
Monday, December 10, 2007

गौतम बुद्ध ठूलो की शंखधर?

आजकल बिक्रम संवत्लाई भारत उज्ज्येनका राजा बिक्रमादित्यले चलाएको हुनाले यो विदेशी संवत हो र नेपालका शंखधर शाख्वाले चलाएको भनिएको नेपाल संवत नेपालको आफ्नो भनी भ्रम सिर्जना गर्ने गरेको यत्रतत्र देखिन्छ । तर बिक्रम संवतर््र् इस्वी संवत भन्दा ५७ वर्षअघि नै स्थापित भइसकेको देखिएको छ । जबकि भारतका बिक्रमादित्यर् इस्वी संवत भन्दा पछिका देखिन्छन् । अबर्,र् इस्वी संवत भन्दा ५७ वर्षपछि चलेको संवतका संस्थापक उनी कसरी भए - ज्योतिर्विज्ञान अनुसार बिक्रम संवत र्सर्ूयको गणनाको आधारमा र्सर्ूयको प्रविष्टी हुने मेष, वृष, मिथुन, कर्कट आदि राशिक्रम अनुसार देखिन्छ । वार पनि आइत, सोम, मंगल राखेको पाइन्छ । यी बारका नाम ज्योतिर्विज्ञानसँग सम्बन्धित छन् । उत्तरायण, दक्षिणायण लगायत ऋतु परिवर्तन पनि र्सर्ूयको गति अनुसार कायम भएको पाइन्छ । ऋतुहरु पनि र्सर्ूयको गति अनुसार नै रहेको देखिन्छ । यही तथ्यको विवेचना गरी चन्द्रशमशेरको समयमा यसलाई मान्यता दिएको देखिन आउँछ । हाल नेवार जातिमा चाडवाडको रुपमा प्रचलित नेपाल संवतलाई राष्ट्रिय संवत भनाउने जमर्को गरेको पाइयो । संखधरको नाउ नेपालमा दर्ुइथरी चलेको पाइन्छ । प्रथम शंखधर राजा भगिरथ देखिन्छ । जसको मर्ूर्ति हर ढुंगेधारामा स्थापित भएको पाइन्छ । जुन भगिरथले पृथ्वीमा जलधारा प्रवाहित गर्न अघोर तपस्या गरेको कथा पुराण आदिबाट ज्ञान हुन्छ । अब प्रश्न उठ्छ कि धर्तीमा जल प्रवाहित गराउने राजा भगिरथ महत्वपर्ूण्ा हुन् कि जालझेल गरी अर्काको सम्पत्ति आफ्नो बनाई सीमित मान्छेहरुको ऋण तिर्ने शंखधर ठूलो - अर्को तर्फराघवदेवको पालामा स्थापित नेपाल संवत, त्यस बखतको सामन्ती प्रथा अनुसार राजाको नाउमा संवत नफेर्राई साधारण प्रजाको नाउँमा कसरी संवत रहृयो - यो सोचनीय विषय देखिन्छ । यदी राष्ट्रिय गौरवकै कुरा गर्ने हो भने विश्वविख्यात सिर्द्धार्थ गौतम नेपालमै जन्मिएका भन्ने प्रमाणित भइसकेको छ । त्यस्ताको नाउँमा चलेको बुद्ध संवत, जो बिक्रम भन्दा पनि पूरानो छ । त्यसलाई किन प्रचलनमा नल्याउने त -
ज्योतिर्विज्ञानको गणना अनुसार सिर्द्धार्थ गौतमको जन्म १४ अप्रिल ६२३ बी.सी. मा भएको देखिन्छ । जसअनुसार आज बुद्ध संवत २६३० भइसकेको छ । अब हामीले बुद्धको नाउँमा गौरव गर्ने कि शंखधरको नाउँमा नाक फूलाउने - चिन्तन गर्नुपर्ने विषय देखिन्छ। यस बारेमा सबैबाट विचार, विमर्श रहोस् भन्ने प्रस्ताव सबै समक्ष प्रस्तुत गरिन्छ ।

Monday, October 8, 2007

सत्ययुग कि कलियुग ?

पुराणका कतिपय श्लोकहरू आफूआफूमै विवादास्पद देखिन्छन् । किनकि एउटै पुराणमा पनि जुनजुन चिजको पुष्टि गरिएको हुन्छ । त्यसैको विरोधाषपर्ूण्ा श्लोकहरू पनि हुन्छन् । पुराण अनुसार नै कलियुगको पूर्ण्ाायू ४३२००० वर्षउल्लेख भएको प्रायः सबै पुराणमा पाइन्छ । माहाभारत तथा विष्णु पुराणको व्याख्या आपैFm-आपैFmमा विरोधाभाषपर्ूण्ा देखिन्छ । किनभने

यदा चन्द्रश्च र्सर्ूयश्च तथा तिष्यश्च बृहस्पति ।

एक राशौँ समेष्यन्ति तदा भवति वे कृतम् ।।

विष्णु पुराण ४।२४।१०२

यदा चन्द्रश्च र्सर्ूयश्च तथा तिष्यश्च वृहस्पति ।

एक राशौ समेष्यन्ति प्रयत्स्याति तदा कृतम् ।।

महाभारत वन पर्व १।९०

माथि उल्लेखित श्लोकहरूमा एकै राशीका तिष्य नक्षत्रमा र्सर्ूय, चन्द्र र वृहस्पतिको गोचरीय भ्रमण हुँदा कलियुग समाप्ति भई सत्ययुगको प्रारम्भ हुने उल्लेख छ । यसप्रकारको ग्रहयोग वि.सं. २००० श्रावण १७ गते आइतबार औँशी अर्थात् १ अगस्त १९४३ मा परेको थियो । त्यस दिनको ठीक १२ बजेको ग्रह स्पष्टमा र्सर्ूय ३।१४। ३८ चन्द्र ३।१४।३८ वृहस्पति ३।१४।३८ यसप्रकार तीनै ग्रह एकै अंश, कला तिष्य नक्षत्रका नै छन् । यस दिन कलियुगको समाप्ति हुन्छ भनिएको छ । गणितीय आधार वि.सं. २००० गत कलि ५०८५ मात्र छ । अन्य पुराणहरूको व्याख्या मध्य कलिको आयू ४३२०००० वर्षभनेर मान्ने कि - वि.सं. २००० को श्रावण कृष्ण आमावस्यामा कलियुग समाप्त भएर वर्तमान समय सत्य युग हो भनेर मान्ने । यो विरोधाभाषपर्ूण्ा देखिन्छ । यसलाई पुराणविद् तथा गणितज्ञहरूबाट स्पष्ट पारी भ्रम निवारणको आशा राखिएको छ ।

संविधानसभा चुनाव कहिले हुने ?

नेपालको इतिहासमा २०६३ साल माघ १ गतेको दिनले विशेष महत्व राख्दछ । त्यसदिन नेपालको आन्तरिक संविधान २०६३ जारी भएको थियो । त्यही संविधान अर्न्तर्गत बनेको आन्तरिक सरकारले संविधानसभाको चुनाव गर्राई गणतन्त्रको संस्थागत विकास गर्ने महान लक्ष्य लिएको थियो । तर आज संविधान एवं सरकार गठन भएको यतिका महिना बितिसक्दा पनि देश र जनताको लागि कुनै ठोस विकासको योजना बनाउन नसकेको र सरकार केवल आफ्नो सत्ता लम्ब्याउन मात्र लागि परेको भन्ने चौतर्फी आरोप लागि रहेको समयमा ज्योतिर्विज्ञानले आफ्नो दिव्य दृष्टि लगाउँदा देखिएका तथ्यहरू पनि महत्वपर्ूण्ा हुनेछन् भन्ने आशा राखेका छौँ ।आन्तरिक सरकारको भविष्यको बारेमा यस ज्योतिर्विज्ञान मञ्चका प्रकाशकसँगको कुराकानी धरहरा टाइम्स साप्ताहिकले २०६३ साल माघ ४ गते वर्ष८, अंक १६ मा ‘संविधानसभा निर्धारित समयमा हुँदैन’ भन्ने शिर्षमा छापेको थियो । आन्तरिक संविधानको शिरमा शनि बसेका कारण संविधानसभाको चुनाव समयमा नहुने, सत्ता साझेदार दलबीच नै फाटो आउने भन्ने भविष्यवाणी सफल भएको छ । अब निर्धारित समयमा चुनाव नभएपछि के चुनाव नै हुँदैन त - भन्ने जिज्ञासामा, ज्योतिर्विज्ञानले २०६५ सालको वैशाखमा मात्र चुनाव गराउन उपयुक्त हुने सल्लाह दिन सक्छ तर पनि राष्ट्र प्रमुख -र्सर्ूय) शनिको घरमा बसेको हुनाले आफ्नै अहम् र सत्ता साझेदारको स्वामी विदेशीको घरमा बसेको हुनाले विदेशीको इच्छामा भर पर्ने हुनाले भन्नसकिने स्थिति देखिँदैन ।आन्तरिक निर्वाचन २०६३ को घोषणा समयमा काठमाडौँको पर्ूर्वीय क्षितिजमा सायन सिंह लग्न उदाइरहेको थियो ।वर्तमान समयमा १९ जुलाई २००८ सम्म केतु ग्रह चलिरहने छ । केतु ग्रह द्वितीय भावमा स्थित छ । ज्योतिर्विज्ञान द्वितीय भावलाई राजकृपाको भाव मान्दछ । त्यसैले राजकृपा नभइकन चुनाव सफल हुने अवस्था देखिँदैन । यदि संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकले राजालाई हटाउने हो भने 19 , july 2008 भित्र कुनै पनि हालतमा चुनाव गराइसक्नु पर्नेछ । किनकि त्यसपछि चल्ने शुक्र ग्रहले राजालाई बलियो बनाउने छ र र्सवसाधारण जनता राजाको पक्षमा उभिने ज्योतिर्विज्ञानबाट देखिन्छ चुनावको लागि २०६५ वैशाख ७ गते शुभ दिन रहनेछ /

Saturday, September 29, 2007

नेपाली कांग्रेस फेरि फुट्ने

पाँच वर्षघि विभाजित नेपाली कांग्रेसबीच भएको एकीकरणले राष्ट्रिय अन्तर्रर्ााट्रय क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न चर्चाहरु चलिरहेकै छ । अब नेापली कांग्रेस एकीकृतको भविष्य कस्तो होला त - यसको संविधानसभामा कस्तो स्थिति रहला आदि विषयको बहस चलिरहेको समयमा ज्योतिर्विज्ञान के भन्छ त एक छिन विचार गरौं । २०६४।६।८ नेपाली कांग्रेसको एकीकरणको समयमा काठमाडौंको क्षितिजमा सायन कम्ुभ लग्न उदाइरहेको थियो भने चन्द्रमा मिन राशीमा र र्सर्ूय तुला राशीमा विराजमान थिए ।कुम्भ लग्नलाई स्थिर लग्न मानिएको छ । अर्थात् यस लग्नमा गरिएका कार्यहरु चीर स्थायी रहने मानिए तापनि लग्नको स्वामी एवं मृत्यु स्थानमा जानुले अशुभको संकेत गर्दछ । जसको फलस्वरुप कहिल्यै नछुट्ने बाचा खाएका कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टर्राईको चिठ्ठीले नेपाली कांग्रेसमा हलचल ल्याएको प्रष्ट हुन्छ ।एकादश स्थानमा रहेका स्वगृही बृहस्पतिले चुनावमा आफ्नै बर्चस्वता राख्ने देखिए तापनि विरोधीहरुको स्वामी र्सर्ूय भाग्य स्थानमा रहेको हुनाले विदेशीहरुको सहायतामा कांग्रेस विरोधीले ठूलै चलखेल गर्ने देखिन्छ । र्सवसाधारण जनताका स्वामी विरोधीको घरमा बसेको हुनाले कांग्रेसले जनता रिझाउन अर्काकै गणतन्त्रको नारालाई आफ्नो एजेण्डा बनाएको प्रष्ट हुन्छ ।एकीकृत पछि संसद्को सबैभन्दा ठूलो दलको रुपमा उपस्थित कांग्रेसले सत्ताबाट बाहिरिएको माओवादीलाई सत्तामा फर्काउने सम्भावना देखिएको छ । तर लग्नेस स्वयं मृत्यु स्थानमा गएको हुनाले वर्तमान मन्त्रिमण्डल विघटन हुन गई नयाँ समीकरणको प्रवल सम्भावना देखिन्छ । २०६४ साल फागुनसम्म शनीभित्र रहेका मंगलले नेताहरुमा अहमको टकरावले समस्या निम्त्याउन सक्छ । त्यसपछि साँढे २ वर्षति चल्ने राहुको पालोमा फेरि कांग्रेसमा फूट र विघटनको स्थिति आउने देखिन्छ । वर्तमानमा मृत्यु स्थानमा रहेको शनि र केतु एवं द्वितीय स्थानमा २०६५ असारसम्म रहने राहुले गर्दा वरिष्ठ नेताहरुलाई पिर्नेछ । अर्थात् नेताको संख्यामा कमी आउने छ ।एकीकरणको लग्नमा सप्तम् भावमा अवस्थित शुक्रले कांग्रेसमा स्त्रीजातिको बाहुल्य बढ्ने र पुरुष नेताहरु यौनकाण्डमा फस्ने पनि देखिन्छ । एकीकरणको समयमा वृहस्पति र शुक्र बाहेक अन्य ग्रहहरुको अवस्था सुदृढ देखिएको छैन । फलस्वरुप नेपाली कांग्रेस पार्टर्ीी विभिन्न कष्टहरुको सामना गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ ।

Friday, August 24, 2007

नोटमा राजाको सट्टा सगरमाथा

नेपालको इतिहासमै नोटबाट राजाको तस्वीर हटाउन लागिएको यो पहिलो अवसर होनेपालमा राजाको तस्वीर विनाको नोट चलनचल्तीमा आउन अब धेरै दिन प्रतीक्षा गर्न नपर्ने भएको छ।नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले भदौ महिनाको अन्त्यसम्ममा त्यस्तो नोट बजारमा ल्याउन लागेको अधिकारीहरुले जनाएका छन्।
सबैभन्दा पहिले राजाको तस्वीर विनाको पांच सय रूपैंयाको नोट प्रचलनमा ल्याइनेछ।
नयां नोटमा राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको तस्वीरलाई सर्वोच्च शिखर सगरमाथाले विस्थापित गरेको छ।
त्यस्तै नोटको दायां भागमा रहने राजाकै तस्वीरको पानी छापको सट्टा लालिगुरांसको फूलको प्रयोग गरिएको छ।
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकको मूद्रा व्यवस्थापन विभागका प्रमुख मनमोहनकुमार श्रेष्ठले भने, ” यसलाई नयां नेपालको नयां नोट भनेर पनि बुझ्न सकिन्छ।”
नयां डिजाइन
नोटबाट राजाको तस्वीर हटाउने निर्णय सरकारले गरेपछि त्यसमा अब के अथवा कसको चित्र प्रयोग गर्ने भन्ने चुनौतीका साथै निकै परिश्रम पनि परेको, नयां नोटको डिजाइन तयार पारेका कलाकार सुन्दर श्रेष्ठको अनुभव छ।
कलाकार श्रेष्ठले भने, “कहिले बुद्ध राख्‍ने भनियो, कहिले जनआन्दोलनको फोटो राख्‍ने पनि कुरा भयो, कहिले शहीदहरूको फोटो राख्‍ने भन्ने पनि कुरा भयो र पछि गएर सगरमाथा नै राख्‍ने भनियो।”
तत्कालका लागि राष्ट्र बैंकले पांच सय रूपैंया दरका दुई करोड थान नोट छाप्ने भएको छ।
इन्डोनेशियाको एउटा सेक्युरिटि प्रिन्टरले पचास लाख थान नोट छापेर चांडै नै भारतको कलकत्ता बन्दरगाहसम्म ल्याइदिने भएको छ।
त्यसको तीन हप्ता भित्रै नयां नोटहरू नेपाली जनताका हातमा पुग्ने अनुमान अधिकारीहरूले गरेका छन्।
हजार रूपैंया दरका नोटको डिजाइन सरकारबाट अनुमोदन भै नसकेकाले त्यसको छपाइमा केही ढीलाइ भएको बताइएको छ।
नयां नोट बजारमा आएपछि सन् १९४५ देखि राजाको तस्वीर सहितको नोट छापिने चलनको अन्त्य हुनेछ।
सन् १९४५ मा राजा त्रिभुवनको तस्वीरसहितको नोट प्रकाशन आएपछि नेपालमा कागजी मुद्राको प्रचलन शुरु भएको हो।
तत्कालीन सदरमुलुकीखानाले प्रकाशन गर्दै आएको नोट छाप्ने जिम्मेवारी सन् १९५६ मा नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले लिएको थियो।
राष्ट्र बैंकले अब देखि छापिने पांच रूपैंयादेखि माथिको दरका सबै नोटहरूमा सगरमाथाको तस्वीर र लालिगुरांस फूलको पानी छाप नै प्रयोग गर्नेछ।
हाल चलनचल्तीमा रहेका एक र दुई रुपैंया दरका नोटहरूको भने नयां छपाई हुने छैन।
तिनको बदलामा प्रचलनमा ल्याइने सिक्काहरूबाट पनि राजाको नाउं हटाइने भएको छ।
यही भदौ महिना भित्र नै चलनचल्तीमा आइसक्ने दुई रुपैंयाको सिक्कामा राजाको नाउं रहीआएको भागमा सगरमाथाको चित्र र अर्को पाटोमा हलो जोतिरहेको किसानको चित्र हुनेछ।
केही समयपछि प्रचलनमा ल्याइने एक रुपैंयाको सिक्काको पृष्ठ भागमा पनि सगरमाथा नै रहनेछ भने अग्रभागमा नेपालको नक्शा रहने छ।
नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले नयां प्रचलनमा आउने नोट र सिक्काका बारेमा सर्वसाधारणलाई जानकारी दिन चांडै नै प्रचार प्रसार पनि गर्न लागेको अधिकारीहरुले बताएका छन्।

Monday, August 13, 2007

This is the new national anthem of Nepal

रचनाकारः व्याकुल माइला (प्रदीपकुमार राई)सङ्गीतकारः अम्बर गुरुङगायक/गायिकाः ज्ञानु राणा, शिशिर योगी, सुनिता सुब्बा, यम बराल, विमला...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Nepal's casino feud reaches Goa

An American businessman, involved in a legal battle with an Indian citizen Rakesh Wadhwa over the control of Nepal's casino industry, is planning to open a floating casino in Goa.
The businessman, R D Tuttle, said a ship for the casino has been ordered and will soon arrive from USA. He has already paid Nepalese rupees five crore (50 million) fee to Goa government for registration.
Though foreigners are not allowed to invest in casino business in India, he said he would manage it by appointing a dummy investor and taking hold of the management of the casino.
The casino, with Rs 50 crore (Rs 500 million) investment, will be three storied and will employ few hundred locally hired staff, he said. Though the senior staff will be taken from Nepal for a short period, they will return after imparting necessary training to the new recruits, he revealed.
Now Tuttle will have competition with Wadhwa not only in Kathmandu but in Goa too, where Wadhwa already has stake in a floating casino. Goa government is learnt to have granted licence to five new casinos for operation this year.
Speaking about his legal battle with Wadhwa over control of the casino industry in Nepal, Tuttle said: "I am half way to win the battle after the Hong Kong Court decision on July 27."
The casinos, seven in Kathmandu and one in Pokhara, are run by Nepal Recreation Centre, a joint venture owned by Hong Kong registered company, Cannosa Investment.
In fact, the court verdict to revive the old Cannosa and ruling that "the company and all the persons are placed in the same position as before" gives Tuttle the Power of Attorney of the Cannosa, which was denied earlier.
The casinos of Nepal are not only an important contributor to tourism industry but also provide employment to over 9,000 people and give the government a revenue of NRs.120 million annually.
Cannosa was dissolved in 1997, on account of failure to pay registration fees to the Hong Kong's Company Registrar's Office. The fact was unnoticed by both Tuttle and Wadhwa, untill Wadhwa registered a new Cannosa Investment with different registration number to claim the ownership of the casinos.
Wadhwa has claimed that he had bought the 87.4 per cent shares Tuttle sold to Dartford few years ago. However, Tuttle denies it questioning the purchase of the shares he had never sold.
He says that he had kept all his shares in trust with Hong Kong-based Dartford company and in turn received beneficiary rights from the company. Now, the court will decide in less than two months whether Tuttle can get back the shares, which he claims to have kept in trust with Dartford or not.
That will decide the fate of all eight casinos with a total worth of Rs. 440 crore (Rs 4.4 billion). Wadhwa, a Chartered Accountant-turned-casino operator, had good relations with Tuttle when they had jointly operated casinos in Sri Lanka in late 1980s. But now they are not even in talking terms.
When asked, whether they would again become partners if the Hong Kong court gives its final decision regarding the ownership of the casino, Tuttle said, "Now it is not possible, as the rivalry has gone too far." (2007 India Limited.)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Return to reality

By Prof. Kavan Ratnatunga
I write this in reply to the astrological feature published in this section on July 15. There is absolutely no reason to fear trouble from any motion of the direction of Saturn, about two billion km from the Earth, across an arbitrary constellation boundary, unless you are hypnotized by astrology, to act irrationally. In which case, I hope this article would help, return you to reality.
The origins of astrology are in prehistory. Humans had little understanding of the world they lived in. Ancient observers of the sky, followed the motion of five star-like planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn), along the fixed star patterns known as the Zodiac, through which the Sun and Moon appear to move.

The Sun, Moon and planets were assumed to be gods moving in a celestial sphere, with a flat Earth in the centre. Natural phenomena such as lightning and thunder, were acts of gods. The appearance of comets in the sky was assumed to predict disaster.
Egyptian priests, observed that the Nile flooded when the brightest star in the sky Sirius rose before the Sun. This allowed them to define the year and predict the annual flood, which they used to their political advantage. Astrology was developed to exploit humans' curiousness to know the future, by attempting to relate positions of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of birth, with events in a person’s life.
Blind faith and belief should not be a part of modern society. Scientific knowledge should have educated us away from mythical beliefs and superstition, which dominated ancient civilizations. Science now understands a lot about the universe we live in. We know our universe came into existence about 13.7 billion years ago, and that the Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago and bipedal primates from which we are direct descendants evolved only around five million years ago.
There will always be new discoveries in science, as we get finer observations and refine our understanding of life, the universe and everything. However, some knowledge is so precisely understood, they are not issues that need to be open for debate. We know the Earth is billions of years old and the Young-Earth theory has no more reality than the Flat-Earth theory which only some believe today. Scientific ignorance is however still high. Recent polls in USA have shown that 25% still believe the Sun goes round the Earth, and 40% believe the Earth is just about 6000 years old, and humans lived alongside dinosaurs.
Life on Earth depends critically on the Sun, and life in the sea evolved to take advantage of tides caused by the Moon, which has been inherited by humans as the monthly cycle. These are not evidence for astrology. Astrology is based on the horoscope, which locates the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets along the ecliptic, at the time of birth of an individual.
The framework of astrology can be scientifically proved to be false with absolute certainty, as we can say, the Earth is not flat and pigs can't fly.
The directions to the planets in the sky at birth, are predictable and unrelated to an individual. We understand the forces of Nature and can compute exactly and show that the Sun, Moon and planets have far less gravitational or electromagnetic influence on a birth of a child than the furniture or light bulb, in the delivery room.
To keep an open mind, I wish to also point out that Palmistry, although non-scientific, cannot be proved to be false to the absolute degree of certainty as astrology. The lines on a person’s hand, are at least directly associated with the individual and may reflect in some way information in one's DNA. There are some other concepts such as telepathy and ESP, which may have explanations which are unknown to current science.
Astrology, however, is formulated with the false concept that the Earth is the centre of the solar system. For example, one cannot cast a horoscope, for a child who can be expected to be born in the future, on the Moon or Mars. Any logical framework needs to be space-invariant. i.e. The same laws of nature, known or unknown, should govern us independent of where we are located in the universe (Space-Time continuum).
Even if we postulate unknown forces acting through unknown dimensions, the geocentric framework of astrology, is by definition not space-invariant and therefore not logical.
The stars in the 12 constellations of the Zodiac are not physically associated. They just happen to be in about the same direction as viewed from Earth at this point in time. The stars are many light years apart and moving in different directions. From another location in our galaxy, or a few million years in the past or future, they would show a non familiar pattern.
Even the division of the ecliptic into 12 equal segments is arbitrary. The origin was taken to be in a direction where the ecliptic intersects plane of Earth's equator.
However, precession of the Earth's axis of rotation, moves this direction through the 12 constellations of the Zodiac in about 25,765 years. In the 4000 years since astrology was invented in Babylonia, the origin which was called the "First point in Aries" at the border between the constellations of Taurus and Aries, has moved through Aries and most of Pisces and will move into Aquarius in the near future. This has been referred to as the dawn of the age of Aquarius.
Various astrological traditions use different points of origin. Many ancient Indian astrologies, continue to also use ancient tables, ignoring their cumulative computational errors in positions of planets.
In the Western system, the Sun sign was the constellation in which the Sun is located at the time of birth. The Year in the Gregorian calender has been defined to keep the equinox when the Sun is above the equator and moving North, to be on March 21. However, since western astrology ignores about 2000 years of precession, there is a mismatch with the actual constellation of the Zodiac in sky.
In the eastern system the primary sign (Lagna), is the constellation which is rising at the time and place of birth. It changes about every two hours and depends on latitude. Eastern astrology also incorporates two mythical shadow demons Rahu and Ketu, at the nodes of the Moon's orbit, to swallow the Sun and Moon during eclipses.
Although the interpretation of a horoscope is faulty, the chart is based on simple astronomy. Casting an astrological chart is therefore a learning exercise, for anyone with an interest in amateur Astronomy. I remember doing so in the early 1970's, and when it matched with that cast by the astrologer for her grandson, my aunt was very impressed. Since the mid 20th century Lankan astrologers have based their almanac on the Astronomical Ephemeris, published by US Naval Observatory, which I had used.
Proper statistical analysis would show that, predictions have no more than random chance to come true. Predictions are more often non-specific, so they can match many events, which are remembered if they are believed to agree, and forgotten if they don't. Some have told me that what was predicted, was what they were planning for future, at the time of visit, and not what actually happened. Astrologers make vague ambiguous statements, which are modified on the fly, based on the observed reactions or body language of the customer. People make connections, fill in the gaps, and then believe they have got an exact match. People often hear and read what they expect, not literally what they are told or is written.
Faith in astrology, like with any religion, can have a strong influence on individuals. I was once told that an astrologer predicted the future of a child who would become a famous painter. In this case it was confidence building, and it motivated the mother to influence the child.
If this kind of blind faith has always a positive influence, then it is not harmful and could even be beneficial, to build confidence. In a society with arranged marriages, comparison of horoscopes gives a diplomatic way if needed to say no to a marriage proposal. Unfortunately the same faith in astrology has prevented some persons from marriage (e.g. Senasuru apala). Faith has sometimes given over confidence to children expecting celestial help, who do badly at exams by not studying properly. In other cases persons are known to have died on the day predicted by astrology. Faith can clearly influence a believer’s mind, body and actions.
Certain horoscopes of children are interpreted to be bad for the parents (Hathara kendare palu). These children often get abandoned and sometimes handed over to the temple. It should be a human right not to be socially condemned by your time of birth. If astrology has such predictable influence on the life of persons, maybe astrologers should publish time periods in which children should not be born. A doctor can clearly alter the delivery time of a baby by a few hours, which will change the horoscope significantly. This too reflects the inaccuracy of the framework on which astrology is based.
Reflecting a serious lack of scientific understanding of the cosmos, there is a strong cultural interest in astrology in Lanka. Most politicians seem to operate governments with this faith. In 1992 President Premadasa, changed the spelling of our country’s name, based on an astrological prediction, on the President of Sri Lanka. As president of Shri Lanka he was killed the next year.
A few years ago the Sinhala election manifesto of a losing presidential candidate, said he would create an Astrological Institute in Lanka. Interestingly it was not mentioned in the English manifesto, reflecting that the statement was aimed at the Sinhala speaking public, that he assumed, is less scientifically educated. The appreciative astrologers, came out on TV, with predictions that he would win. He still lost.

(The writer is an Astrophysicist and Chairman of the Committee for Popularization of Science of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ,Wijeya Newspapers Ltd.Colombo. Sri Lanka.).

माओवादीले हिन्दु सिध्याए

नेपालमा कम्युनिष्टको स्थापनाकाल २००६ सालपश्चात् २०५२ सम्म धर्मको नाममा हत्या गर्ने कार्य भएको थिएन । तर माओवादको थालनीसँगै हिन्दुविरोधी कार्यमा निपुण क्रिश्चियनका अगुवाइकर्ता सीपी गजुरेल, मोहन वैद्य, बाबुराम भट्टर्राई, हिसिला यमी, पुष्पकमल दाहाललगायतका समूह नै यस कार्यमा लागिपरेका हुन् । उदाहरणका लागि मशाल तथा जनमोर्चा एकीकृत मार्क्सवाद, लेनीनवादले धर्मविरोधी काम गरेनन् । अहिले आएर खड्गबहादुर वि.क. र हिसिला यमीले क्रिश्चयन मन्त्रीको रूपमा नेपाल सरकारको अगुवाइ गरेका छन् । आजसम्म कुनै पनि राजनीतिक पार्टर्ीी क्रिश्चियनलाई मनोनीत गरेको थिएन । तर आज माओवादीले मात्र २० भन्दा बढी क्रिश्चियन प्रतिनिधि ल्याएर देश क्रिश्चियनलाई सुम्पने प्रयास गरिएको छ । माओवादी युद्ध अवधिमा जानी-नजानी हिन्दु धर्म संस्कृतिमाथि ठूलो प्रहार गरियो । जस्तै सिरहा जिल्ला सोहियाइन गाविस ८ का ५५ वषर्ीय असर्फीलाल यादवलाई २०५९ वैशाख ८ गने महादेवा पोर्ताहा गाविसस्थित मिर्जापुर भन्ने ठाउँमा उग्रसेन चौधरीको घरमा धार्मिकको लागि बसिरहेको अवस्थामा माओवादीले जबर्जस्ती घरदेखि १०० मिटर टाढा लगी गोली हानी हत्या गरे । उदयपुर जिल्ला जोगीदह गाविस- ७ खैजाङ्गपुरमा आफ्नो धर्म संस्कारअनुसार २०५९ जेठमा सुयाँल थापाहरूले 'देवाली पूजा' गर्न लागेको मन्दिरमा माओवादीहरूले 'देवली पूजा गरे सबैको हत्या गरी रगतको खोलो बगाइदिने' धम्की दिने काम गरियो । जसको लागि सुरक्षाको सहयोगमा अर्को ठाउँमा मण्डप राखी पूजा गर्ने स्थिति बन्यो । संखुवासभा जिल्ला खाँदबारी नगरपालिका- १ की ३४ वषर्ीया कैलाशेश्वर मन्दिरकी माता इन्द्रकुमारी श्रेष्ठ र उनका पति ४९ वषर्ीय लालबहादुर श्रेष्ठलाई २०६० असोज २५ गते माओवादीले कुटपिट गरी माताको लट्टासमेत काटेर लगे । उदयपुर जिल्ला भट्टार गाविस- २ मा सुरक्षा कारबाहीमा मारिएका विष्णु कार्कीको हिन्दू परम्पराअनुसार किरिया गर्न लाग्दा २०६० मंसिर ८ गते माओवादीले ढिकुरो भत्काएर काजकिरियासमेत गर्न दिएनन् ।जाजरकोट जिल्ला लह गाविस- ४ खालचौरस्थित प्रत्येक वर्षमनाउँदै आएको जेठपुराण -ब्रहृमादेवता) मान्य धार्मिक पर्वलाई २०६० असार १ गतेदेखि माओवादीले प्रतिबन्द लगाउनुका साथै खगेनकोट गाविस- ५ र रम्दा गाविस- १ ताँतामा मनाउँदै आएको धार्मिक परम्पराअर्न्तर्गत भदौपुराणलाई २०६० भदौ २८ गते माओवादीबाट प्रतिबन्ध लगाइयो । आछाम जिल्ला विनायक गाविसस्थित विनायकमा कालो सिम्लो मुष्ठो देवताको मन्दिरको छानो २०६० जेठ २६ गते माओवादीले भत्काएर मर्ूर्ति तोडफोड गरी मन्दिरमा दिसा-पिसाब गरी अभद्ररूपमा विनाश कार्य गरियो । रामेछाप जिल्ला नागदह गाविस- ४ मा हिन्दू धर्मविपरीत २०५८ असोज ७ गते माओवादीका कार्यकर्ताहरूले गाई काटेर भोज खाए । जाजरकोट जिल्ला मजकोट गाविस- ७ का रत्नबहादुर बस्नेतको घरमा भएको पौराणिक मष्ट देवताको मन्दिर माओवादीले भत्काएर छाडे । आछाम जिल्ला वैद्यनाथ गाविसस्थित विद्याश्रमका ७ जना विद्यार्थीहरूलाई २०५८ असोज ४ गते माओवादीको भ्रातृसंगठन अनेरास्ववियु क्रान्तिकारीले धम्की दिई टुप्पी काट्न लगाई जनै नजिकको बूढीगङ्गा नदीमा बगाउन लगाइयो । त्यसपश्चात् उक्त विद्याश्रम बन्द गर्ने काम गरियो । गोरखा जिल्लाका काठमाडौँ घर भएका ४९ वषर्ीय वाचन शिरोमणि नारायणप्रसाद पोखरेललाई २०६२ वैशाख २३ गते माओवादीले क्याम्पस निर्माणको लागि सप्ताह यज्ञ गरेको अवस्थामा रूपन्देही जिल्ला दध्राक्ष गाविस- ५ रमापुरमा गोली हानी हत्या गरे । धादिङ जिल्ला मैदी गाविस- ७ स्थित संस्कृत माविका प्रअ भवानीशंकर ज्ञिपाठीलाई २०६२ मंसिर ४ गते माओवादीद्वारा विरोधी शिक्षा पढाएको आरोपमा राजीनामा दिन लगाइयो ।गोरखा जिल्ला मनकामना गाविसको मनकामना मन्दिरमा दर्शनार्थीहरूलाई लाइन मिलाइरहेको अवस्थामा प्रहरी हवल्दार इन्द्रबहादुर रानाभाट र प्रहरी जवान शेषकान्त सुवेदीलाई २०५८ फागुन २७ गते मन्दिरजस्तो पवित्र ठाउँमा माओवादीले गोली हानी घाइते बनाए । रुकुम जिल्ला घेतमा गाविस- ६ का ४८ वषर्ीय टीकाराम उपाध्यायलाई ब्राहृमण भएर पूजापाठ गरेको आरोपमा २०६१ मंसिर २२ मा सत्यनारायणको पूजा गराउनको लागि गरायला गाविस जाँदा माओवादीले छातीमा ब्राहृमणवाद मर्ूदावाद, हिन्दूवाद मर्ूदावाद लेखेको कागजको फुर्के टोपी झुन्ड्याई ४ गाविस घुमाई शारीरिक यातना दिए । हुम्ला जिल्लाको सदरमुकाम सिमीकोटमा परम्परागतरूपमा मनाउँदै आएको चार्डपर्व देवीदेवताको मन्दिरमा पूजा अर्चना साथै काज-किरिया गर्ने काम माओवादीका कारण पर्ूण्ारूपमा बन्द गराइयो । दाङ जिल्लाका तारानाथ योगीलाई २०५८ फागुन २० गते बाबुको किरिया गरेको अवस्थामा र पाल्पाको खोकुमार थापालाई २०५९ असार १ गते आमाको किरियामा बसिरहेको अवस्थामा हत्या गरियो । कालिकोट जिल्ला चिलखाना गाविस- ५ मानुवडाका खामा शाहीको २०५८ कार्तिक ११ गते मृत्यु हुँदा धार्मिक परम्पराअनुसार दाह-संस्कार गर्न लाग्दा माओवदीले लास ढाकिएको कपडा च्यात्नुका साथै त्यहाँ भएका मलामीलाई कुटपिट गरी दाह-संस्कार कार्यमा अवरोध खडा गरियो । सिन्धुपाल्चोक र रसुवा जिल्ला माओवादी कमान्डर सिन्धुपाल्चोक गोरे गाविसका भरत थापा र किउल गाविसका मोतबहादुर पण्डितले पाल्चोक- २ मा अवस्थित जयवागेश्वरी माता मन्दिरका पुजारी गोविन्द भारतीलाई पूजा नगर भनी धम्की दिई तीन लाख पचास हजार रूपैयाँको माग गरे । उक्त रकम दिएपश्चात् पुनः अरू रकम माग्ने र ज्यान मार्ने धम्की दिएपश्चात् मन्दिर छोडी जाने बाध्यता बनाइयो । निज भरत थापा र मोतबहादुर पण्डित माओवादीको नाममा डर धम्की दिई संकलन गरिएको करोडौँ रकम लिएर विदेश पलायन भए । नारायण पोख्रेल, गङ्गाराम घिमिरेलगायत विभिन्न हिन्दू नेताको हत्या गरी हिन्दू धर्मलाई परास्त गर्ने काम भएका छन् ।

Friday, July 20, 2007

living goddess hangs

Sajani Shakya was selected as a "Kumari" - the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess - eight years ago, but religious authorities said that she would be stripped of her title after she visited the United States to promote a documentary. In an apparent u-turn Friday, the committee in charge of the living goddess said that it was reconsidering. "We have not yet removed her title. We are taking this issue very seriously and have begun consultations with cultural experts," said Jaya Prasad Regmi, the head of the committee. Three towns in the Kathmandu valley choose three separate girls to be worshiped as a living incarnation of the Hindu goddess Taleju, a practice dating back hundreds of years. The best-known of the living goddesses is the "Royal Kumari," who blesses Nepal's king once a year and is confined to a palace in the historic heart of old Kathmandu. The practice has been criticized by rights groups as the royal Kumari is forced to live apart from her family, and the government is trying to decide whether the tradition constitutes a human rights abuse. Cultural experts say that it needs to be reformed. "Times have changed and today's Kumaris should not be forced to follow the same traditions as it was 100 years ago," said Chunda Bajracharya, professor of culture at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan University. "But the way Shakya was taken to the US is totally wrong. It could affect the people's faith in Kumaris, who are believed to have divine status," said Bajracharya.

(News World Communications Inc. July 20, 2007)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sex of Child Through the Ruling Planets

-B.R. Tomar
Horary is a formula based on the ruling planet. A number between 1 and 249 is selected by the querist along with his/her specific question. The query is the tallied with the relevant houses connected with the subject.
A lady was in family way and her delivery was expected in the two or three days, when her mother-in-law approached me to know the sex of the child and position of delivery. The mother -in-law gave Horary No. 50 (between 1 to 249) on 9-10-98 at 12-42 noon. I drew the map of the planetary position prevailing at that time, which is given at the end of this article. According to Horary No. 50, the ascendant falls in Geminc sign. Since the query pertains to her son's wife the matter was analysed by talking the 11th house as ascendant (5th house her son and 11th house is his wife).
First we 0should confirm the query whether the Moon tallies with the relevant houses connected with the subject. Moon reveals the mind of a person. In this case, the Moon is situated in 2nd house and is owner of 5th (besides the 4th house). The Moon as per degrees is in own star and sub. 5th house stands for progeny and that of delivery Moon is being aspected by Ketu by evil aspect (considering western aspects' theory) who is a signification of 5th and 8th houses i.e. 5th progeny and 8th worries. Hence Moon confirms the query. Such type of confirmation of a query assures the astrologer that the querist has given the Horary number with full and sincere urge in respect of his her problem.
The ruling planets in operation at that time were as :
What are the ruling planets? A particular moment is ruled by a group of planets at a certain latitude. They are :
1. Lord of the week day.
2. Lord of the Moon sign
3. Lord of the Moon constellations
4. Lord of Lagna rising at the time of query or analysis or birth time.
5. Lord of the constellation, where the degree is formed
6. Nodes (Rahu & Ketu) in the signs of the ruling planets.
Prior to the K. P. System, I had been working and taking results through traditional methods and Varshphal Tajik Paddhati Leaving aside the methods other than the K.P. System, I preferred a short cut formula based on ruling planets, which is as follows :
Find out that each of the ruling planet is in which sub; then that sub-lord is in which constellation, that star lord whether posited in male sign or in female sign. If more planets out of the ruling planet indicates male child then male child will be born will come otherwise a female child.
Let us examine it in the present case :-
Jupiter is in the sub of Ketu and Ketu is in the star of Mars posited in Leo sign, which indicates male child.
Venus as ascendant star lord, Venus is in Sun of Saturn and Saturn is in the star of Ketu posited in Aquarius sign, which indicates male child.
Venus as Moon sign lord, as discussed above.
Venus as day lord, as discussed above.
Moon is in the star and sub of Moon itself situated in Taurus sign indicating female sex.
Therefore, four ruling planets indicate male sex, while only one indicates female sex. Accordingly the querist was told that male child will be born.
next-query was that whether the delivery is safe and when the delivery is expected.
With regards to safe delivery, the sub lord of 5th house is to be analysed. 5th sub lord is Saturn in Ist house and there is no planet in it's three star on the day of analysis. Saturn is lord of 10, 11 as well as 12th houses. Saturn is in Sub of Rahu, which signifies 5 and 11. Rahu is posited in 5th and he is in the star of Ketu in 11. Here 12th house indicates some complication and worries during delivery. 12th also indicates hospitalisation. The 5th sub lord Saturn signifies 1 and II houses starwise and 5 and 11 subwises. It was predicted the delivery will be safe and the problem will be solved automatically and immediately.
The query was put on Friday and the delivery was expected in 2 or 3 days, as mentioned above. The next-day happens to be Saturday. After that it is Sunday. Neither Saturn nor Sun has appeared as ruling planet, while Venus has appeared thric among the ruling planets. Therefore, it was predicted that the delivery will take place on Friday, before mid night. (12.00 a.m.)
The lady was admitted in Loke Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital in the afternoon of 9th Oct'98. and she delivered a male child safely on the same day at 17-45.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day & Astrology of America

By Lynn Edwards(Jul 4, 2007 National Ledger)
The date and time of birth of the American nation has been a matter of debate for centuries now. Most astrologers use the "Sibley" chart for the US, named after Ebenezer Sibley, a prominent American astrologer in the late 1700s. According to Benson Bobrick's excellent work The Fated Sky Sibley, a Freemason, was well practiced in the field of mundane astrology, known for his accurate political predictions regarding both the American and French revolutions.
Independence Day Celebration: Charting the Birth of America
Sibley also predicted that America would one day "have an extensive and flourishing commerce; advantageous and universal traffic to every quarter of the globe, with great security and prosperity amongst its people," and eventually be "a new Empire that shall soon or late give laws to the whole world. " This is rather startling considering the fact that Masonic historian Manly P Hall has reported that the US has a secret destiny: “Thousands of years ago, in Egypt, these mystical orders were aware of the existence of the western hemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now to say, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of this resolution is the substance of his treatise on the Atlantic Islands.” (from Manly P Hall's Secret Destiny of America). Sibley had a mystical and Masonic background, and since most of America's founders were Masons and therefore very concerned with matters of the occult, Sibley most likely had direct information regarding the actual time for the birthchart of the United States, and his is the chart that is predominantly used today. The Solar Return chart for the US shows the Sun in Leo nearing a conjunction to the Midheaven, indicating that the drama of the United States political world will be played out very publicly on the global stage over the next year. With Libra rising there will be a return to diplomacy and an understanding of the need to build relationships with global partners, although Mars in the seventh house of alliances and open enemies demonstrates a continued fierce independence in those partnerships and a likelihood of attacks from enemies. The Moon conjuncts Uranus in the sixth house of daily routine, work environment and health. The Moon rules over issues of emotional security and family and Uranus craves autonomy and radical change - these two are not natural partners and in the US chart suggests sudden changes that have a strong effect on the US job situation and healthcare systems resulting in a lack of emotional security and safety. Jupiter squares the Moon/Uranus conjunction indicating a relentless optimism that continues to drive the change despite evidence that things are not working as hoped. Venus, planet of attraction and love, is conjunct Saturn (tenacity, responsibility) in the eleventh house of friendship and social groups. The alliances in the eleventh house are not the same as seventh house partnerships - these are connections that rely on shared ideals and a desire to find expression of those ideals. NATO, the G-8 - these are examples of eleventh house alliances that are likely to be strengthened over the next year by the conjunction of Venus and Saturn. There will be a renewed sense of responsibility to our alliances that will be a refreshing change. Retrograde Mercury of this Solar Return chart falls in the ninth house of higher learning, exploration of other cultures and philosophy. In the Ninth House we establish our own ideology and Mercury there shows a keen interest in exploring the ideologies of others in order to formulate our own. The fact that Mercury is retrograde indicates that as a nation we will go back and revisit failed assumptions that are no longer working for us and reformulate new ones. A transformation in our understanding is also demonstrated by the presence of retrograde Pluto in the third house of communication and learning. Pluto enforces a sharp focus on the issues of the house it inhabits, and in the third house there is an almost compulsive need to understand what is going on around us. All in all, it looks like a year of philosophical and ideological change for the US as a whole, fraught with a certain amount of insecurity but with potential to gain understanding which in the long run is the most powerful ally of all.

Effect of Saturn-Venus conjunction

The conjunction of Saturn and Venus can bring about political volatility, a possible increase in crime rate; people will be more attracted towards illegitimate pursuits and take more interest in sensory enjoyment and so on and so forth. The country will witness political unrest and resentment among the masses and the political establishment all across the country will have to work very hard to check the dissatisfaction among the people. These are some of the ill-effects of the conjunction of Saturn and Venus as perceived by astrologers. According to Pandit Ashok Sharma, a noted Delhi-based astrologer this planetary conjunction could bring about political instability in the country as differences in the government would appear incessantly. On Presidential polls, he however maintained that India is most likely to see the first woman President of the country but there would be a lot of mudslinging in between. Politicians will have to tread a cautious path and ensure that their differences do not snowball into controversies. High ranking leaders in the country can also face health trouble and this could turn out to be very serious issue. Since Shani (Saturn) is in Ketu’s Nakshatra viz Ashvin, said Pandit Sharma, “this will give rise to differences with neighbouring countries and India will have to face simmering disputes that linger on. As Venus represents fertility, it will motivate the people towards sensuality so much so that they can go to any extent to satisfy their desires. It could also lead to more love for luxury and promiscuous behaviour in the society with people tending to use shortcuts for material gains,” adds the astrologer. There is more bad news for women as they are likely to face adverse situations, if the astrological calculations hold good. They could face more atrocities at home and the cases of female foeticide are likely to increase during this period. “Saturn and Moon coming together would also add to the strife in the family as women will be more assertive due to the planetary influence. The cases of divorce are also likely to go up in this period,” says Pandit Sharma. As far as health of the people is concerned, astrologically speaking, there is apprehension of increase in sexually transmitted diseases. With Shani entering Singh rashi on July 15, old people are likely to face trouble in their life with youngsters becoming cold towards their elders. They would face more incidents of cruelty and are likely to find refuge in old age homes, according to Pandit Sharma. “Shani will also enter into conjunction with Shukra and Ketu on that day, and this bodes ill for society as there is likely to be an increase in the incidents of arson and loot. On the business front, the conjunction of Saturn and Venus is likely to benefit industry and trade. People are more likely to enter into new ventures and set up new industries but those in partnerships are likely to face difficulties in the near future.” Here it must be mentioned that this conjunction happens once in every 13-14 months. This time the conjunction was almost 45 degrees away from the Sun and the event was clearly visible, making it a special event.(Abhishek Behl, Merinews 03 July 2007, Tuesday )

Hollywood &Tibetan astrologers

The Indian Express[Wednesday, July 04, 2007 10:18]
Even those who regard astrology as foppery will admit that it makes world look vivid and full of possibilities. The Men-Tsee-Khang Astrology department based in Dharamshala is a charitable institution run under the authority of the supreme Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama. It offers a whole range of services, one of the more interesting being a prognosis about one's rebirths, i.e. whether you will be born as a human or an animal. If that sounds banal enough, it can also tell whether after death you are destined for a communion with God or are doomed as a ghost.
The institution has a massive following which transcends national borders. The present waiting list is close to 500, which means that if a request for a prognosis report is accepted today, it shall be delivered in around two years time. And those who have availed the services include several Hollywood stars.
Tsering Choezom, a senior astrologer working for the institute says, "Yes, several high profile people visit us. But as per our ethics we observe full secrecy. Since the people often confide their darkest secrets to us, we do not reveal their identities."
But locals say several actors including Richard Gere and Halle Berry have visited the institution.
Tibetans take their astrology very seriously. As if to convey that it has sound rational basis, this centre has been placed cheek by jowl to a medical sciences institute. In way of conduct and functioning it could pass off as any well organised office.
It doesn't have the weird paraphernalia which one associates with astrology centres and has instead around a dozen normally dressed and poker faced men and women, working assiduously on their computers amidst a range of neatly stacked book shelves. In fact, most of the business is done through emails.
"It is not a frivolous thing for us. We have a lot of faith in it. In fact, we don't entertain every request. Only once we know that the person who has made the request has genuine faith in our system do we offer our service," says Choezom. The institute has its own website and merchandise like amulets are sold through it.
The institute may be tight lipped about the predictions it makes, but it did offer its prescription to those who want to be reborn as humans. The possibilities for this are extremely slim. In fact, in strictly mathematical terms, the probability is one sixth.
The overwhelming odds are in favour of an animal, confinement in hell, a demigod or a hunger ghost. Choezom explains, "For being reborn as human, you need to do good to others and most importantly you need to be an optimist." Well, did we hear you say the glass is half empty? We
bet we didn't.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Superstition & Bollywood!

Of course the film industry has lately discovered in big way the comfort of astrology and numerology.
I know only one person who's married to a tree, and it isn't Aishwarya Rai. Of course some of her co-stars resemble chunks of unprocessed wood. But she never married any of them. The only person I know who's married a tree is Shabana Azmi. And no, it wasn't the one that recurred in Indra Kumar's cinema. Wonder what happened to Induji's 'lucky' tree, did it stop being lucky with the flops? Shabana did marry a tree, though. No, I'm not calling Javed saab a tree. The only tree that she married was in Aparna Sen's film Sati, recreating the ancient practice of marrying manglik mademoiselles to trees to get rid of their inauspicious aura.
Does anyone really believe the progressive Bachchans to be guilty of such practice? Did the family patriarch really need to tell the world that his bahu was never married to a tree? For the record, both Abhishek and Aishwarya are manglik . As far as I know this confluence of two challenging horoscopes automatically cancels out whatever harmful conspiracies destiny may have planned for the couple.
And by the way, one of the most successful marriages in the film industry bonds two mangliks - Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan. Yup the Bachchans are a family of mangliks . Has it made them any less successful, collectively or individually? Of course the film industry has lately discovered in big way the comfort of astrology and numerology. But I don't think our film folks allow the stars above to govern their lives beyond a point. For years Shah Rukh Khan has been advised by friends and well-wishers to move out of his bungalow Mannat. It's supposed to have brought SRK ill luck. What ill luck? All I see is good things happening to Shah Rukh's career and life. And instead of moving out of Mannat he's adding wings to his dream place. As for those of my friends in the entertainment business who subscribe to superstitions, let me say in their defence that no one in this cut-throat world of give-and-fake is going to invest crores in a project just because his favourite astrologer says so. Ekta Kapoor does seem to outwardly manifest and exude the most intense religiosity. And I respect her for her beliefs. But I don't think she for a minute believes that success happened to her because she prayed hard or that she became religious to attain success. Personal beliefs are personal, and that's the way they should remain.
Ekta, Karan Johar and Rakesh Roshan favour the letter 'k' as long as it works for them. The original 'K' specialist was Arjun Hingorani who believed in film titles with 3 Kab Kyun Aaur Kahan, Kahani Kismat Ki .
But he also made thundering 'K' flops like Khel Khiladi Ka and Kaun Kare Kurbani. When Subhash Ghai decides to put himself in one frame of all his films, when Sanjay Dutt wears a particular shirt to court or when Kangana Ranaut insists on looking at her sister's face before cutting any deal, I don't think they are being aggressively superstitious. It's just a homage to their comfort zone. I recently saw one of my closest friends in the film industry suddenly wearing an astrological ring. "I wore it because someone persuaded me to. I don't think it will change my life dramatically, or make me a calmer person. But what's the harm?" she reasoned.
Harm aur tum ? No way! In the fiercely competitive world of entertainment, more and more people would resort to tikkas on foreheads, rings, beads and amulets. If nothing else, they do look cool on a lot of Bollywood's folks. (Views expressed by columnists in Bombay Times are their own, and not that of the paper29 Jun, 2007 Subhash K Jha /TIMES NEWS NETWORK)

Astrology for British Prime Minister

An Indian astrologer Bejan Daruwalla predicts the future for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown -
Ganesha points out that unlike the former premier Tony Blair the new premier Gordon Brown, will be reserved, very humane, conservative and show great fondness and friendship for India. He will be sworn to office on June 27. We are now in the year 2007. Number 27 refers to the sceptre of authority and power. Therefore Brown will use it wisely and well. The date 27 and year 2007 are a perfect match numerologically.By Indian astrologers on June 27 there was the suspicious Raj Yog and Amritsiddhi Yog. This gives a cutting edge to the premiership of Brown. He starts in style and speed. By Western astrology, Brown is an American with a strong touch of Pisces. In simple language, Brown will keep an open mind, have integrity and intelligence, face opposition and show real sympathy and care for humanity. These are obviously fine qualities. He is a man with a warm heart. He speaks less, acts more.Brown comes into his own around 2009 – 2010 – 2011. Yes, he will make a positive contribution to world causes. He will never be in the cahoots with Bush for selfish, pseudo gains. Your Ganesha devotee welcomes him with open arms. He deserves it. There is a danger of ill-health, accidents and sabotage from his own party members. He is vulnerable. September, December, March, June will be tough.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

संविधानसभा चुनावमा के हुने ?

काठमाडौँ । त्रिशुलबाबाले असारमा प्रलय हुने भविष्यवाणी गरेको कुरा सेलाउन नपाउँदै अर्का ज्योतिष डा एस सिटौला (आचार्य कैवल्यानन्द ) ले संविधानसभाको चुनाव मंसिर ६ मा नहुने ठोकुवा गर्नु भएको छ । डा सिटौलाले संविधानसभाको तिथि मंसिर ६ गतेको दिन मेष राशीमा चन्द्रमा र आश्विणी नक्षेत्र परेको कारण ठूलै झगडा र खुनखराबा हुने बताउनुभयो । उहाँले भन्नुभयो अश्विणी स्वामी केतु शिर नभएको ग्रह हो । त्यस्तै मेषको चन्द्रमालाई रातो चन्द्रमा भनिन्छ । रातो चन्द्रमालाई झगडा र मारकाटको रूपमा फलित ज्योतिषले उद्घोष गर्दछ । त्यसैले पनि संविधानसभाको चुनाव मंसिर ६ गतेको दिनलाई तोकिनु खगोलीय ग्रहको हिसाबले सन्तोषजनक मानिँदैन । उक्त दिन चुनाव भएमा देशले निकास पाउँदैन । त्यसैगरी २०६४ साउनमा विश्वघष्र पक्ष परेको हुनाले पनि देशमा ठूलो झगडा र हत्या हिंसाको योग छ । विश्वमा भएका ठूलाठूला युद्धहरू रामायण, महाभारत पनि विश्वघष्र पक्ष परेका बेलामा भएका थिए ।

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Astrology of music

Gary Goldschneider is very good at a lot of things. He can play the piano well enough to claim the right to international concert stages. He can compose music. He can remember anything he has ever heard or read - word for word, note by note. And he can decipher the mysteries of the stars.
For him, every piece of music has an astrological signature. Using the birthdates of composers, he can map out the character of the artist and his music.
In this big round world, there are a lot of people who fervently believe in astrology. They may either, like orthodox Hindus, use auspicious and inauspicious dates as stepping stones for their entire lives, or just occasionally look up their astrological advice for the week in the local rag. And then there are those for whom astrology, not being a pure science, must be taken with a pinch of salt. Whatever your bent though, it's hard not to get swept up in the enthusiasm that Gary Goldschneider combines with his breathtaking trick of memory. Name a date - your birthday for example, or that of a spouse or a child and he'll immediately reel off a list of famous people who were born on the same day. He'll name characteristics, foibles, personality quirks that go with the astrological sign. He'll pinpoint other signs that are compatible and those that absolutely aren't with this one. "Ah, Aquarius…" my answer to his very first question to me prompted his trademark broad grin. "I can see straightaway we're going to get along." On hearing the birthdate of my daughter (8 May) he was rapturous… "Oh, you and your husband must be so happy to have such an easy child." As far as astrology goes, I'm not what you call a True Believer, but I was not immune to this fatal combination of charm, memory, knowledge and energy.
Over the past two years, I have been the receptacle of Gary Goldschneider's immense knowledge of both music and astrology as together we produce a series on The Stars of Music. Sitting at his Bechstein, he talked to me about different types of music, illustrating his examples with riffs delivered with panache and casual virtuosity, and peppering our musical conversation with astrological nuggets.(by Dheera Sujan,Radio Netherlands 22-06-2007)

Fortune-tellers or Fortune sellers

All this might sound hooey to some, but the list of people, who believe they have been able to control their progression/destiny by knowing what the future has in store, runs long. The believers refuse to call it superstition. Instead they believe that astrology and related arts or divination like numerology, palmistry, tarot, crystal ball, aura cleaning help them fully realise their potential and enhance their prospects of extracting maximum out of minimum. They believe astrological predictions are holistic and take into account the planetary movement and the position of stars. This belief seems to transcend age, class and nationality.
Welcome aboard — with everyone from the corporate, political and entertainment world turning to divination, it’s a flourishing business today. Many astrologers have hit the headlines for having helped change the fortune of people and in the process, making fortunes for themselves. Increasingly, companies are turning to astrological advises for a range of things, from hiring staff to concluding deals. This new phenomenon has led to the emergence of specialised business and commodity astrologers.
And most of them are not saffron-robed or parrot carrying abracadabra guys. The are tech savvy and are aware of all national and global developments. The lucre of divination is such that many professionals have quit their jobs to take up prophesying full time. Meenakshi Rani, an advocate by profession, is now an expert tarot reader. Another tarot expert Sunita Menon was an air-hostess. Aura reader Suresh Aggarwal is lecturer by profession.
K N Somayaji, director, Kalpatharu Research Academy, which is attached to the famous Sringeri Shankar Mutt, spouts jargons like financial markets, industrial espionage, portfolio management and disinvestment. The well-travelled Somayaji’s client list makes impressive reading and includes top industrialists and politicians. So do the client list of Sanjay B Jumaani, Sunita Menon, Meenakshi Rani, Suresh Aggarwal and Rajeshwar Shastri. The maverick Bejan Daruwala and Ma Prem Usha are, of course, legendary names.
The kind of money people are willing to shell out to know the unknown is unbelievable. Though many of these fortune-tellers claim they do not charge money and only take what their client offers as “dakshina”, the fees can range from Rs 750 to Rs 5,000 per sitting. Sometimes, the antidote depends upon the money the client is willing to shell out.
A tarot card reader in the newspaper can get anything between Rs 5,000 and Rs 20,000 a month for her weekly column depending on her/his popularity, Sunita Menon charges Rs 1,500 per sitting. Ajay Bhambi, a pioneer in astrology software, charges Rs 1,500 for yearly predictions and Rs 5,000 for five-year predictions. Bejan Daruwala charges Rs 3,000 for reading one horoscope. His charges can go up to Rs 5,000. Ma Prem Usha charges Rs 1,500 per sitting. Her daughter Rithambara Usha charges Rs 3,000 per reading, while Rani charges Rs 3,000 per session.
And what is drawing the corporates to these guys who fortell the future by interpreting omens or by using paranormal or supernatural powers? “The curiosity to know what the future hold is a basic human instinct. Whether it’s the election results or a stock market performance, the concerned people believe predictions help them be in control of situations,” says Rani.
Jumaani, however, feels “liberalisation has led to more competition and opportunities. There’s greater awareness about astrological science. “Scientists can go wrong but science can’t go wrong. People believe astrologers help them realise their potentials and chart their path accordingly,” says Rajeshwar Shastri.
Somayaji’s usual jargon-coated take is “L.P.G (liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation) and I.C.E have shrunk the world and made it tough for businessmen. Therefore, their belief in astrology has gone up. There is greater uncertainty and turmoil today and people seek divine intervention. People are result-oriented and not reason-oriented. Talking to astrologers boosts their morale.”

Thursday, June 21, 2007

राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको नया वर्षकुण्डली

नेपालका राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र २०६४ साल असार २४ गते तदनुसार जुलाई ८, २००७ बिहान ८ः५२ः१७ मा ६० वर्षपूरा गरी ६१ औँ वर्षा प्रवेश गरेका छन् ।वर्षलग्नाधिपति ः र्सर्ूयजन्मलग्नाधिपति ः गुरुमुन्थाधिपति ः गुरुराशिपति ः गुरुत्रिराशिपति ः गुरुजन्म कुण्डलीको छैठौँ भाव वर्षकुण्डलीमा लग्नमा आउनु ताजिकशास्त्रले त्यति शुभफल बताएको छैन । रोग र शत्रु वृद्धि हुन जानेछ । घरमा कलह एवं पश्चातापको अग्निले जलाउने छ । यो साल मुन्था पनि अष्टम भावमा द्वादशेश चन्द्रमासँग रहेको हुनाले शरीरमा कमजोरी, दर्ुबलता एवं मरणान्तक कष्ट हुने ताजिकशास्त्रले बताएको हुनाले शान्तिको लागि मुन्थादान गर्नु आवश्यक छ । मुन्थादानको लागि काँसको थालीमा घ्यू, सेतो वस्त्र, अन्न एवं तुलादान गर्नुपर्दछ । साथै, मरणान्तक कष्ट दिने यो साल देखिएको हुनाले शनि मृत्युञ्जयको जप एकदम जरुरी देखिन्छ । वर्षुण्डलीअनुसार, श्रावण, मंसिर, माघ र चैत महिना कष्टकारक देखिन्छ । जनमकुण्डलीअनुसार २०६३ साल फागुनदेखि आएको संकटले पनि विभिन्न संकटहरू उत्पन्न गराउला

‘Star’ power'

“Lovely young people who found themselves compatible in every sense of the term couldn’t tie the knot because their horoscopes didn’t match! ” It was a perfect match. Well, almost. Both of them were in their early twenties, MBA grads who had spent a year abroad and were now settling down to their workplaces. But it was over even before it began. The two lovely young people who found themselves compatible in every sense of the term couldn’t tie the knot because their horoscopes didn’t match!“Unfortunately, in the last decade or so there has been a resurgence of ‘horoscope compatibility’. Apart from parents, even youngsters themselves want to have their horoscopes matched these days. In the process, they lose out on great matches. “I can only counsel them, in the end it has to be their decision,” says Urvashi Shah, who runs a city based marriage bureau. She reasons it out, “I tell them, if you marry for love would you bother to match horoscopes?”
However, there are some who believe in ’star’ power. “In an age where nothing is sacrosanct anymore, why take chances? When I marry I want to ensure to the best of my abilities that everything is right. Matching horoscopes gives me that security and after all it is all about faith,” says Anant Shah, 28, a research analyst.
For some, it is a matter of past experiences. “I have faith in astrology. I have seen numerous examples wherein a couple has had an unhappy life because their stars didn’t match,” says Nirali Dakwala, 30, a teacher.
Sometimes love conquers. Shaina Salat, branch head of an internet marketing firm and her computer engineer husband Hersh Bhatt chose to put more emphasis on love. “We met through the internet and fell in love. My husband’s family is a great believer in astrology. However, both of us were certain that we wouldn’t let anything like horoscope come in the way of us getting married.”So Salat and Bhatt made a decision that they wouldn’t get their horoscopes checked for compatibility at all. “It was the wisest thing we ever did. If they wouldn’t have matched, we would have been in a dilemma . His parents saw our point of view and agreed with us. We believed in ourselves and it worked.”
Similarly Paurvi Pandya and Saurabh Pathak also made a prudent decision when they decided to get married four years ago. “My mother believed in horoscopes. But when we met through an arranged setting we were so smitten by each other that we decided that nothing would come between us. So, to be on a safer side, we gave the horoscope-matching a go by and my mother was only too happy to agree.”
Now they thank their ’stars’ for not being a part of the process of star matching! (Times of India, India 20 June 2007)

विश्वकै पहिलो प्रेम विवाह

हिमालपारिको राज्य भनेर चिनिने मुस्ताङ्ग आजसम्म पनि विभिन्न रहस्य र कौतुहलताले भरिपर्ूण्ा छ । दक्षिण भारतीय एक ब्राम्हण शिव नै पहिलो मुस्ताङ पुग्ने पर्यटक हुन । यसलाई पर्यटन विभागले पनि प्रचार-प्रसारमा ल्याए राम्रो हुने थियो । जब शिव यस पावन भूमिमा पुगे तब उनी ध्यान मुद्रामा बस्दा, हिमालय पवर्तकी छोरी पार्वतीले उनलाई देखिन र मनमनै शिवप्रति प्रेम गर्न थालिन पछि पार्वतीले आफ्नो पिता हिमालय पर्वतलाई बिहे गरे शिवसँग नै गर्ने अरू कसैसँग पनि नगर्ने भनी विभिन्न व्रत उपासना साथै जिद्दी गर्न थालिन । आखिरमा हिमालय पर्वतले आफ्नी छोरी पार्वतीको बिहे शिवसँग नै गराइदिए । यसरी यो शिव-पार्वतीको विवाह नै विश्वको पहिलो प्रेम विवाहको साथसाथै अर्न्तजातीय विवाह पनि मान्नसकिन्छ । शिव दक्षिण भारतीय ब्राम्हण थिए । जो कालो वर्ण्र्ाा तिखा आँखा चुच्चो नाक भएका थिए भने पार्वती गोरी थेप्चो नाक गरेकी थिइन् ।

Monday, June 11, 2007

Indian Astrologer in Nepal prisons

In Dillibazar jail in the capital Of Nepal, Katmandu, an Indian astrologer languishes on allegations of fraud. Dattatreya Joshi, who was doing thriving business from Vaishali hotel in Kathmandu’s tourist hub Thamel, used to advertise in Nepali dailies and television as well. The statistics, however, throw light only on the Indian male prisoners. While a lone Indian woman Putali Devi Shrivasta is currently in the central jail on a drug-smuggling charge, there is little information available about Indian women being held in prisons in the outer districts.

Friday, June 8, 2007

महाभूकम्पको भविष्यवाणी

काठमाडौँ । केही दिनयता उपत्यकामा त्रिशूल बाबाको भविष्यवाणीको निकै चार्चा गरिएको छ । उनले आगामी असार ८ गते र २६ गते विश्वकै लागि विनाशकारी समय रहने बताउँदै सो दिन महाभूकम्प आउने बताएका छन् । उनले यी दर्ुइ दिन चनाखो भई बस्न र विदेश गएका छोराछोरीलाई सुरक्षित बस्नसमेत निर्देशन दिएका छन् । उनले सो महाभूकम्पले नेपालमा मात्र तीन लाख मान्छे मर्ने र व्यापक भौतिक क्षति नेपालले ब्यहोर्नुपर्ने बताएका छन् भने भारत र पाकिस्तानमा नेपालको भन्दा सैयौँ गुणा क्षति हुनेसमेत बताएका छन् । त्यसो त उनले सो भूकम्पबाट जमिनको ३०-४० मिटर बीचबीचमा धाँजा फाट्ने र कैयौँ घर, रुख-बिरुवा त्यसै धाँजाबाट छिर्ने बताउँदै बाटोसमेत धाँजा फाटेर जाने र यसले विश्वकै जनतालाई पिरोल्ने बताएका छन् भने विश्वका एक दर्जन मुलुक समुद्रमा विलय हुनेसमेत बताएको उनी निकटले बताए । उत्तरबाट दक्षिण हुँदै आउने सो भूकम्प अहिलेसम्मको सबैभन्दा ठूलो हुने बताए । तर,नेपालका वरिष्ठ ज्योतिर्विद् डा. एस. सुनिल (आचार्य कैवल्यानन्द) लेज्योतिर्विज्ञानअनुसार त्यस दिन खगोलीय ग्रहस्थिति सामान्य रहेको हुनाले त्यस्तो ठूलै घटना घट्न सक्ने योग देखिँदैन, बताउनुभएको छ।

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Nostradamus foreseen as third quarter release

New historical adventure underway from Kheops and partnersThere's something about the early 16th century that agrees with Kheops Studio and its development partners TOTM Studio and Mzone Studio. After having delved the mysteries of Leonardo Da Vinci in their last collaboration, now the trio are turning their sights to the famous seer in Nostradamus — The Last Prophecy.Following a similar pattern to The Secrets of Da Vinci: The Forbidden Manuscript, the new adventure tasks players with a series of puzzles inspired by the works of Nostradamus, covering a variety of topics like astrology and medicine. Set in Provence during a time of plague and religious warfare, former regent Catherine de Médicis has become a popular target of attacks by the French nobility, and when she discovers she's fallen victim to a curse, she requests the help of her doctor and astrologer, Michel de Nostre-Dame.Nostradamus cannot attend personally, so he sends his daughter Madeleine in his stead. In medieval times, however, a woman would never be recognized as either a doctor or astrologer, so in order to gain acceptance, Madeleine must disguise herself as her younger brother César. Players will alternate between the characters of Madeleine and César as they find themselves "plunged into a thriller where political scheming and ancestral prophecies are intertwined. The game begins as an initiatory adventure in the footsteps of her father, the prophet and astrologer, before creating all the suspense of a detective novel: from one murder to another, players make their way through a test-riddled forensic investigation."Nostradamus — The Last Prophecy will be published by Elektrogames in Europe and MC2 Microids in North America, and the game is currently targeting a release in the third quarter of this year.

Astrologer rapes woman client at work-station

DH News Service, Bangalore:
The future of a 32-year-old astrologer looks particularly bleak after he was booked for rape.
The future of a 32-year-old astrologer looks particularly bleak after he was booked for rape. Pandit Swamy Shastry alias Anju who runs his business from Pipeline Road, Sreenagar (Hanumanth Nagar police limits), is in the eye of a storm following the alleged rape of a housewife. The mother of two children was residing just a few steps away from his ‘work-station’ at Akka Mahadevi Street. At around 7.30 pm on Saturday, the victim's husband, a cook, was taken aback to find his wife absent at home. His search for her ended near the astrologer’s ‘shop’ where, according to the woman, she had gone to find a solution for a strange problem -- of late, while cooking, she finds the rice turning red. The astrologer, after apparently consulting whatever needed to be consulted in such cases, told her that an evil spirit was behind the problem and that he could fix it for Rs 3,000. And as the woman looked helpless about the payment, the man apparently took ‘full advantage’ of her plight. The astrologer, a Lingarajapuram resident, vanished soon after. The police have sent the victim for medical examination and a search is on for the astrologer.

Astrologers are reinventing themselves to keep up with the modern times

Astrologers are reinventing themselves to keep up with the modern times. A report

A waft of incense greets visitors to the chamber of astrologer Bharati Bharadwaj (“Mataji”). Inside on offer are the integrated services of spiritualism. On a marble-topped table sit several idols of Ganesha and three Laughing Buddhas. Wind-chimes sway gently. Part of the chamber is done up like a shrine, where a large idol of a Dasha Mahavidya Shakti Roop is installed. Crystals, bells and Feng Shui accessories are displayed on a table.
Since many worlds have opened up via the media and the Net, the conjunction of planets has ruled that the home-grown astrologer take on other dimensions. New-age astrology in the city harmoniously combines traditional Indian belief, numerology, tarot card reading, Feng Shui and the western influence.
“The western way of predicting the future through birthdays is a little different from us, but a similarity runs through various disciplines,” says Bharadwaj, who has travelled to London, France and US cities for work. “I have tried analysing the future through jyotish, numerology, tarot and Feng Shui, and have got more or less the same results,” she says.
Bharadwaj is in a long yellow robe and just a hint of saffron tika on her forehead, a far cry from the stereotype of the dhoti-clad astrologer. She is fluent in English, patient and welcoming. “Recently I attended a conference on Indian spiritualism and its global reach. Religion or philosophy has two divisions, black magic and higher spiritualism. I have also made a documentary on tantra,” says Bharadwaj, who appears on several TV channels.
Other astrologers may not be so intent on fusion, but offer smart, tech-savvy services. The office of Amritlal, a renowned astrologer, is an antithesis of Bharadwaj’s. The reception, with an aquarium and two women at the desk, may be that of a travel agent’s or a tax lawyer’s, except for a poster of planets and a rate chart announcing “Palm reading Rs 300, horoscope Rs 500”.
Amritlal might be mistaken for an ordinary office employee or a stock-broker, in his checked shirt and trousers. But he has his own channel called Fortune Channel that combines astrology, news bulletins, entertainment and politics.
Mobile network
The mobile plays a crucial role. With a worldwide clientele — “I often get calls till one in the morning from overseas,” says Bharadwaj — some have direct reach. But others have to grapple with a network of underlings and mobile phones.
A minimum of two mobile phones are de rigeur. Subhash Shastri has two, manned by different managers. Jyotish Maharaj, or Sri Bhrighu (Anadi), has several. One number leads to another. Sanjay Kapoor, who appears on Sristi TV, has several mobile numbers operated by several men who keep asking the caller to call back. Kapoor has little time to spare.
In Shree Bhairabananda’s green-and-white cramped chambers done up with pictures of gods and goddesses, four mobiles and a big magnifying glass rest on a table. Clad in a red robe with a tika on his forehead and sporting a full beard, he looks every bit the tantric and astrologer he claims to be. He has a programme on Sristi TV that is aired three times a week. He combines face reading, numerology, horoscope and tantra.
Talking the talk
The star-gazers speak a new language, with little jargon. “About 70 per cent of my clients are students. Questions vary from whether they should take up science or arts, to choice of profession. If one forgets for a while that I am using astrology, my chamber would look like a career counsellor’s,” says Jyotish Maharaj. Parents don’t always accompany the students. “I have to use their words,” says Bharadwaj.
Another common query is related to relationships. “Parents wanting to know when the girl will get married is not so common any more. But a young unmarried couple often approaches me to calculate whether the relationship will end up as a friendship, or culminate in marriage. Boys are a little more emotional. They prefer not to know because they want to hold on to a relationship, but the girls are very practical,” laughs Amritlal. Clients are from various strata, some even checking with the astrologer before raising a point in Parliament.
Amanath Mukherjee, a grandfatherly figure who taught geology at Ashutosh College, looks an unlikely candidate for the profession. “Earlier most came for matchmaking. Now people are more worried about their married or romantic life, careers and businesses,” says Mukherjee. He claims to have “shishyas” all over India and often flies to many cities.
New antidotes
Remedies, too, are new. While gemstones are common antidotes, Lal has special metal tablets and Bharadwaj suggests spiritualism, special pujas and yagnas. “How many people can afford to buy so many gems?” asks Amritlal. “So I give them metal tablets, made of different metals in desired proportions,” he adds.
“I prescribe tantra, mantra and yantra as solutions,” says Amanath Mukherjee, drawing charts in his writing pad. But tech-enabled yagnas are high on his agenda. He combines his advocacy of yagnas and his faith in Ma Bagalamukhi with CDs. “I have two cameramen who record my yagnas, pujas and teachings.” A series from the recordings called ‘Camera ekhane okhane’ has been aired on various channels. He says astrology is witnessing a boom these days, because people are more insecure and are looking for any solution. “That is what we make our living from,” says Mukherjee.
No reason
Prabir Ghosh of the Science and Rationalists’ Association of India says that the craze for astrology has gone down: “It only survives in Calcutta because astrology enjoys the support of politicians.” But the astrologers say their profession is thriving. Amritlal puts it down to the more hectic rat race and the need to prove oneself always.
So despite reason, the city is flocking to astrologers. “I have been to many astrologers for career decisions,” says Shuddhashil Mullick, who is doing his masters in economics. Says Nivedita Mitra, who works in a media organisation: “An astrologer claimed that I would not do well in my Maths pass exams. He turned out to be right.” A wannabe rock band guitarist sports three gems on his fingers — emerald for a cool head, ruby because he is a musician and a third gem he couldn’t identify, but which takes care of his “Brihaspati”. And have you counted the rings on Abhishek Bachchan’s fingers?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Ominous for the royal family

Published :24 May 2007,Thrusday (Jestha 10,2064)

There is a belief that when the idol of Bhimeswor sweats, it indicates greater natural calamities or greater political upheaval or greater crisis in royal family. It is widely believed if the idol sweats on left, it will do harm to the people. If the idol sweats in the right, it is ominous for the royal family. This time, the idol has sweat on the right hand side.
The idol sweated since last evening from 6:30 to 7:15 am sweated again from 7:45 to 9 ‘0′ clock on the left.
Local people have been flocking to the temple since evening to take sweated cotton. According to the locals, the sweated cotton if kept at the houses would be kept from misery and worry and tend to prosper. Especially, people from Newar community flocked to the temple of Bhimeswor.
There has been no scientific study as to why idol sweats. There was a big upheaval in the nation when the idol sweated in previous years and the nation had to confront great crisis.
According to old times, the idol had sweated before 1990 mega quake, 1997 and 2007, death of 2011, 2028, prior to quake in 2045, prior to 2047 and prior to royal massacre in 2058.


it’s sun that shapes our destiny

:-By Amelia Hill, Social Affairs Correspondent

The time of year we are born really does affect the people we become. Butit’s nothing to do with the position of the stars or movement of the planets, as horoscopes would have us believe. Instead, says a new study, it’s down to how much sunshine a woman is exposed to during her pregnancy.

“We have linked a child’s season of birth with levels of certain chemicals in the body, which have powerful impacts on the way people behave,” said professor Jayanti Chotai, a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at Umea University in Sweden.

Scientists believe that strong natural light boosts levels of serotonin, the brain’s natural ‘happy drug’ that seems to play a strong role in lifting moods. Chotai continued, “We made some very intriguing matches. Women born during spring have low serotonin levels because of the long months of winter during which they were in the womb.”

“Low serotonin levels are associated with impulsiveness and aggressiveness, as well as anxiety-related traits like neuroses, harm-avoidance and poor social skills. When combined into a particular temperament, these women are likely to be explosive, overly sensitive and passive-aggressive.”

Men born from February to April, on the other hand, are most likely to have high levels of dopamine, another mood-lifting chemical boosted by sunlight. “This means they will have impulsive and persistent character traits,” said Chotai, whose paper, published next month, is based on a Finnish study of almost 5,000 men and women.

Chotai also found that men born from October to January have low dopamine levels and are most likely to be gentle and reflective types.

Chotai insisted that astrologers should not seize on his research as evidence that personalities are predestined by star signs. “Our results should not be mixed up with astrology,” he said. “Only one heavenly body is invoked in explaining our results: the sun, because it is that which gives rise to seasons.”

“Characteristics do not change in jerks, day by day or week by week, according to the birth period. Rather, one’s personality is linked to the month of your birth in a curve, just as the curve in weather gently moves from cold to warm or from dark to light throughout the year, and not in sudden jerks


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Predicting Mundane Affairs

by P R Chandna
Some of the astrologers make predictions about the mundane affairs on the basis of the New Moon falling in the month of Chaitra. In some cases predictions do come out correct. But this method alone is not very authentic. It has to be supplemented by the Annual Chart System as enunciated in classical astrological work.
According to the above system a full cabinet has to be formed to administer the cosmic order during the year. There must be a King, Minister for various subjects and other functions to regulate the Annual affairs. According to this system functionaries are changed every year.
The administrative council is formed as under:--
King: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Aries becomes the King of the year.
Prime Minister: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Taurus becomes the Prime Minister of that year.
Minister of Paddy Crop: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Cancer is the Minister of the Paddy Crops.
Minister of Minerals and Metals: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Capricorn is the Minister of Minerals and Metals.
Minister of Clouds: The lord of the day in the month of Jyesha when Sun enters Ardra Nakshatra becomes the Minister of Clouds.
Minister of Fluids: The lord of the day when the Sun enters into the first point of Gemini becomes the Minister of all kinds of fluids.
Minister of Fruits and Vegetables: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Libra becomes the Minister for Fruits and Vegetables.
Minister of Corn: The lord of the day on which the Sun enters into the first point of Sagittarius becomes the Minister of Corn.
The various planets will influence indifferent ways the affairs of the country during the year under consideration, when they assume the role of Ministers of the different disciplines.
The effect of the various planets on the annual affairs will be as follows:
King of the Year
The Sun as the King of the year will generate the tension among the Kings, danger by thieves and by fire. The forests will be full of wild carnivorous animals seeking for prey. Medicine will cease to be much efficacious. The Moon signifies universal rain, abundant growth of all kinds of corn and happiness and prosperity all around. Cows will yield abundance of milk. Mars indicates little rainfall. There will be trouble by thieves and by fire, storms, tornadoes and kings will be at daggers drawn. Mercury denotes insufficient rains and unsatisfactory crops. If rainfall be sufficient, it will be local. Mankind will be truthful. There will be much distress on account of storms and fear also will prevail. The planet also indicates a big battle. Jugglery and sorcery will thrive and rogues will prosper. Jupiter, as the king of the year, affords a felicitous time for sacrifices and other functions of the wise Kings will not swerve from the path of virtue; there will be prosperity and contentment all round and freedom from disease. Venus signifies satisfactory rainfall everywhere, and luxuriant crops. Rice crops and sugarcane will flourish. Cattle will be in good condition and will yield abundantly. There will be general contentment. Saturn shows poor rainfall and trouble by fire and by thieves. There will be a general tendency to commit acts of sinful nature. The land will suffer from wicked people.
Prime Minister
When Sun becomes the Prime Minister it indicates rancorous feeling among kings, poor rainfall, scanty harvest and a general tendency to acts of unrighteousness. The Moon indicates good rainfall, luxuriant growth, health and general well-being and prosperity. Mars shows a tendency on the part of kings to acts of injustice; there will be little rain; trade will sink and people will suffer by means of weapons and by fire. Mercury denotes ill-feeling among kings and distress by storms; rainfall and agricultural growth will be middling. Jupiter promises luxuriant growth of all kinds of corn, general happiness and contentment; cows will be in good condition and their yield of milk satisfactory. Venus promotes devotion between husband and wife, growth of all kinds of corn and cow's yield of milk. Saturn give poor rainfall and poorer agricultural yield. He indicates bad days for people and cattle, low class people will feel exalted.
Minister of Paddy Crop
The Sun signifies a good yield of white grains and grains having the colour of conch. The Moon promises a luxuriant growth of wet and dry crops and robust growth of trees. Mars shows abundance of red paddy, big paddy and grams of all sorts. The planet favours cultivation of gravel soil. Mercury indicates poor rainfall and scanty agricultural growth. The rainfall will be very light and people will be in a state of anxiety. Jupiter shows luxuriant growth, impartial administration of justice by kings and good yield of cow's milk. Venus indicates fertility of white soil and profuse growth of white grains. Saturn favours the growth of sesamum and black gram; choose black soil.
Minister of Fluid
The Sun denotes rise in the price of ghee, oil, honey and other sweet substances. The Moon shows rise in the price of ghee, oil, honey sugar, milk, curd and sugar candy. It promotes general health. Mars indicates rise in the price of black mustard, salt, ghee, sesamum, oil and sugar. There will be danger by fire in villages. Mercury signifies good yield of cow's milk, fertile growth of all kinds of corn; rulers will be just. Jupiter favours the growth of all succulent products. There will be plenty of rain and cow's milk. Venus shows universal rainfall and excellent growth of products that are sweet. Saturn gives very poor rainfall, poor crops and scanty growth of juicy products, grains and corn. Low class people will come to prominence.
Minister of Metals and Minerals
The Sun indicates dearness of lead, zinc, musk and sapphire. The Moon signifies increase of camphor, sandal, white clothes, pearls, gold, saffron-power and flowers. Mars gives increase of corals, gold, crimson-coloured gems and red clothes. Mercury indicates development of pearls and other shell products, gold, emerald and saffron-coloured clothes. Jupiter favours camphor, saffron, must and sandal. Venus brings up diamonds, gems pearls, cardamoms, cotton and silver. Saturn indicates increase of metals, lead, tin, musk and sapphire.
Minister of Clouds
The Sun shows great fear, small profits, sporadic rains and growth of unhealthy silk corns. The Moon favours good rain, agricultural prosperity, increase of all kinds of corn and plenty of cow's milk. Mars causes storm, high prices, scattered rains and growth of black corns. Mercury signifies moderate rain and adequate harvest. Much damage by storm and rain is likely in the Central Provinces. Jupiter favours luxuriant growth and prosperity everywhere and sufficient yield of cow's milk. Venus promises good rainfall, fruitful trees and general prosperity, besides satisfactory yield of cow's milk. Saturn promotes the growth of sesamum and moderate rainfall and even that only here and there.
Minister of Grains
The Sun shows scanty rain and consequently very little growth, slight fall in prices and growth of unhealthy or poisonous grains and a period of anxiety. The Moon produces good rainfall and general prosperity, good yield of cow's milk, peace of mind and freedom from disease. Mars denotes poor yield, high prices, growth of bad corns and fertility of red soil. Mercury gives poor growth of corn and fruit and meager rainfall, and that only in some places. Jupiter favours universal rain, fertility and good yield of cow's milk. Venus signifies much rain, and growth, immunity from illness. Saturn denotes scanty rain, here and there, a period of famine and great anxiety. Black soil proves fertile.
Ingress of Sun
The ingress of Sun in a new sign in the forenoon signifies destruction; at noon, grief; in the afternoon, well-being; and at night, prosperity.
The ingress of the Sun in a new sign Aries during day time creates unrest and rise in prices.
Sayanam: The ingress of Sun into Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn causes annihilation of all sins.
Prayanam: The ingress of Sun into Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries denotes war.
Asanam: The ingress of Sun into Libra, Gemini and Aquarius signifies well-being.
Sthiti: The ingress of Sun into Scorpio, Cancer or Leo gives treasure-trove.
The ingress of Sun in a new sign on a Sunday signifies meager rainfall and disastrous to animals; on Monday, prosperity and bad time for militants; on Tuesday, unrest and pestilence and suffering to thieves; on Wednesday, storm and evil to kings; on Thursday, growth of medicinal herbs; on Friday, rainfall and afflicts animals; on Saturday, universal calamity and disaster to people of other castes.
Special Yogas
In addition to the above there are three yogas: Rohini Yoga, Asadhi Yoga and Swati Yoga.
The Rohini Yoga which is formed when the Moon passes through the asterism of Rohini in the dark half of the lunar month of Asadha-June-July helps predicting future condition of land.
When the Moon passes through the asterism of Swati in the month of Asadha Swati Yoga is formed which helps in predicting general happiness of mankind.
Asadhi Yoga is formed on the day when the Moon passes through the asterism U.Asadha in the lunar month of Asadha which helps in predicting marketing in commodities. (Condensed from Om—The Babaji, August, 1990)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Practical Approach towards Heart Diseases

by Mridula Trivedi
The human heart lies in the fourth part of the body and hence it is represented by the fourth house of the horoscope. The Sun is the main significator of heart. In other words the Sun is the heart of Kaala Purusha. Sun is the source of energy and indicates oxygen too. The heart energizes the impure blood after pouring oxygen into it. So affliction of Sun plays main role in the disease of heart. Affliction of the fourth house also causes diseases of chest. A proper and careful judgment can reveal whether it is a heart disease provided biological knowledge of human body is in the mind of the astrologer at the time of judgment of the horoscope. The general rule of Astrology that a planet, who is a Karaka or significator of a certain house if located in that house, becomes very dangerous, particularly in case of affliction, association or aspects of malefic planets.
Cancer is a watery sign and also indicates fluid in which the heart is enclosed. Cancer indicates veins too. So afflictions of Cancer sign, fourth house and Sun indicate heart troubles. Sun controls pulsation of heart as well. It is the beating of heart which takes place in two phases. Contraction is technically called Systole and relaxation named as Diastole. These are heard as heart beats. Affliction of Sun in 4th house of a horoscope decidedly causes affliction of heart beats. Affliction of Sun in different ways may create different types of complications of heart.
Everybody is frightened by the word "heart attack" and "heart failure" and this always comes when one expects it least and takes our lives too frequently. What is heart failure? When the heart is unable to pump the blood efficiently, this condition of heart is known as heart failure or technically it is called coronary thrombosis.
Sun indicates heart mainly. He owns Leo. Therefore, Leo sign must also be considered while working for the diseases of heart. Similarly 4th and 5th houses should be judged in connection with hear troubles. Why the 5th house is referred for heartaches? If we see the exact position of heart in the body, we find whole heart is not lodged in the fourth part only. Lower portion of heart is placed into the 5th portion of Kaala Purusha. But major portion comes under the fourth part of the body, so the fourth house requires more emphasis.
Lord of fourth house has control over heart. Moon is a watery planet and has control over the fluid of the heart. Heart which is mainly represented by Sun has involuntary rhythm. It is not controlled by mind. The heart is four chambered pump. Like all other mechanical pumps it has areas of electrical activity which provides it constant rhythmic action. This electrical activity is controlled by Ketu. Sun's affliction with Ketu causes disturbances in electrical activity of heart resulting into failure of heart.
However afflicted Mars in Cancer or fourth house shows weakness of heart muscles. The heart purifies the blood by pouring oxygen into it. Sun is energy and represents oxygen also. On the basis of above significance we can trace out the exact cause of heart trouble provided we are aware with the biological facts of heart and causes of heart attacks.
Coronary Thrombosis This is exact which we generally name as heart attack. This happens due to small clot, thrombus in the coronary artery so that oxygen supply in the heart is disturbed. This condition is fatal. This is caused due to heavy affliction of Sun with Ketu or Mars or Saturn in fourth house. Affliction of Sun is very necessary to cause coronary thrombosis.
Angina Pectoris
It is the condition in which the severe pain occurs in chest. It is due to inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart resulting into narrowing of arteries.
In this case affliction of Sun and Mars is required. Venus will also be involved. Tachycardia
It is the condition in which the heart beats increases or interval between two beats of heart is decreased. Only Sun is responsible. Placement of Sun in fourth house even with least affliction causes this.
Defective Valves
Any kind of defect in the valve affects the normal functioning of heart. In such cases Mars and Ketu will be involved. Hypertension or Blood Pressure
When heart pumps the blood into arteries, there is a pressure exerted on the walls of the artery. This is blood pressure. In normal adult this should be 120/80. The blood pressure rises under the influence of tension, worry, excitement and fear etc. In this, affliction of Moon and Mars is compulsory.
There are a few main causes of heart attack.
1. Increase in the carbon dioxide concentration in blood.
Due to this increase in carbon dioxide concentration in blood, excess of carbon dioxide begins to reach the heart. Heart starts pumping rapidly and the excess pressure can result into stoppage of heart or the heart may gradually start functioning slowly. In other words the electrical activity area fails which is governed by Ketu. So Ketu's affliction is necessary in fourth house along with the Sun.
2. Due to excess formation of fat in the blood a substance known s cholesterol starts forming which makes the blood more concentrated and viscous and so a large amount of pressure is applied by the heart to pump the blood and at times cholesterol choke the arteries somewhere and blood supply is broken resulting into coronary thrombosis or heart attack. This is caused due to affliction of Moon, Sun and Saturn.
Now we will switch over to the horoscopic analysis for heart diseases. It is not easy task to find out the exact disease of heart; but a careful examination of various number of horoscopes may reveal it:--
1. Afflicted Sun in Cancer or Capricorn may result into heart trouble.
2. Affliction of Sun in the fourth house indicates further complication of heart.
3. Affliction of Ketu in fourth house indicat
es weakening of heart, i.e. creates disturbance in electrical activity of the rhythm of heart. 4. Prominent hypertension or blood pressure is denoted by an angular Sun along with afflicted Saturn or Mars.
5. Rahu, Mars and Ketu prominently connected with Sun and fourth house cause heart diseases. Mostly such combinations may cause weakening of heart muscles or increase in carbon dioxide in blood.
6. Afflicted Sun is connected with the lords of 6th 8th or 12th houses or with the houses themselves.
7. The fourth and fifth house or the lords thereof must not be afflicted. More importance must be attached to the house and lord of the house comes next to that. A connection of 4th and 5th house or their lords must be established with 6th or 8th house.
Generally heart attacks come in the periods of afflicted planets or in the periods of 12th from Sun or in the period of 4th lord. Actual timing of heart trouble is the tough work and to find out the time precisely requires great practice of transits.
8. Venus rules veins. Affliction of Venus with Sun or in the fourth house will reveal that the blood vessels have become narrow resulting into the improper flow of blood.
(Condensed from Planets & Forecast, December, 1983)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Yogi, Avayogi and Dugdha Rasis

A New Concept in Predictive Astrology by Dr T S Vasan
In predictive Astrology there are thousands of combinations and rules which one has to master and specialize in order to get proficiency while giving predictions. Since there are many missing links and pitfalls, the general rules of this Science make even sincere Astrologer stumble and miss the target. In order to hit the bulls eye and to become more successful in the art of prediction the late Sri H R Seshadri Iyer of Bangalore has found out certain very important secrets in the oriental Nadi writings of the past. According to this concept one should calculate Yogi, Avayogi and Dugdha Rasis before embarking on making any specific predictions. Then what is this Yogi and how to find the same and what is this Avayogi and methods to find the same? There are 27 yogas which are called Nitya Yogas from Vishkambha to Vaidhriti. Yoga is one of the limbs of the day in Panchanga. Yoga means addition and Tithi means reduction. If you add the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon you get the yoga whereas if you deduct the longitude of the Sun from that of the Moon you will get Tithi. This Tithi is yet another limb of the day. According to the Nadi principles all the limbs of the day, i.e. Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana have great significance while interpreting the horoscope. In our classical study of this Science we have understood that the addition of the longitude of the Sun and the Moon will give a Nakshatra and this Nakshatra is counted from Ashwini to know the number of the yoga. For example if the Moon's Longitude is Bharani and since the number of the star from ashwini is 2 the yoga is 2nd yoga called Preeti. But the Nadi principle departs far from this principle and says that the Yoga number has to be counted from Pushya instead of Ashwini is summed up as follows: Take the longitude of the Sun and the Moon plus add constant figure 3s-3º-20' (which is the starting point of Pushya Star and it is taken as first star of Vishkumbha and succeeding stars get the respective yogas). In other words the Nakshatra which we get after adding the longitude of the Sun, the Moon plus 3 signs 3 degrees and 20 minutes, should be counted from Pushya and the number gives the number of yoga. The star lord of that yoga is called as yogi and the 6th stellar lord from this yoga star is called as Avayogi. These two planets i.e. Yogi and Avayogi play a very important role in predictive system of Hindu Astrology. I even go further and say that it is a worthy breakthrough in predictive systems. Now you have to understand some more factors in understanding this system of analysis. The lord of the house wherein the yoga point falls is called as Saha Yogi (supporting planet to Yogi) and the nine planets fall in 3 planetary groups such as Guru, Chandra and Ketu (1), Surya, Budha and Rahu (2), and Shani Shukra and Kuja (3). It is for us to know in which planetary group the yogi planet falls. If the yogi planet falls in this group the other planets of that group become yoga like planets. The second group of planets will become will become Avayoga group and the third group becomes a Neutral group. In the same way if the yogi planet falls in 2nd group the 3rd group of planets become avayoga group of planets and vice versa and other group becomes neutral group. In our next step of understanding we have to scrutinise that how many planets are in Yogi Nakshatras and in the yoga group of planetary stars and how many planets are in Avayogi star and avayogi group of planetary stars. The remaining planets we know will fall in neutral stars. Among the yoga group of planets, yogi planetary star will have always strong influence and value and other planetary influences will be moderate. In the same way avayogi planetary star will have a strong influence when compared to the stars of avayoga planetary group of stars. Bhava lords who occupy avayoga stars will have lot of obstacles to give good results whereas Bhavadhipatis occupying yoga stars will flourish very well if there are no afflictions. But they are very strong when compared to avayoga planetary positions. Therefore we have to look into the stellar lords while reading the horoscope. The Rasi position of planets are Sthoola (general) whereas stellar positions are Sookshmas (specific). In addition to the above yogi and avayogi principles, one should know the houses that are burnt depending on the tithi of birth. The following table gives the Rasis which are burnt according to tithi.
Tithis and Dugdha Rasis 1st: Tula,Makara 2nd: Dhanu,Meena 3rd: Simha,Makara 4th: Vrishabha,Kumbha 5th: Mithuna,Kanya 6th: Mesha,Simha, 7th: Karka,Dhanu 8th: Mithuna,Kanya 9th: Simha, Vrishchika, 10th: Simha, Vrishchika, 11th: Dhanu,Meena 12th: Tula,Makara 13th: Vrishabha,Simha 14th: Mithuna,Kanya,Dhanu,Meena The planets occupying Dugdha Rasis will become weak and ineffective to give good results. The redeeming features for this Dugdha Rasi planet are as follows: 1. If the planets occupying Dugdha Rasis are retrograde they can survive the bad effects of Dugdha Rasi. 2. If a Dugdha Rasi lord sits in the same Rasi or in another Dugdha Rasi he will have no bad effects of Dugdha Rasi. 3. If Guru aspects Dugdha Rasi it can mitigate the bad influence of Dugdha Rasi to that Bhava or Rasi. 4. If the Dugdha Rasi lord aspects Dugdha Rasi it will have some strength. There are no dugdha rasi for Poornima and Amavasya. The principles of Yoga, Avayoga should be studied along with other principles of Parasara School. Avayoga Grahas should have bad Jurisdiction and should occupy bad houses whereas yoga Grahas should have good houses and should occupy good bhavas. (Condensed from Express Star Teller, July, 1991)