Dr. Suneel Sharma Sitaulopadhyaya has worked as an astrologer in Kathmandu Nepal since 1994.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Right time to Lakshmi Puja
Lakshmi Ganesh Puja is the most significant aspect of Tihar celebrations in Nepal. Hindus observe the elaborate Lakshmi Ganesh Pooja with devotion and sincerity. It is believed that by propitiating Goddess Laxmi on the auspicious Dipawali night one is blessed with riches and prosperity.
On the day of dipawali people celebrate the birth of Goddess Lakshmi or the Goddess of Wealth hence Lakshmi Puja is an integral part of dipawali celebrations.
Hindu businessmen regard the day of dipawali as New Year's time. They start new account books on this day and seek blessings from Goddess Lakshmi. Astrologically this day is important as on the dipawali day sun enters its second course and passes Libra which is represented by the balance or scale. Hence, this design of Libra is believed to have suggested the balancing of account books and their closing.
Traditional Lakshmi Ganesh Puja involves a combined worship of five deities. Just as in all other Pujas, Lord Ganesha - the Vighanharta is worshiped in the beginning. Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped in her three forms as Mahalakshmi - the Goddess of Wealth, Mahasaraswati - the Goddess of Learning and Mahakali. There is also a tradition to worship Kuber - the Treasurer of the Gods.
Right time to perform Lakshmi Puja on dipawali Amavasya,between 17:49 to 19:45 on 05 Nov 2010 ( Kartik 19 2067) in stable Ascendant (Taurus sign).
It is considered as Pradosh Kaal, which is most preferrable time to perform Lord Ganesh, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kuber Puja.
Laxmi Puja,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
ग्रहको खेल या मायाको झेल
भियतनाममा जन्मिएको भियतनामी मूलकी आमा र भारतीय मूलका बाबुको छोरो, एक कुख्यात अपराधी चार्ल्स शोभराज संसारमै तहल्का मच्चाएर करिब ४ वर्षअगाडि नेपालमा पक्राउ परी हाल सदर खोरमा बन्दी जीवन बिताइरहेका छन् । उनी हाल ६४ वर्षा भए । भारतीय मूलका बाबु र नेपाली मूलकी आमाबाट जन्मिएकी निहिता विश्वास, सेन्टमेरिज स्कुलबाट १२ कक्षा उर्तीण गरेकी एक युवती, उनी हाल २० वर्षी छिन् ।
यी दइको विवाह बन्धनको खबरले दशैं ताका नेपाल र भारतका सञ्चारमाध्यमहरूमा विशेष स्थान प्राप्त गरे । यो ४४ वर्षो अन्तरालको अनमेल विवाह 'ग्रहको खेल हो या मायाको झेल' ज्योतिषीय विश्लेषण हेरौँ चार्ल्स सोभराजको जन्म 6 April 1944 बेलुका १० बजे भियतनामको साइगोन भन्ने ठाउँमा कन्या राशी वृश्चिक लग्नम भएको थियो । जन्मकुण्डलीमा यस प्रकार छ ।
कुण्डलीमा रहेको शनी मंगलको योग नै शोभराजको लागि अपराधी बन्ने मुख्य कारक तत्व बन्यो । ज्योतिर्विज्ञानमा शनि मङ्गलको योग अुशभ मानिन्छ । चन्द्रमा राहुको भुक्तिमा हुनु पनि उनलाई कुख्यात अपराधी बनाउनमा सहयोग सिद्ध भयो ।
जन्म कण्डलीमा सप्तमेश शुक्र उच्च हुनु नै उनको लागी स्त्रीजातिलाई मोहजालमा फसाउने हतियार बन्यो । तर शुक्र पनि राहुको भुक्तिमा हुनाले स्त्रीजातिलाई मोहजालमा फसाउन हत्या गर्न उत्प्ररेक रहृयो । किनकि ज्योतिष शास्त्रमा राहुलाई अपराधको मुख्य कारक मानिन्छ । उनको मन -चन्द्रमा स्त्री -शुक्र राहु अपराध को बेजोड संगम नै सबै चर्तिकलाको प्रमुख कारक देखिन्छ । यसरी ग्रह नक्षत्रले हरेक व्यक्तिलाई उसको जीवनमा प्रभाव पारिरहेको हुन्छ ।
19 september, 2003 को रात्री उनी काठमाडौँको होटेल याक एण्ड यति स्थित रोयल क्यासिनोबाट गिरफ्तार भए । उनी क्यासिनोको जुवा खेल व्ययाकराको शौखिन थिए । किनकि उनी क्यासिनो रोयलको V.I.P. कक्ष नजिकैको व्याकरा टेबुलबाट समातिएका थिए । उक्त समयमा उनी माथि शनीदेवको बक्र दृष्टि परिरहेको देखिन्छ । किनकि त्यस समय उनी शनि महादशाभित्र बुध अर्न्तदर्शाबाट गुज्रिरहेको थिए र कण्टक शनि पनि चलिरहेको थियो ।
शनि र बुध दुबै उनको लागि अकारक ग्रह हुन् ।
2007 june देखि चलेको शुक्रको अर्न्तदशाले उनलाई प्रेम प्रसङ्ग एवं वैवाहिक योग बनायो । ज्योतिष शास्त्र अनुसार शुक्र सप्तम भाव -विवाह)को स्वामी बनेर पञ्चम -प्रेम)को भावमा अवस्थित छ । अब यो विवाहको भविष्य कस्तो छ त -
पाँचौ सताब्दिका विख्यात ज्योर्तिविद वराहमिहीरले विवाहको समय अनुसार फल बताउने विवाह पटल नामक ग्रन्थ लेखेका छन् । जस अनुसार यस विवाह कुण्डलीको ग्रहगत अवस्था हेरौँ ः-
पत्रपत्रिकाले जनाए अनुसार चार्ल्स सोभराज र निहिता विश्वासको विवाह २०६५ साल असोज २३ गते बुधबार दिउँसो २ बजे भएको थियो उक्त समयमा काठमाडौँको पर्ूर्वीय क्षितिजमा मकर लग्नका मेष नवमांश उदाइरहेको थियो । लग्न र नवांश दुबै चर राशीमा बसेको हुनाले यस विवाहले कुनै निरन्तरता नपाउने प्रष्ट देखिन्छ । साथै लग्नमा राहु चन्द्रमाको योगले मानसिक रूपमा बढिनै पीडा दिने पनि देखिन्छ ।
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Barack Obama is Next President
The United States presidential election of 2008, scheduled for Tuesday November 4, 2008.the Republican Party has chosen John McCain, the senior United States Senator from Arizona as its nominee; the Democratic Party has chosen Barack Obama, the junior United States Senator from Illinois, as its nominee.
This election is particularly notable because it is the first time in U.S. history that two sitting senators will run against each other for president, and because it is the first time an African American is a presidential nominee for a major party, as well as the first time both major candidates were born outside the continental United States Hawaii for Obama and the Panama Canal Zone for McCain.Nepali Astrologers are observing the presidential election keenly.Who will be the next president of USA. A renowned Nepali astrologer Dr.S.Suneel has predicted that Barack Obama is Next President of USA. According to the birth chart available in market,
John McCain
August 29, 1936,Time: 9:00:00 am,Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT),Place: 79 W 52' 00", 9 N 22' 00", Coco Solo, Panama
Vimsottari Dasa
Sat MD: 1990-05-01 - 2009-04-30
Sat: 1990-05-01 - 1993-05-03 Merc: 1993-05-03 - 1996-01-12
Ket: 1996-01-12 - 1997-02-19 Ven: 1997-02-19 - 2000-04-21 Sun: 2000-04-21 - 2001-04-03
Moon: 2001-04-03 - 2002-11-02 Mars: 2002-11-02 - 2003-12-12 Rah: 2003-12-12 - 2006-10-18 Jup: 2006-10-18 - 2009-04-30
Yogini Dasa (with planets replacing Yoginis)
Rah MD: 2004-03-21 - 2012-03-21
Rah: 2004-03-21 - 2005-12-30 Moon: 2005-12-30 - 2006-03-21 Sun: 2006-03-21 - 2006-08-31 Jup: 2006-08-31 - 2007-05-01 Mars: 2007-05-01 - 2008-03-21 Merc: 2008-03-21 - 2009-05-01 Sat: 2009-05-01 - 2010-08-31 Ven: 2010-08-31 - 2012-03-21
Barack Obama
Date: August 4, 1961,Time: 19:24:00,Time Zone: 10:00:00 (West of GMT)Place: 157 W 51' 30", 21 N 18' 25" Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Vimsottari Dasa
Jup MD: 1996-07-24 (11:22:31) - 2012-07-24 (8:29:43)
Jup: 1996-07-24 (11:22:31) - 1998-09-11 (15:47:28) Sat: 1998-09-11 (15:47:28) - 2001-03-24 (22:32:07) Merc: 2001-03-24 (22:32:07) - 2003-06-30 (19:43:38) Ket: 2003-06-30 (19:43:38) - 2004-06-05 (17:09:33) Ven: 2004-06-05 (17:09:33) - 2007-02-04 (16:40:45) Sun: 2007-02-04 (16:40:45) - 2007-11-23 (21:20:07) Moon: 2007-11-23 (21:20:07) - 2009-03-24 (21:05:43)
Mars: 2009-03-24 (21:05:43) - 2010-02-28 (18:31:38) Rah: 2010-02-28 (18:31:38) - 2012-07-24 (8:29:43)
Yogini Dasa
Rah MD: 2004-07-27 (15:51:10) - 2012-07-27 (14:24:46)
Rah: 2004-07-27 (15:51:10) - 2006-05-07 (23:31:58) Moon: 2006-05-07 (23:31:58) - 2006-07-28 (3:29:34) Sun: 2006-07-28 (3:29:34) - 2007-01-06 (11:24:46) Jup: 2007-01-06 (11:24:46) - 2007-09-06 (23:17:34) Mars: 2007-09-06 (23:17:34) - 2008-07-27 (15:07:58) Merc: 2008-07-27 (15:07:58) - 2009-09-06 (10:55:58) Sat: 2009-09-06 (10:55:58) - 2011-01-06 (10:41:34)
Ven: 2011-01-06 (10:41:34) - 2012-07-27 (14:24:46)
John McCain is Kanya Lagna & Makar Rashi. Right now he is passing saturn mahadasa & jupiter antardasa up to April 2009,for him Saturn & jupiter both are malefic planet.According vedic astrology malefic planet never give political power.
Barack Obama is Makar lagna, Brish Rashi. Right Now he is passing jupiter Mahadasa & moon antaradasa up to March 2009. jupiter & Moon , both are benifical planet for him.Accoding Vedic Astrology benifical planet is able to provide Political success & such a person leads a kingly life.
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