
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Predicting Mundane Affairs

by P R Chandna
Some of the astrologers make predictions about the mundane affairs on the basis of the New Moon falling in the month of Chaitra. In some cases predictions do come out correct. But this method alone is not very authentic. It has to be supplemented by the Annual Chart System as enunciated in classical astrological work.
According to the above system a full cabinet has to be formed to administer the cosmic order during the year. There must be a King, Minister for various subjects and other functions to regulate the Annual affairs. According to this system functionaries are changed every year.
The administrative council is formed as under:--
King: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Aries becomes the King of the year.
Prime Minister: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Taurus becomes the Prime Minister of that year.
Minister of Paddy Crop: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Cancer is the Minister of the Paddy Crops.
Minister of Minerals and Metals: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Capricorn is the Minister of Minerals and Metals.
Minister of Clouds: The lord of the day in the month of Jyesha when Sun enters Ardra Nakshatra becomes the Minister of Clouds.
Minister of Fluids: The lord of the day when the Sun enters into the first point of Gemini becomes the Minister of all kinds of fluids.
Minister of Fruits and Vegetables: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Libra becomes the Minister for Fruits and Vegetables.
Minister of Corn: The lord of the day on which the Sun enters into the first point of Sagittarius becomes the Minister of Corn.
The various planets will influence indifferent ways the affairs of the country during the year under consideration, when they assume the role of Ministers of the different disciplines.
The effect of the various planets on the annual affairs will be as follows:
King of the Year
The Sun as the King of the year will generate the tension among the Kings, danger by thieves and by fire. The forests will be full of wild carnivorous animals seeking for prey. Medicine will cease to be much efficacious. The Moon signifies universal rain, abundant growth of all kinds of corn and happiness and prosperity all around. Cows will yield abundance of milk. Mars indicates little rainfall. There will be trouble by thieves and by fire, storms, tornadoes and kings will be at daggers drawn. Mercury denotes insufficient rains and unsatisfactory crops. If rainfall be sufficient, it will be local. Mankind will be truthful. There will be much distress on account of storms and fear also will prevail. The planet also indicates a big battle. Jugglery and sorcery will thrive and rogues will prosper. Jupiter, as the king of the year, affords a felicitous time for sacrifices and other functions of the wise Kings will not swerve from the path of virtue; there will be prosperity and contentment all round and freedom from disease. Venus signifies satisfactory rainfall everywhere, and luxuriant crops. Rice crops and sugarcane will flourish. Cattle will be in good condition and will yield abundantly. There will be general contentment. Saturn shows poor rainfall and trouble by fire and by thieves. There will be a general tendency to commit acts of sinful nature. The land will suffer from wicked people.
Prime Minister
When Sun becomes the Prime Minister it indicates rancorous feeling among kings, poor rainfall, scanty harvest and a general tendency to acts of unrighteousness. The Moon indicates good rainfall, luxuriant growth, health and general well-being and prosperity. Mars shows a tendency on the part of kings to acts of injustice; there will be little rain; trade will sink and people will suffer by means of weapons and by fire. Mercury denotes ill-feeling among kings and distress by storms; rainfall and agricultural growth will be middling. Jupiter promises luxuriant growth of all kinds of corn, general happiness and contentment; cows will be in good condition and their yield of milk satisfactory. Venus promotes devotion between husband and wife, growth of all kinds of corn and cow's yield of milk. Saturn give poor rainfall and poorer agricultural yield. He indicates bad days for people and cattle, low class people will feel exalted.
Minister of Paddy Crop
The Sun signifies a good yield of white grains and grains having the colour of conch. The Moon promises a luxuriant growth of wet and dry crops and robust growth of trees. Mars shows abundance of red paddy, big paddy and grams of all sorts. The planet favours cultivation of gravel soil. Mercury indicates poor rainfall and scanty agricultural growth. The rainfall will be very light and people will be in a state of anxiety. Jupiter shows luxuriant growth, impartial administration of justice by kings and good yield of cow's milk. Venus indicates fertility of white soil and profuse growth of white grains. Saturn favours the growth of sesamum and black gram; choose black soil.
Minister of Fluid
The Sun denotes rise in the price of ghee, oil, honey and other sweet substances. The Moon shows rise in the price of ghee, oil, honey sugar, milk, curd and sugar candy. It promotes general health. Mars indicates rise in the price of black mustard, salt, ghee, sesamum, oil and sugar. There will be danger by fire in villages. Mercury signifies good yield of cow's milk, fertile growth of all kinds of corn; rulers will be just. Jupiter favours the growth of all succulent products. There will be plenty of rain and cow's milk. Venus shows universal rainfall and excellent growth of products that are sweet. Saturn gives very poor rainfall, poor crops and scanty growth of juicy products, grains and corn. Low class people will come to prominence.
Minister of Metals and Minerals
The Sun indicates dearness of lead, zinc, musk and sapphire. The Moon signifies increase of camphor, sandal, white clothes, pearls, gold, saffron-power and flowers. Mars gives increase of corals, gold, crimson-coloured gems and red clothes. Mercury indicates development of pearls and other shell products, gold, emerald and saffron-coloured clothes. Jupiter favours camphor, saffron, must and sandal. Venus brings up diamonds, gems pearls, cardamoms, cotton and silver. Saturn indicates increase of metals, lead, tin, musk and sapphire.
Minister of Clouds
The Sun shows great fear, small profits, sporadic rains and growth of unhealthy silk corns. The Moon favours good rain, agricultural prosperity, increase of all kinds of corn and plenty of cow's milk. Mars causes storm, high prices, scattered rains and growth of black corns. Mercury signifies moderate rain and adequate harvest. Much damage by storm and rain is likely in the Central Provinces. Jupiter favours luxuriant growth and prosperity everywhere and sufficient yield of cow's milk. Venus promises good rainfall, fruitful trees and general prosperity, besides satisfactory yield of cow's milk. Saturn promotes the growth of sesamum and moderate rainfall and even that only here and there.
Minister of Grains
The Sun shows scanty rain and consequently very little growth, slight fall in prices and growth of unhealthy or poisonous grains and a period of anxiety. The Moon produces good rainfall and general prosperity, good yield of cow's milk, peace of mind and freedom from disease. Mars denotes poor yield, high prices, growth of bad corns and fertility of red soil. Mercury gives poor growth of corn and fruit and meager rainfall, and that only in some places. Jupiter favours universal rain, fertility and good yield of cow's milk. Venus signifies much rain, and growth, immunity from illness. Saturn denotes scanty rain, here and there, a period of famine and great anxiety. Black soil proves fertile.
Ingress of Sun
The ingress of Sun in a new sign in the forenoon signifies destruction; at noon, grief; in the afternoon, well-being; and at night, prosperity.
The ingress of the Sun in a new sign Aries during day time creates unrest and rise in prices.
Sayanam: The ingress of Sun into Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn causes annihilation of all sins.
Prayanam: The ingress of Sun into Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries denotes war.
Asanam: The ingress of Sun into Libra, Gemini and Aquarius signifies well-being.
Sthiti: The ingress of Sun into Scorpio, Cancer or Leo gives treasure-trove.
The ingress of Sun in a new sign on a Sunday signifies meager rainfall and disastrous to animals; on Monday, prosperity and bad time for militants; on Tuesday, unrest and pestilence and suffering to thieves; on Wednesday, storm and evil to kings; on Thursday, growth of medicinal herbs; on Friday, rainfall and afflicts animals; on Saturday, universal calamity and disaster to people of other castes.
Special Yogas
In addition to the above there are three yogas: Rohini Yoga, Asadhi Yoga and Swati Yoga.
The Rohini Yoga which is formed when the Moon passes through the asterism of Rohini in the dark half of the lunar month of Asadha-June-July helps predicting future condition of land.
When the Moon passes through the asterism of Swati in the month of Asadha Swati Yoga is formed which helps in predicting general happiness of mankind.
Asadhi Yoga is formed on the day when the Moon passes through the asterism U.Asadha in the lunar month of Asadha which helps in predicting marketing in commodities. (Condensed from Om—The Babaji, August, 1990)


A said...

dude, you seem to be really into it. I wonder how can they write it so convincingly about the stars and horoscopes when almost half a billion people belong to each of them.

Anonymous said...

Only a fraud can be so convincing. Otherwise almighty has determined to veil the future from ordinary human beings.