Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi might be eyeing the big seat with his three-day 'sadhbhavana' fast that ends today, but there are few takers for the view that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader might be a contender for the prime minister's post in 2014.
According to Nepali Astrologer Dr.Suneel Sharma Sitaula, the Combination of 9th and 10th lord in Modi’s horoscope makes him a man of high thinking. It is this position of the Rajyoga that makes him a determined and hard working person who achieves success in life with his own abilities.
Among the important yogs in his horoscope are the Kaal Sarpa Yog, Bhadra Yog, Tapaswi and Buddhaditya Yog. He came into politics due to the influence of Sun and Mercury on him. A special yog in his horoscope makes him a man who can take the world in his stride.
Astrologer Dr Suneel says that the time from May 2012 till November 2014 will prove to the golden days of his life. Luck will favour him and the stars indicate that there is a high chance that he will get an important and high post.
According to Nepali Astrologer Dr.Suneel Sharma Sitaula, the Combination of 9th and 10th lord in Modi’s horoscope makes him a man of high thinking. It is this position of the Rajyoga that makes him a determined and hard working person who achieves success in life with his own abilities.
Among the important yogs in his horoscope are the Kaal Sarpa Yog, Bhadra Yog, Tapaswi and Buddhaditya Yog. He came into politics due to the influence of Sun and Mercury on him. A special yog in his horoscope makes him a man who can take the world in his stride.
Astrologer Dr Suneel says that the time from May 2012 till November 2014 will prove to the golden days of his life. Luck will favour him and the stars indicate that there is a high chance that he will get an important and high post.