Ratnatunga
I write this in reply to the astrological feature published in this section on July 15. There is absolutely no reason to fear trouble from any motion of the direction of Saturn, about two billion km from the Earth, across an arbitrary constellation boundary, unless you are hypnotized by astrology, to act irrationally. In which case, I hope this article would help, return you to reality.
The origins of astrology are in prehistory. Humans had little understanding of the world they lived in. Ancient observers of the sky, followed the motion of five star-like planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), along the fixed star patterns known as the Zodiac, through which the Sun and Moon appear to move.

The Sun, Moon and planets were assumed to be gods moving in a celestial sphere, with a flat Earth in the centre. Natural phenomena such as lightning and thunder, were acts of gods. The appearance of comets in the sky was assumed to predict disaster.
Egyptian priests, observed that the Nile flooded when the brightest star in the sky Sirius rose before the Sun. This allowed them to define the year and predict the annual flood, which they used to their political advantage. Astrology was developed to exploit humans' curiousness to know the future, by attempting to relate positions of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of birth, with events in a person’s life.
Blind faith and belief should not be a part of modern society. Scientific knowledge should have educated us away from mythical beliefs and superstition, which dominated ancient civilizations. Science now understands a lot about the universe we live in. We know our universe came into existence about 13.7 billion years ago, and that the Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago and bipedal primates from which we are direct descendants evolved only around five million years ago.
There will always be new discoveries in science, as we get finer observations and refine our understanding of life, the universe and everything. However, some knowledge is so precisely understood, they are not issues that need to be open for debate. We know the Earth is billions of years old and the Young-Earth theory has no more reality than the Flat-Earth theory which only some believe today. Scientific ignorance is however still high. Recent polls in USA have shown that 25% still believe the Sun goes round the Earth, and 40% believe the Earth is just about 6000 years old, and humans lived alongside dinosaurs.
Life on Earth depends critically on the Sun, and life in the sea evolved to take advantage of tides caused by the Moon, which has been inherited by humans as the monthly cycle. These are not evidence for astrology. Astrology is based on the horoscope, which locates the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets along the ecliptic, at the time of birth of an individual.
The framework of astrology can be scientifically proved to be false with absolute certainty, as we can say, the Earth is not flat and pigs can't fly.
The directions to the planets in the sky at birth, are predictable and unrelated to an individual. We understand the forces of Nature and can compute exactly and show that the Sun, Moon and planets have far less gravitational or electromagnetic influence on a birth of a child than the furniture or light bulb, in the delivery room.
To keep an open mind, I wish to also point out that Palmistry, although non-scientific, cannot be proved to be false to the absolute degree of certainty as astrology. The lines on a person’s hand, are at least directly associated with the individual and may reflect in some way information in one's DNA. There are some other concepts such as telepathy and ESP, which may have explanations which are unknown to current science.
Astrology, however, is formulated with the false concept that the Earth is the centre of the solar system. For example, one cannot cast a horoscope, for a child who can be expected to be born in the future, on the Moon or Mars. Any logical framework needs to be space-invariant. i.e. The same laws of nature, known or unknown, should govern us independent of where we are located in the universe (Space-Time continuum).
Even if we postulate unknown forces acting through unknown dimensions, the geocentric framework of astrology, is by definition not space-invariant and therefore not logical.
The stars in the 12 constellations of the Zodiac are not physically associated. They just happen to be in about the same direction as viewed from Earth at this point in time. The stars are many light years apart and moving in different directions. From another location in our galaxy, or a few million years in the past or future, they would show a non familiar pattern.
Even the division of the ecliptic into 12 equal segments is arbitrary. The origin was taken to be in a direction where the ecliptic intersects plane of Earth's equator.
However, precession of the Earth's axis of rotation, moves this direction through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac in about 25,765 years. In the 4000 years since astrology was invented in Babylonia, the origin which was called the "First point in Aries" at the border between the constellations of Taurus and Aries, has moved through Aries and most of Pisces and will move into Aquarius in the near future. This has been referred to as the dawn of the age of Aquarius.
Various astrological traditions use different points of origin. Many ancient Indian astrologies, continue to also use ancient tables, ignoring their cumulative computational errors in positions of planets.
In the Western system, the Sun sign was the constellation in which the Sun is located at the time of birth. The Year in the Gregorian calender has been defined to keep the equinox when the Sun is above the equator and moving North, to be on March 21. However, since western astrology ignores about 2000 years of precession, there is a mismatch with the actual constellation of the Zodiac in sky.
In the eastern system the primary sign (Lagna), is the constellation which is rising at the time and place of birth. It changes about every two hours and depends on latitude. Eastern astrology also incorporates two mythical shadow demons Rahu and Ketu, at the nodes of the Moon's orbit, to swallow the Sun and Moon during eclipses.
Although the interpretation of a horoscope is faulty, the chart is based on simple astronomy. Casting an astrological chart is therefore a learning exercise, for anyone with an interest in amateur Astronomy. I remember doing so in the early 1970's, and when it matched with that cast by the astrologer for her grandson, my aunt was very impressed. Since the mid 20th century Lankan astrologers have based their almanac on the Astronomical Ephemeris, published by US Naval Observatory, which I had used.
Proper statistical analysis would show that, predictions have no more than random chance to come true. Predictions are more often non-specific, so they can match many events, which are remembered if they are believed to agree, and forgotten if they don't. Some have told me that what was predicted, was what they were planning for future, at the time of visit, and not what actually happened. Astrologers make vague ambiguous statements, which are modified on the fly, based on the observed reactions or body language of the customer. People make connections, fill in the gaps, and then believe they have got an exact match. People often hear and read what they expect, not literally what they are told or is written.
Faith in astrology, like with any religion, can have a strong influence on individuals. I was once told that an astrologer predicted the future of a child who would become a famous painter. In this case it was confidence building, and it motivated the mother to influence the child.
If this kind of blind faith has always a positive influence, then it is not harmful and could even be beneficial, to build confidence. In a society with arranged marriages, comparison of horoscopes gives a diplomatic way if needed to say no to a marriage proposal. Unfortunately the same faith in astrology has prevented some persons from marriage (e.g. Senasuru apala). Faith has sometimes given over confidence to children expecting celestial help, who do badly at exams by not studying properly. In other cases persons are known to have died on the day predicted by astrology. Faith can clearly influence a believer’s mind, body and actions.
Certain horoscopes of children are interpreted to be bad for the parents (Hathara kendare palu). These children often get abandoned and sometimes handed over to the temple. It should be a human right not to be socially condemned by your time of birth. If astrology has such predictable influence on the life of persons, maybe astrologers should publish time periods in which children should not be born. A doctor can clearly alter the delivery time of a baby by a few hours, which will change the horoscope significantly. This too reflects the inaccuracy of the framework on which astrology is based.
Reflecting a serious lack of scientific understanding of the cosmos, there is a strong cultural interest in astrology in Lanka. Most politicians seem to operate governments with this faith. In 1992 President Premadasa, changed the spelling of our country’s name, based on an astrological prediction, on the President of Sri Lanka. As president of Shri Lanka he was killed the next year.
A few years ago the Sinhala election manifesto of a losing presidential candidate, said he would create an Astrological Institute in Lanka. Interestingly it was not mentioned in the English manifesto, reflecting that the statement was aimed at the Sinhala speaking public, that he assumed, is less scientifically educated. The appreciative astrologers, came out on TV, with predictions that he would win. He still lost.

(The writer is an Astrophysicist and Chairman of the Committee for Popularization of Science of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ,Wijeya Newspapers Ltd.Colombo. Sri Lanka.).

माओवादीले हिन्दु सिध्याए

नेपालमा कम्युनिष्टको स्थापनाकाल २००६ सालपश्चात् २०५२ सम्म धर्मको नाममा हत्या गर्ने कार्य भएको थिएन । तर माओवादको थालनीसँगै हिन्दुविरोधी कार्यमा निपुण क्रिश्चियनका अगुवाइकर्ता सीपी गजुरेल, मोहन वैद्य, बाबुराम भट्टर्राई, हिसिला यमी, पुष्पकमल दाहाललगायतका समूह नै यस कार्यमा लागिपरेका हुन् । उदाहरणका लागि मशाल तथा जनमोर्चा एकीकृत मार्क्सवाद, लेनीनवादले धर्मविरोधी काम गरेनन् । अहिले आएर खड्गबहादुर वि.क. र हिसिला यमीले क्रिश्चयन मन्त्रीको रूपमा नेपाल सरकारको अगुवाइ गरेका छन् । आजसम्म कुनै पनि राजनीतिक पार्टर्ीी क्रिश्चियनलाई मनोनीत गरेको थिएन । तर आज माओवादीले मात्र २० भन्दा बढी क्रिश्चियन प्रतिनिधि ल्याएर देश क्रिश्चियनलाई सुम्पने प्रयास गरिएको छ । माओवादी युद्ध अवधिमा जानी-नजानी हिन्दु धर्म संस्कृतिमाथि ठूलो प्रहार गरियो । जस्तै सिरहा जिल्ला सोहियाइन गाविस ८ का ५५ वषर्ीय असर्फीलाल यादवलाई २०५९ वैशाख ८ गने महादेवा पोर्ताहा गाविसस्थित मिर्जापुर भन्ने ठाउँमा उग्रसेन चौधरीको घरमा धार्मिकको लागि बसिरहेको अवस्थामा माओवादीले जबर्जस्ती घरदेखि १०० मिटर टाढा लगी गोली हानी हत्या गरे । उदयपुर जिल्ला जोगीदह गाविस- ७ खैजाङ्गपुरमा आफ्नो धर्म संस्कारअनुसार २०५९ जेठमा सुयाँल थापाहरूले 'देवाली पूजा' गर्न लागेको मन्दिरमा माओवादीहरूले 'देवली पूजा गरे सबैको हत्या गरी रगतको खोलो बगाइदिने' धम्की दिने काम गरियो । जसको लागि सुरक्षाको सहयोगमा अर्को ठाउँमा मण्डप राखी पूजा गर्ने स्थिति बन्यो । संखुवासभा जिल्ला खाँदबारी नगरपालिका- १ की ३४ वषर्ीया कैलाशेश्वर मन्दिरकी माता इन्द्रकुमारी श्रेष्ठ र उनका पति ४९ वषर्ीय लालबहादुर श्रेष्ठलाई २०६० असोज २५ गते माओवादीले कुटपिट गरी माताको लट्टासमेत काटेर लगे । उदयपुर जिल्ला भट्टार गाविस- २ मा सुरक्षा कारबाहीमा मारिएका विष्णु कार्कीको हिन्दू परम्पराअनुसार किरिया गर्न लाग्दा २०६० मंसिर ८ गते माओवादीले ढिकुरो भत्काएर काजकिरियासमेत गर्न दिएनन् ।जाजरकोट जिल्ला लह गाविस- ४ खालचौरस्थित प्रत्येक वर्षमनाउँदै आएको जेठपुराण -ब्रहृमादेवता) मान्य धार्मिक पर्वलाई २०६० असार १ गतेदेखि माओवादीले प्रतिबन्द लगाउनुका साथै खगेनकोट गाविस- ५ र रम्दा गाविस- १ ताँतामा मनाउँदै आएको धार्मिक परम्पराअर्न्तर्गत भदौपुराणलाई २०६० भदौ २८ गते माओवादीबाट प्रतिबन्ध लगाइयो । आछाम जिल्ला विनायक गाविसस्थित विनायकमा कालो सिम्लो मुष्ठो देवताको मन्दिरको छानो २०६० जेठ २६ गते माओवादीले भत्काएर मर्ूर्ति तोडफोड गरी मन्दिरमा दिसा-पिसाब गरी अभद्ररूपमा विनाश कार्य गरियो । रामेछाप जिल्ला नागदह गाविस- ४ मा हिन्दू धर्मविपरीत २०५८ असोज ७ गते माओवादीका कार्यकर्ताहरूले गाई काटेर भोज खाए । जाजरकोट जिल्ला मजकोट गाविस- ७ का रत्नबहादुर बस्नेतको घरमा भएको पौराणिक मष्ट देवताको मन्दिर माओवादीले भत्काएर छाडे । आछाम जिल्ला वैद्यनाथ गाविसस्थित विद्याश्रमका ७ जना विद्यार्थीहरूलाई २०५८ असोज ४ गते माओवादीको भ्रातृसंगठन अनेरास्ववियु क्रान्तिकारीले धम्की दिई टुप्पी काट्न लगाई जनै नजिकको बूढीगङ्गा नदीमा बगाउन लगाइयो । त्यसपश्चात् उक्त विद्याश्रम बन्द गर्ने काम गरियो । गोरखा जिल्लाका काठमाडौँ घर भएका ४९ वषर्ीय वाचन शिरोमणि नारायणप्रसाद पोखरेललाई २०६२ वैशाख २३ गते माओवादीले क्याम्पस निर्माणको लागि सप्ताह यज्ञ गरेको अवस्थामा रूपन्देही जिल्ला दध्राक्ष गाविस- ५ रमापुरमा गोली हानी हत्या गरे । धादिङ जिल्ला मैदी गाविस- ७ स्थित संस्कृत माविका प्रअ भवानीशंकर ज्ञिपाठीलाई २०६२ मंसिर ४ गते माओवादीद्वारा विरोधी शिक्षा पढाएको आरोपमा राजीनामा दिन लगाइयो ।गोरखा जिल्ला मनकामना गाविसको मनकामना मन्दिरमा दर्शनार्थीहरूलाई लाइन मिलाइरहेको अवस्थामा प्रहरी हवल्दार इन्द्रबहादुर रानाभाट र प्रहरी जवान शेषकान्त सुवेदीलाई २०५८ फागुन २७ गते मन्दिरजस्तो पवित्र ठाउँमा माओवादीले गोली हानी घाइते बनाए । रुकुम जिल्ला घेतमा गाविस- ६ का ४८ वषर्ीय टीकाराम उपाध्यायलाई ब्राहृमण भएर पूजापाठ गरेको आरोपमा २०६१ मंसिर २२ मा सत्यनारायणको पूजा गराउनको लागि गरायला गाविस जाँदा माओवादीले छातीमा ब्राहृमणवाद मर्ूदावाद, हिन्दूवाद मर्ूदावाद लेखेको कागजको फुर्के टोपी झुन्ड्याई ४ गाविस घुमाई शारीरिक यातना दिए । हुम्ला जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम सिमीकोटमा परम्परागतरूपमा मनाउँदै आएको चार्डपर्व देवीदेवताको मन्दिरमा पूजा अर्चना साथै काज-किरिया गर्ने काम माओवादीका कारण पर्ूण्ारूपमा बन्द गराइयो । दाङ जिल्लाका तारानाथ योगीलाई २०५८ फागुन २० गते बाबुको किरिया गरेको अवस्थामा र पाल्पाको खोकुमार थापालाई २०५९ असार १ गते आमाको किरियामा बसिरहेको अवस्थामा हत्या गरियो । कालिकोट जिल्ला चिलखाना गाविस- ५ मानुवडाका खामा शाहीको २०५८ कार्तिक ११ गते मृत्यु हुँदा धार्मिक परम्पराअनुसार दाह-संस्कार गर्न लाग्दा माओवदीले लास ढाकिएको कपडा च्यात्नुका साथै त्यहाँ भएका मलामीलाई कुटपिट गरी दाह-संस्कार कार्यमा अवरोध खडा गरियो । सिन्धुपाल्चोक र रसुवा जिल्ला माओवादी कमान्डर सिन्धुपाल्चोक गोरे गाविसका भरत थापा र किउल गाविसका मोतबहादुर पण्डितले पाल्चोक- २ मा अवस्थित जयवागेश्वरी माता मन्दिरका पुजारी गोविन्द भारतीलाई पूजा नगर भनी धम्की दिई तीन लाख पचास हजार रूपैयाँको माग गरे । उक्त रकम दिएपश्चात् पुनः अरू रकम माग्ने र ज्यान मार्ने धम्की दिएपश्चात् मन्दिर छोडी जाने बाध्यता बनाइयो । निज भरत थापा र मोतबहादुर पण्डित माओवादीको नाममा डर धम्की दिई संकलन गरिएको करोडौँ रकम लिएर विदेश पलायन भए । नारायण पोख्रेल, गङ्गाराम घिमिरेलगायत विभिन्न हिन्दू नेताको हत्या गरी हिन्दू धर्मलाई परास्त गर्ने काम भएका छन् ।

Friday, July 20, 2007

living goddess hangs

Sajani Shakya was selected as a "Kumari" - the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess - eight years ago, but religious authorities said that she would be stripped of her title after she visited the United States to promote a documentary. In an apparent u-turn Friday, the committee in charge of the living goddess said that it was reconsidering. "We have not yet removed her title. We are taking this issue very seriously and have begun consultations with cultural experts," said Jaya Prasad Regmi, the head of the committee. Three towns in the Kathmandu valley choose three separate girls to be worshiped as a living incarnation of the Hindu goddess Taleju, a practice dating back hundreds of years. The best-known of the living goddesses is the "Royal Kumari," who blesses Nepal's king once a year and is confined to a palace in the historic heart of old Kathmandu. The practice has been criticized by rights groups as the royal Kumari is forced to live apart from her family, and the government is trying to decide whether the tradition constitutes a human rights abuse. Cultural experts say that it needs to be reformed. "Times have changed and today's Kumaris should not be forced to follow the same traditions as it was 100 years ago," said Chunda Bajracharya, professor of culture at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan University. "But the way Shakya was taken to the US is totally wrong. It could affect the people's faith in Kumaris, who are believed to have divine status," said Bajracharya.

(News World Communications Inc. July 20, 2007)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sex of Child Through the Ruling Planets

-B.R. Tomar
Horary is a formula based on the ruling planet. A number between 1 and 249 is selected by the querist along with his/her specific question. The query is the tallied with the relevant houses connected with the subject.
A lady was in family way and her delivery was expected in the two or three days, when her mother-in-law approached me to know the sex of the child and position of delivery. The mother -in-law gave Horary No. 50 (between 1 to 249) on 9-10-98 at 12-42 noon. I drew the map of the planetary position prevailing at that time, which is given at the end of this article. According to Horary No. 50, the ascendant falls in Geminc sign. Since the query pertains to her son's wife the matter was analysed by talking the 11th house as ascendant (5th house her son and 11th house is his wife).
First we 0should confirm the query whether the Moon tallies with the relevant houses connected with the subject. Moon reveals the mind of a person. In this case, the Moon is situated in 2nd house and is owner of 5th (besides the 4th house). The Moon as per degrees is in own star and sub. 5th house stands for progeny and that of delivery Moon is being aspected by Ketu by evil aspect (considering western aspects' theory) who is a signification of 5th and 8th houses i.e. 5th progeny and 8th worries. Hence Moon confirms the query. Such type of confirmation of a query assures the astrologer that the querist has given the Horary number with full and sincere urge in respect of his her problem.
The ruling planets in operation at that time were as :
What are the ruling planets? A particular moment is ruled by a group of planets at a certain latitude. They are :
1. Lord of the week day.
2. Lord of the Moon sign
3. Lord of the Moon constellations
4. Lord of Lagna rising at the time of query or analysis or birth time.
5. Lord of the constellation, where the degree is formed
6. Nodes (Rahu & Ketu) in the signs of the ruling planets.
Prior to the K. P. System, I had been working and taking results through traditional methods and Varshphal Tajik Paddhati Leaving aside the methods other than the K.P. System, I preferred a short cut formula based on ruling planets, which is as follows :
Find out that each of the ruling planet is in which sub; then that sub-lord is in which constellation, that star lord whether posited in male sign or in female sign. If more planets out of the ruling planet indicates male child then male child will be born will come otherwise a female child.
Let us examine it in the present case :-
Jupiter is in the sub of Ketu and Ketu is in the star of Mars posited in Leo sign, which indicates male child.
Venus as ascendant star lord, Venus is in Sun of Saturn and Saturn is in the star of Ketu posited in Aquarius sign, which indicates male child.
Venus as Moon sign lord, as discussed above.
Venus as day lord, as discussed above.
Moon is in the star and sub of Moon itself situated in Taurus sign indicating female sex.
Therefore, four ruling planets indicate male sex, while only one indicates female sex. Accordingly the querist was told that male child will be born.
next-query was that whether the delivery is safe and when the delivery is expected.
With regards to safe delivery, the sub lord of 5th house is to be analysed. 5th sub lord is Saturn in Ist house and there is no planet in it's three star on the day of analysis. Saturn is lord of 10, 11 as well as 12th houses. Saturn is in Sub of Rahu, which signifies 5 and 11. Rahu is posited in 5th and he is in the star of Ketu in 11. Here 12th house indicates some complication and worries during delivery. 12th also indicates hospitalisation. The 5th sub lord Saturn signifies 1 and II houses starwise and 5 and 11 subwises. It was predicted the delivery will be safe and the problem will be solved automatically and immediately.
The query was put on Friday and the delivery was expected in 2 or 3 days, as mentioned above. The next-day happens to be Saturday. After that it is Sunday. Neither Saturn nor Sun has appeared as ruling planet, while Venus has appeared thric among the ruling planets. Therefore, it was predicted that the delivery will take place on Friday, before mid night. (12.00 a.m.)
The lady was admitted in Loke Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital in the afternoon of 9th Oct'98. and she delivered a male child safely on the same day at 17-45.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day & Astrology of America

By Lynn Edwards(Jul 4, 2007 National Ledger)
The date and time of birth of the American nation has been a matter of debate for centuries now. Most astrologers use the "Sibley" chart for the US, named after Ebenezer Sibley, a prominent American astrologer in the late 1700s. According to Benson Bobrick's excellent work The Fated Sky Sibley, a Freemason, was well practiced in the field of mundane astrology, known for his accurate political predictions regarding both the American and French revolutions.
Independence Day Celebration: Charting the Birth of America
Sibley also predicted that America would one day "have an extensive and flourishing commerce; advantageous and universal traffic to every quarter of the globe, with great security and prosperity amongst its people," and eventually be "a new Empire that shall soon or late give laws to the whole world. " This is rather startling considering the fact that Masonic historian Manly P Hall has reported that the US has a secret destiny: “Thousands of years ago, in Egypt, these mystical orders were aware of the existence of the western hemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now to say, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of this resolution is the substance of his treatise on the Atlantic Islands.” (from Manly P Hall's Secret Destiny of America). Sibley had a mystical and Masonic background, and since most of America's founders were Masons and therefore very concerned with matters of the occult, Sibley most likely had direct information regarding the actual time for the birthchart of the United States, and his is the chart that is predominantly used today. The Solar Return chart for the US shows the Sun in Leo nearing a conjunction to the Midheaven, indicating that the drama of the United States political world will be played out very publicly on the global stage over the next year. With Libra rising there will be a return to diplomacy and an understanding of the need to build relationships with global partners, although Mars in the seventh house of alliances and open enemies demonstrates a continued fierce independence in those partnerships and a likelihood of attacks from enemies. The Moon conjuncts Uranus in the sixth house of daily routine, work environment and health. The Moon rules over issues of emotional security and family and Uranus craves autonomy and radical change - these two are not natural partners and in the US chart suggests sudden changes that have a strong effect on the US job situation and healthcare systems resulting in a lack of emotional security and safety. Jupiter squares the Moon/Uranus conjunction indicating a relentless optimism that continues to drive the change despite evidence that things are not working as hoped. Venus, planet of attraction and love, is conjunct Saturn (tenacity, responsibility) in the eleventh house of friendship and social groups. The alliances in the eleventh house are not the same as seventh house partnerships - these are connections that rely on shared ideals and a desire to find expression of those ideals. NATO, the G-8 - these are examples of eleventh house alliances that are likely to be strengthened over the next year by the conjunction of Venus and Saturn. There will be a renewed sense of responsibility to our alliances that will be a refreshing change. Retrograde Mercury of this Solar Return chart falls in the ninth house of higher learning, exploration of other cultures and philosophy. In the Ninth House we establish our own ideology and Mercury there shows a keen interest in exploring the ideologies of others in order to formulate our own. The fact that Mercury is retrograde indicates that as a nation we will go back and revisit failed assumptions that are no longer working for us and reformulate new ones. A transformation in our understanding is also demonstrated by the presence of retrograde Pluto in the third house of communication and learning. Pluto enforces a sharp focus on the issues of the house it inhabits, and in the third house there is an almost compulsive need to understand what is going on around us. All in all, it looks like a year of philosophical and ideological change for the US as a whole, fraught with a certain amount of insecurity but with potential to gain understanding which in the long run is the most powerful ally of all.

Effect of Saturn-Venus conjunction

The conjunction of Saturn and Venus can bring about political volatility, a possible increase in crime rate; people will be more attracted towards illegitimate pursuits and take more interest in sensory enjoyment and so on and so forth. The country will witness political unrest and resentment among the masses and the political establishment all across the country will have to work very hard to check the dissatisfaction among the people. These are some of the ill-effects of the conjunction of Saturn and Venus as perceived by astrologers. According to Pandit Ashok Sharma, a noted Delhi-based astrologer this planetary conjunction could bring about political instability in the country as differences in the government would appear incessantly. On Presidential polls, he however maintained that India is most likely to see the first woman President of the country but there would be a lot of mudslinging in between. Politicians will have to tread a cautious path and ensure that their differences do not snowball into controversies. High ranking leaders in the country can also face health trouble and this could turn out to be very serious issue. Since Shani (Saturn) is in Ketu’s Nakshatra viz Ashvin, said Pandit Sharma, “this will give rise to differences with neighbouring countries and India will have to face simmering disputes that linger on. As Venus represents fertility, it will motivate the people towards sensuality so much so that they can go to any extent to satisfy their desires. It could also lead to more love for luxury and promiscuous behaviour in the society with people tending to use shortcuts for material gains,” adds the astrologer. There is more bad news for women as they are likely to face adverse situations, if the astrological calculations hold good. They could face more atrocities at home and the cases of female foeticide are likely to increase during this period. “Saturn and Moon coming together would also add to the strife in the family as women will be more assertive due to the planetary influence. The cases of divorce are also likely to go up in this period,” says Pandit Sharma. As far as health of the people is concerned, astrologically speaking, there is apprehension of increase in sexually transmitted diseases. With Shani entering Singh rashi on July 15, old people are likely to face trouble in their life with youngsters becoming cold towards their elders. They would face more incidents of cruelty and are likely to find refuge in old age homes, according to Pandit Sharma. “Shani will also enter into conjunction with Shukra and Ketu on that day, and this bodes ill for society as there is likely to be an increase in the incidents of arson and loot. On the business front, the conjunction of Saturn and Venus is likely to benefit industry and trade. People are more likely to enter into new ventures and set up new industries but those in partnerships are likely to face difficulties in the near future.” Here it must be mentioned that this conjunction happens once in every 13-14 months. This time the conjunction was almost 45 degrees away from the Sun and the event was clearly visible, making it a special event.(Abhishek Behl, Merinews 03 July 2007, Tuesday )

Hollywood &Tibetan astrologers

The Indian Express[Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:18]
Even those who regard astrology as foppery will admit that it makes world look vivid and full of possibilities. The Men-Tsee-Khang Astrology department based in Dharamshala is a charitable institution run under the authority of the supreme Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama. It offers a whole range of services, one of the more interesting being a prognosis about one's rebirths, i.e. whether you will be born as a human or an animal. If that sounds banal enough, it can also tell whether after death you are destined for a communion with God or are doomed as a ghost.
The institution has a massive following which transcends national borders. The present waiting list is close to 500, which means that if a request for a prognosis report is accepted today, it shall be delivered in around two years time. And those who have availed the services include several Hollywood stars.
Tsering Choezom, a senior astrologer working for the institute says, "Yes, several high profile people visit us. But as per our ethics we observe full secrecy. Since the people often confide their darkest secrets to us, we do not reveal their identities."
But locals say several actors including Richard Gere and Halle Berry have visited the institution.
Tibetans take their astrology very seriously. As if to convey that it has sound rational basis, this centre has been placed cheek by jowl to a medical sciences institute. In way of conduct and functioning it could pass off as any well organised office.
It doesn't have the weird paraphernalia which one associates with astrology centres and has instead around a dozen normally dressed and poker faced men and women, working assiduously on their computers amidst a range of neatly stacked book shelves. In fact, most of the business is done through emails.
"It is not a frivolous thing for us. We have a lot of faith in it. In fact, we don't entertain every request. Only once we know that the person who has made the request has genuine faith in our system do we offer our service," says Choezom. The institute has its own website and merchandise like amulets are sold through it.
The institute may be tight lipped about the predictions it makes, but it did offer its prescription to those who want to be reborn as humans. The possibilities for this are extremely slim. In fact, in strictly mathematical terms, the probability is one sixth.
The overwhelming odds are in favour of an animal, confinement in hell, a demigod or a hunger ghost. Choezom explains, "For being reborn as human, you need to do good to others and most importantly you need to be an optimist." Well, did we hear you say the glass is half empty? We
bet we didn't.