
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mode of Death In Astrology

Mode of death is to be reckoned from the 8th house, its lord and planets placed in 8th house. Planets aspecting 8th house and 8th lord also have a part to play. If no planet is placed in the 8th house 22nd Drekkana should be looked into and mode of death ascertained. Sun causes death due to fire, weapons, fever, bile, epilepsy, stomach ulcer, tuberculosis of the bone and due to animals. Moon causes death due to nervous breakdown, diarrhea, jaundice, depression, blood cancer, smallpox, dropsy or TB. Mars causes death due to fire arms, assassination, poison, thirst, witchcraft, secret action of enemies, diseases of bone marrow and due to wrath of rulers. Mercury causes death due to depression, poison, anemia, bondage, madness and accidents and paralysis. Jupiter causes death due to jaundice and other lever diseases, loneliness, excessive thrist. Venus causes death due to anemia, sexual diseases, high fever, urinary afflictions, diseases in generative organs, due to prostitution and due to treachery of trusted friends. Saturn causes death due to heart disease, typhoid, paralysis of leg, stomach-ache, treachery of subordinates and labour class, injury due to stones and due to mental anguish. Rahu causes death due to leprosy, poisoning, heart disease, worms in stomach and snake-bite. Ketu causes death due to enmity, unnatural factors such as drowning, suicide and due to infection through worms. Mandi causes death due to excessive pain, impurity of blood and poison. Different signs in 8th house: Following is the result of different signs in 8th house – Aries causes death due to biliousness, fever, heat, liver, weapons, fire and gastric trouble; Taurus: fire, weapons, sexual diseases, throat cancer etc; Gemini causes death due to asthma, colic etc; Cancer causes death due to madness, wind diseases, chest troubles, starvation, etc.; Leo causes death due to beasts, fever, fire, enemies and heart trouble; Virgo causes death due to women, stomach trouble, injury caused by falling etc.; Libra causes death due to typhoid, sexual diseases, brain disorder, affliction in generative organs and due to women; Scorpio causes death due to secret action, jaundice, cholera etc; Sagittarius causes death due to drowning, weapons, in battle fields, loss of appetite, stomach-ache etc.; Capricorn causes death due to stomach-ache, loss of appetite, heart trouble, cold, paralysis etc; Aquarius causes death due to whooping cough, fever, cold waves etc; Pisces causes death due to drowning and other watery diseases.
Effect of 22nd Drekkana: If the drekkana is a fiery on death is due to firearms, weapons, high fever, heart trouble, assassination etc. If it is watery death can be due to drowning, tuberculosis and watery diseases. If it is a serpent drekkana death will be due to snake-bite, beasts, poison, assassination, etc. Following are the results of all 36 Drekkanas falling as 22nd Drekkana. Maharshi Badarayana is of the view that 22nd Drekkana gives the clue to death: - Aries: First Drekkana : Fire, poisoning, bilious diseases. Second Drekkana : Water and aquatic animals. Third Drekkana : Drawning Taurus: First Drekkana : Through four legged animals Second Drekkana : Fire, goat, thief, assassination, bilious complaints. Third Drekkana : In battlefield or due to fall. Gemini: First Drekkana : Cough and long suffering disease relating to chest. Second Drekkana : Due to fall, typhoid and due to milk-giving animals. Third Drekkana : Fall, injury in forest. Cancer:
First Drekkana : Throat diseases, weapons. Second Drekkana : Attack with sticks or due to being hit very hard with a box, poison. Leo: First Drekkana : Poison, watery diseases Second Drekkana : Water animals, heart disease, jaundice. Third Drekkana : Travel sickness, poison, weapons. Virgo: First Drekkana : Thief, fire, head injury. Second Drekkana : Thirst, snake-bite, horses. Third Drekkana : Animals, water, weapons, food from female hands, explosions. Libra: First Drekkana : Due to female, fall. Second Drekkana : Stomach Diseases. Third Drekkana : Snake-bite, poison Scorpio: First Drekkana : Weapons, poison. Second Drekkana : Dog (rabies), crushed to death Third Drekkana : Elephant, Camel, Stones. Sagittarius: First Drekkana : Wrath of ruler, capital punishment Second Drekkana : Poison, fire, urinary diseases Third Drekkana : Stomach diseases, watery, animals. Capricorn: First Drekkana : Pig, ruler's wrath Second Drekkana : Watery animals, injury Third Drekkana : Thief, robbers, weapons Aquarius: First Drekkana : Watery ;animals, poison, women, sex diseases Second Drekkana : Diseases of generative organs. Third Drekkana : Infection in mouth Pisces: First Drekkana : Dysentery, Second Drekkana : Dropsy Third Drekkana : Stomach ailment, knee problem. Following are certain combinations culled out from various ancient classical works and should be considered while predicting the mode of death. If lord of lagna drekkana is in 6th or 8th house and is associted or aspected by a malefic, death is due to fall or a stone. If lagna drekkana lord be in 8th with Sun and Mars death is due to lightening or Sun stroke. If this lord is with Venus and Jupiter the death is due to poisoning. If 8th lord is malefic and malefic occupies 8th death is due to weapons, tiger, fire or snake. Two malefics in mutual kendras and aspect death is due to capital punishment, poison, fire etc. If Ketu and Mandi are together in the house of Mercury or Saturn aspected by another malefic death is due to spinal troubles. If 8th is occupied by more than one malefic, death is unnatural and violent. If Moon is in 8th along with two malefics death is due to epilepsy. If Mercury and Saturn occupy 8th house death is due to hanging. If Moon and Mercury are in 6th or 8th death is due to poisoning. Moon, Mars and Saturn in 8th cause death is due to weapons. 6th lord in 8th or 8th lord in 6th causes death due to a long disease. If 8th lord is in a friend's house or in the Navamsa of a benefic and benefic occupies 8th, death is easy and without suffering. If 8th lord is in enemy house or Navamsa of a malefic death is after suffering. If at birth of a person, Sun and Mars occupy 4th or 10th house from the rising sign the person will die due to injury caused by stones. If common sign rises and is occupied by Sun and Moon death is due to drowning. If Moon is hemmed in between malefics and occupies house of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) death is due to firearms. If Sun is in 10th and Mars in 4th death is due to fall. If Mars is in 7th and Sun, Moon and Saturn in Lagna death is because of accident by a machine. If Rahu is in the 6th with 4th lord death is due to action of robbers. If Mars and Sun in Kendra from 8th lord death is due to capital punishment.
(Courtesy: Om—the Babaji, August, 1990)

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