Birthday:24th July, 1969 Birth time:12:00pm Birth place:Bronx, New York (U.S.A.)
The astrological configuration at the time of her birth was Virgo Ascendant ( Lagna ) rising along with Cancer Navamsa which points to the possibility of her becoming a rolling stone, always changing from one to another. This need not necessarily mean she can’t realise her ambition of having a fat bank balance, but she can fare better if she is more steady in your approach.
She has the habit of leaving things half done and taking up new ventures, which is none too beneficial. Also, She don’t take a firm decision and act on it, but have a straying mind which goads If she get over this trait of indecision, she will stand to gain much .
Another problem with her is highly critical bent of mind. Be they your friends or business associates, she will constantly find fault with them and endlessly criticise them. This will alienate most of them. The result is some of them may try to take she to court and depose against her. So be patient in dealings with men and matters and give up the habit of grumbling all the time. This spoils the atmosphere. Actually She has a very pleasant home as her spouse will be god-fearing and extend all-out support .
As she is witty and look younger than her age, she is capable of impressing members of the opposite sex, for whom she has a fascination.
She will live long and enjoy robust health. But will have to be careful about stomach and the nervous system, both of which are highly sensitive. If she don’t take precautions, she may contact diseases connected with them, as she grow old. Having a balanced vegetarian diet will go some way in warding off such diseases.
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