
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nepal could not get new government within extended date December 17

Today December 13, 2012, Nepal's president President Ram Baran Yadav gave rival political parties a third extension to his deadline for forming a national unity government to lead the country into elections next year.
"The president has already extended the deadline twice. But following a request from political parties, he has extended it until December 17 for them to forge a political consensus for the selection of a prime minister and formation of the cabinet," a statement from the president's office said.
According to my astrological calculation by observing the positions of stars, planets, the Sun, and Moon, Nepal could not get new government within extended date December 17. Planet Sun is between to malefic planet, Rival political parties could not choose their candidate, But after 22 December 2012, Sun changes its Zodiac sign, Which gives some good news for political parties. Then they can format a national unity government.
Evil combination of Saturn and Rahu with Retrograde Jupiter until 30 January 2013, indicate government could not perform its best. As per my calculation there is not any chances of election before 26 June 2013.

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