
Monday, June 25, 2007

The Astrology of music

Gary Goldschneider is very good at a lot of things. He can play the piano well enough to claim the right to international concert stages. He can compose music. He can remember anything he has ever heard or read - word for word, note by note. And he can decipher the mysteries of the stars.
For him, every piece of music has an astrological signature. Using the birthdates of composers, he can map out the character of the artist and his music.
In this big round world, there are a lot of people who fervently believe in astrology. They may either, like orthodox Hindus, use auspicious and inauspicious dates as stepping stones for their entire lives, or just occasionally look up their astrological advice for the week in the local rag. And then there are those for whom astrology, not being a pure science, must be taken with a pinch of salt. Whatever your bent though, it's hard not to get swept up in the enthusiasm that Gary Goldschneider combines with his breathtaking trick of memory. Name a date - your birthday for example, or that of a spouse or a child and he'll immediately reel off a list of famous people who were born on the same day. He'll name characteristics, foibles, personality quirks that go with the astrological sign. He'll pinpoint other signs that are compatible and those that absolutely aren't with this one. "Ah, Aquarius…" my answer to his very first question to me prompted his trademark broad grin. "I can see straightaway we're going to get along." On hearing the birthdate of my daughter (8 May) he was rapturous… "Oh, you and your husband must be so happy to have such an easy child." As far as astrology goes, I'm not what you call a True Believer, but I was not immune to this fatal combination of charm, memory, knowledge and energy.
Over the past two years, I have been the receptacle of Gary Goldschneider's immense knowledge of both music and astrology as together we produce a series on The Stars of Music. Sitting at his Bechstein, he talked to me about different types of music, illustrating his examples with riffs delivered with panache and casual virtuosity, and peppering our musical conversation with astrological nuggets.(by Dheera Sujan,Radio Netherlands 22-06-2007)

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