Dr. Suneel Sharma Sitaulopadhyaya has worked as an astrologer in Kathmandu Nepal since 1994.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Predicting Mundane Affairs
Some of the astrologers make predictions about the mundane affairs on the basis of the New Moon falling in the month of Chaitra. In some cases predictions do come out correct. But this method alone is not very authentic. It has to be supplemented by the Annual Chart System as enunciated in classical astrological work.
According to the above system a full cabinet has to be formed to administer the cosmic order during the year. There must be a King, Minister for various subjects and other functions to regulate the Annual affairs. According to this system functionaries are changed every year.
The administrative council is formed as under:--
King: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Aries becomes the King of the year.
Prime Minister: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Taurus becomes the Prime Minister of that year.
Minister of Paddy Crop: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Cancer is the Minister of the Paddy Crops.
Minister of Minerals and Metals: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Capricorn is the Minister of Minerals and Metals.
Minister of Clouds: The lord of the day in the month of Jyesha when Sun enters Ardra Nakshatra becomes the Minister of Clouds.
Minister of Fluids: The lord of the day when the Sun enters into the first point of Gemini becomes the Minister of all kinds of fluids.
Minister of Fruits and Vegetables: The lord of the day on which Sun enters into the first point of Libra becomes the Minister for Fruits and Vegetables.
Minister of Corn: The lord of the day on which the Sun enters into the first point of Sagittarius becomes the Minister of Corn.
The various planets will influence indifferent ways the affairs of the country during the year under consideration, when they assume the role of Ministers of the different disciplines.
The effect of the various planets on the annual affairs will be as follows:
King of the Year
The Sun as the King of the year will generate the tension among the Kings, danger by thieves and by fire. The forests will be full of wild carnivorous animals seeking for prey. Medicine will cease to be much efficacious. The Moon signifies universal rain, abundant growth of all kinds of corn and happiness and prosperity all around. Cows will yield abundance of milk. Mars indicates little rainfall. There will be trouble by thieves and by fire, storms, tornadoes and kings will be at daggers drawn. Mercury denotes insufficient rains and unsatisfactory crops. If rainfall be sufficient, it will be local. Mankind will be truthful. There will be much distress on account of storms and fear also will prevail. The planet also indicates a big battle. Jugglery and sorcery will thrive and rogues will prosper. Jupiter, as the king of the year, affords a felicitous time for sacrifices and other functions of the wise Kings will not swerve from the path of virtue; there will be prosperity and contentment all round and freedom from disease. Venus signifies satisfactory rainfall everywhere, and luxuriant crops. Rice crops and sugarcane will flourish. Cattle will be in good condition and will yield abundantly. There will be general contentment. Saturn shows poor rainfall and trouble by fire and by thieves. There will be a general tendency to commit acts of sinful nature. The land will suffer from wicked people.
Prime Minister
When Sun becomes the Prime Minister it indicates rancorous feeling among kings, poor rainfall, scanty harvest and a general tendency to acts of unrighteousness. The Moon indicates good rainfall, luxuriant growth, health and general well-being and prosperity. Mars shows a tendency on the part of kings to acts of injustice; there will be little rain; trade will sink and people will suffer by means of weapons and by fire. Mercury denotes ill-feeling among kings and distress by storms; rainfall and agricultural growth will be middling. Jupiter promises luxuriant growth of all kinds of corn, general happiness and contentment; cows will be in good condition and their yield of milk satisfactory. Venus promotes devotion between husband and wife, growth of all kinds of corn and cow's yield of milk. Saturn give poor rainfall and poorer agricultural yield. He indicates bad days for people and cattle, low class people will feel exalted.
Minister of Paddy Crop
The Sun signifies a good yield of white grains and grains having the colour of conch. The Moon promises a luxuriant growth of wet and dry crops and robust growth of trees. Mars shows abundance of red paddy, big paddy and grams of all sorts. The planet favours cultivation of gravel soil. Mercury indicates poor rainfall and scanty agricultural growth. The rainfall will be very light and people will be in a state of anxiety. Jupiter shows luxuriant growth, impartial administration of justice by kings and good yield of cow's milk. Venus indicates fertility of white soil and profuse growth of white grains. Saturn favours the growth of sesamum and black gram; choose black soil.
Minister of Fluid
The Sun denotes rise in the price of ghee, oil, honey and other sweet substances. The Moon shows rise in the price of ghee, oil, honey sugar, milk, curd and sugar candy. It promotes general health. Mars indicates rise in the price of black mustard, salt, ghee, sesamum, oil and sugar. There will be danger by fire in villages. Mercury signifies good yield of cow's milk, fertile growth of all kinds of corn; rulers will be just. Jupiter favours the growth of all succulent products. There will be plenty of rain and cow's milk. Venus shows universal rainfall and excellent growth of products that are sweet. Saturn gives very poor rainfall, poor crops and scanty growth of juicy products, grains and corn. Low class people will come to prominence.
Minister of Metals and Minerals
The Sun indicates dearness of lead, zinc, musk and sapphire. The Moon signifies increase of camphor, sandal, white clothes, pearls, gold, saffron-power and flowers. Mars gives increase of corals, gold, crimson-coloured gems and red clothes. Mercury indicates development of pearls and other shell products, gold, emerald and saffron-coloured clothes. Jupiter favours camphor, saffron, must and sandal. Venus brings up diamonds, gems pearls, cardamoms, cotton and silver. Saturn indicates increase of metals, lead, tin, musk and sapphire.
Minister of Clouds
The Sun shows great fear, small profits, sporadic rains and growth of unhealthy silk corns. The Moon favours good rain, agricultural prosperity, increase of all kinds of corn and plenty of cow's milk. Mars causes storm, high prices, scattered rains and growth of black corns. Mercury signifies moderate rain and adequate harvest. Much damage by storm and rain is likely in the Central Provinces. Jupiter favours luxuriant growth and prosperity everywhere and sufficient yield of cow's milk. Venus promises good rainfall, fruitful trees and general prosperity, besides satisfactory yield of cow's milk. Saturn promotes the growth of sesamum and moderate rainfall and even that only here and there.
Minister of Grains
The Sun shows scanty rain and consequently very little growth, slight fall in prices and growth of unhealthy or poisonous grains and a period of anxiety. The Moon produces good rainfall and general prosperity, good yield of cow's milk, peace of mind and freedom from disease. Mars denotes poor yield, high prices, growth of bad corns and fertility of red soil. Mercury gives poor growth of corn and fruit and meager rainfall, and that only in some places. Jupiter favours universal rain, fertility and good yield of cow's milk. Venus signifies much rain, and growth, immunity from illness. Saturn denotes scanty rain, here and there, a period of famine and great anxiety. Black soil proves fertile.
Ingress of Sun
The ingress of Sun in a new sign in the forenoon signifies destruction; at noon, grief; in the afternoon, well-being; and at night, prosperity.
The ingress of the Sun in a new sign Aries during day time creates unrest and rise in prices.
Sayanam: The ingress of Sun into Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn causes annihilation of all sins.
Prayanam: The ingress of Sun into Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries denotes war.
Asanam: The ingress of Sun into Libra, Gemini and Aquarius signifies well-being.
Sthiti: The ingress of Sun into Scorpio, Cancer or Leo gives treasure-trove.
The ingress of Sun in a new sign on a Sunday signifies meager rainfall and disastrous to animals; on Monday, prosperity and bad time for militants; on Tuesday, unrest and pestilence and suffering to thieves; on Wednesday, storm and evil to kings; on Thursday, growth of medicinal herbs; on Friday, rainfall and afflicts animals; on Saturday, universal calamity and disaster to people of other castes.
Special Yogas
In addition to the above there are three yogas: Rohini Yoga, Asadhi Yoga and Swati Yoga.
The Rohini Yoga which is formed when the Moon passes through the asterism of Rohini in the dark half of the lunar month of Asadha-June-July helps predicting future condition of land.
When the Moon passes through the asterism of Swati in the month of Asadha Swati Yoga is formed which helps in predicting general happiness of mankind.
Asadhi Yoga is formed on the day when the Moon passes through the asterism U.Asadha in the lunar month of Asadha which helps in predicting marketing in commodities. (Condensed from Om—The Babaji, August, 1990)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Practical Approach towards Heart Diseases
The human heart lies in the fourth part of the body and hence it is represented by the fourth house of the horoscope. The Sun is the main significator of heart. In other words the Sun is the heart of Kaala Purusha. Sun is the source of energy and indicates oxygen too. The heart energizes the impure blood after pouring oxygen into it. So affliction of Sun plays main role in the disease of heart. Affliction of the fourth house also causes diseases of chest. A proper and careful judgment can reveal whether it is a heart disease provided biological knowledge of human body is in the mind of the astrologer at the time of judgment of the horoscope. The general rule of Astrology that a planet, who is a Karaka or significator of a certain house if located in that house, becomes very dangerous, particularly in case of affliction, association or aspects of malefic planets.
Cancer is a watery sign and also indicates fluid in which the heart is enclosed. Cancer indicates veins too. So afflictions of Cancer sign, fourth house and Sun indicate heart troubles. Sun controls pulsation of heart as well. It is the beating of heart which takes place in two phases. Contraction is technically called Systole and relaxation named as Diastole. These are heard as heart beats. Affliction of Sun in 4th house of a horoscope decidedly causes affliction of heart beats. Affliction of Sun in different ways may create different types of complications of heart.
Everybody is frightened by the word "heart attack" and "heart failure" and this always comes when one expects it least and takes our lives too frequently. What is heart failure? When the heart is unable to pump the blood efficiently, this condition of heart is known as heart failure or technically it is called coronary thrombosis.
Sun indicates heart mainly. He owns Leo. Therefore, Leo sign must also be considered while working for the diseases of heart. Similarly 4th and 5th houses should be judged in connection with hear troubles. Why the 5th house is referred for heartaches? If we see the exact position of heart in the body, we find whole heart is not lodged in the fourth part only. Lower portion of heart is placed into the 5th portion of Kaala Purusha. But major portion comes under the fourth part of the body, so the fourth house requires more emphasis.
Lord of fourth house has control over heart. Moon is a watery planet and has control over the fluid of the heart. Heart which is mainly represented by Sun has involuntary rhythm. It is not controlled by mind. The heart is four chambered pump. Like all other mechanical pumps it has areas of electrical activity which provides it constant rhythmic action. This electrical activity is controlled by Ketu. Sun's affliction with Ketu causes disturbances in electrical activity of heart resulting into failure of heart.
However afflicted Mars in Cancer or fourth house shows weakness of heart muscles. The heart purifies the blood by pouring oxygen into it. Sun is energy and represents oxygen also. On the basis of above significance we can trace out the exact cause of heart trouble provided we are aware with the biological facts of heart and causes of heart attacks.
Coronary Thrombosis This is exact which we generally name as heart attack. This happens due to small clot, thrombus in the coronary artery so that oxygen supply in the heart is disturbed. This condition is fatal. This is caused due to heavy affliction of Sun with Ketu or Mars or Saturn in fourth house. Affliction of Sun is very necessary to cause coronary thrombosis.
Angina Pectoris
It is the condition in which the severe pain occurs in chest. It is due to inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart resulting into narrowing of arteries.
In this case affliction of Sun and Mars is required. Venus will also be involved. Tachycardia
It is the condition in which the heart beats increases or interval between two beats of heart is decreased. Only Sun is responsible. Placement of Sun in fourth house even with least affliction causes this.
Defective Valves
Any kind of defect in the valve affects the normal functioning of heart. In such cases Mars and Ketu will be involved. Hypertension or Blood Pressure
When heart pumps the blood into arteries, there is a pressure exerted on the walls of the artery. This is blood pressure. In normal adult this should be 120/80. The blood pressure rises under the influence of tension, worry, excitement and fear etc. In this, affliction of Moon and Mars is compulsory.
There are a few main causes of heart attack.
1. Increase in the carbon dioxide concentration in blood.
Due to this increase in carbon dioxide concentration in blood, excess of carbon dioxide begins to reach the heart. Heart starts pumping rapidly and the excess pressure can result into stoppage of heart or the heart may gradually start functioning slowly. In other words the electrical activity area fails which is governed by Ketu. So Ketu's affliction is necessary in fourth house along with the Sun.
2. Due to excess formation of fat in the blood a substance known s cholesterol starts forming which makes the blood more concentrated and viscous and so a large amount of pressure is applied by the heart to pump the blood and at times cholesterol choke the arteries somewhere and blood supply is broken resulting into coronary thrombosis or heart attack. This is caused due to affliction of Moon, Sun and Saturn.
Now we will switch over to the horoscopic analysis for heart diseases. It is not easy task to find out the exact disease of heart; but a careful examination of various number of horoscopes may reveal it:--
1. Afflicted Sun in Cancer or Capricorn may result into heart trouble.
2. Affliction of Sun in the fourth house indicates further complication of heart.
3. Affliction of Ketu in fourth house indicat
es weakening of heart, i.e. creates disturbance in electrical activity of the rhythm of heart. 4. Prominent hypertension or blood pressure is denoted by an angular Sun along with afflicted Saturn or Mars.
5. Rahu, Mars and Ketu prominently connected with Sun and fourth house cause heart diseases. Mostly such combinations may cause weakening of heart muscles or increase in carbon dioxide in blood.
6. Afflicted Sun is connected with the lords of 6th 8th or 12th houses or with the houses themselves.
7. The fourth and fifth house or the lords thereof must not be afflicted. More importance must be attached to the house and lord of the house comes next to that. A connection of 4th and 5th house or their lords must be established with 6th or 8th house.
Generally heart attacks come in the periods of afflicted planets or in the periods of 12th from Sun or in the period of 4th lord. Actual timing of heart trouble is the tough work and to find out the time precisely requires great practice of transits.
8. Venus rules veins. Affliction of Venus with Sun or in the fourth house will reveal that the blood vessels have become narrow resulting into the improper flow of blood.
(Condensed from Planets & Forecast, December, 1983)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Yogi, Avayogi and Dugdha Rasis
In predictive Astrology there are thousands of combinations and rules which one has to master and specialize in order to get proficiency while giving predictions. Since there are many missing links and pitfalls, the general rules of this Science make even sincere Astrologer stumble and miss the target. In order to hit the bulls eye and to become more successful in the art of prediction the late Sri H R Seshadri Iyer of Bangalore has found out certain very important secrets in the oriental Nadi writings of the past. According to this concept one should calculate Yogi, Avayogi and Dugdha Rasis before embarking on making any specific predictions. Then what is this Yogi and how to find the same and what is this Avayogi and methods to find the same? There are 27 yogas which are called Nitya Yogas from Vishkambha to Vaidhriti. Yoga is one of the limbs of the day in Panchanga. Yoga means addition and Tithi means reduction. If you add the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon you get the yoga whereas if you deduct the longitude of the Sun from that of the Moon you will get Tithi. This Tithi is yet another limb of the day. According to the Nadi principles all the limbs of the day, i.e. Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana have great significance while interpreting the horoscope. In our classical study of this Science we have understood that the addition of the longitude of the Sun and the Moon will give a Nakshatra and this Nakshatra is counted from Ashwini to know the number of the yoga. For example if the Moon's Longitude is Bharani and since the number of the star from ashwini is 2 the yoga is 2nd yoga called Preeti. But the Nadi principle departs far from this principle and says that the Yoga number has to be counted from Pushya instead of Ashwini is summed up as follows: Take the longitude of the Sun and the Moon plus add constant figure 3s-3º-20' (which is the starting point of Pushya Star and it is taken as first star of Vishkumbha and succeeding stars get the respective yogas). In other words the Nakshatra which we get after adding the longitude of the Sun, the Moon plus 3 signs 3 degrees and 20 minutes, should be counted from Pushya and the number gives the number of yoga. The star lord of that yoga is called as yogi and the 6th stellar lord from this yoga star is called as Avayogi. These two planets i.e. Yogi and Avayogi play a very important role in predictive system of Hindu Astrology. I even go further and say that it is a worthy breakthrough in predictive systems. Now you have to understand some more factors in understanding this system of analysis. The lord of the house wherein the yoga point falls is called as Saha Yogi (supporting planet to Yogi) and the nine planets fall in 3 planetary groups such as Guru, Chandra and Ketu (1), Surya, Budha and Rahu (2), and Shani Shukra and Kuja (3). It is for us to know in which planetary group the yogi planet falls. If the yogi planet falls in this group the other planets of that group become yoga like planets. The second group of planets will become will become Avayoga group and the third group becomes a Neutral group. In the same way if the yogi planet falls in 2nd group the 3rd group of planets become avayoga group of planets and vice versa and other group becomes neutral group. In our next step of understanding we have to scrutinise that how many planets are in Yogi Nakshatras and in the yoga group of planetary stars and how many planets are in Avayogi star and avayogi group of planetary stars. The remaining planets we know will fall in neutral stars. Among the yoga group of planets, yogi planetary star will have always strong influence and value and other planetary influences will be moderate. In the same way avayogi planetary star will have a strong influence when compared to the stars of avayoga planetary group of stars. Bhava lords who occupy avayoga stars will have lot of obstacles to give good results whereas Bhavadhipatis occupying yoga stars will flourish very well if there are no afflictions. But they are very strong when compared to avayoga planetary positions. Therefore we have to look into the stellar lords while reading the horoscope. The Rasi position of planets are Sthoola (general) whereas stellar positions are Sookshmas (specific). In addition to the above yogi and avayogi principles, one should know the houses that are burnt depending on the tithi of birth. The following table gives the Rasis which are burnt according to tithi.
Tithis and Dugdha Rasis 1st: Tula,Makara 2nd: Dhanu,Meena 3rd: Simha,Makara 4th: Vrishabha,Kumbha 5th: Mithuna,Kanya 6th: Mesha,Simha, 7th: Karka,Dhanu 8th: Mithuna,Kanya 9th: Simha, Vrishchika, 10th: Simha, Vrishchika, 11th: Dhanu,Meena 12th: Tula,Makara 13th: Vrishabha,Simha 14th: Mithuna,Kanya,Dhanu,Meena The planets occupying Dugdha Rasis will become weak and ineffective to give good results. The redeeming features for this Dugdha Rasi planet are as follows: 1. If the planets occupying Dugdha Rasis are retrograde they can survive the bad effects of Dugdha Rasi. 2. If a Dugdha Rasi lord sits in the same Rasi or in another Dugdha Rasi he will have no bad effects of Dugdha Rasi. 3. If Guru aspects Dugdha Rasi it can mitigate the bad influence of Dugdha Rasi to that Bhava or Rasi. 4. If the Dugdha Rasi lord aspects Dugdha Rasi it will have some strength. There are no dugdha rasi for Poornima and Amavasya. The principles of Yoga, Avayoga should be studied along with other principles of Parasara School. Avayoga Grahas should have bad Jurisdiction and should occupy bad houses whereas yoga Grahas should have good houses and should occupy good bhavas. (Condensed from Express Star Teller, July, 1991)
Friday, April 13, 2007
2007, the Fire Pig (Ding Hai) Year
VERY GOOD year for: Goats, Rabbits, Pigs
GOOD year for: Roosters, Dragons, Dogs
MIXED year for: Horses, Oxen, Rats
DIFFICULT year for: Monkeys, Snakes
The 12th and final sign of the Eastern zodiac begins on Feb. 18, 2007. 2006's "furnace" of Yang Fire (Bing) now dims and the Fire element becomes the flickering "candlelight" Yin Fire (Ding) in 2007's Fire Pig year. While the Fire element will still be present, the hidden element in the Pig branch is Water, so in 2007 we have the picture of Fire over Water. It will be the 24th year in the current 60 year cycle.
As this past year of the Dog built structure and a symbolic "home" it is now time for the Pig to "furnish" said castle making it a comfortable, cozy place of safety and security. Occupying the life palace of home & family life with the Dog, the Pig proceeds to complete what the Dog has laid foundations for. Finishing touches, tying up loose ends, last stands, curtain calls and closures will be the urging of the year. So, prepare to finish projects, complete goals and even say some goodbyes. Put your ducks in a row, cross your T's and dot your I's in 2007 and the proper Pig will be gracious to you.
Pig years are known for their respite from strife, patience and passivity, but also for indulgence, sensuality and fleshly delights. As the last sign of the zodiac, the Pig represents "resignation" accepting human nature as it is - content to live and let live. The greatest risk will be naiveté, so by all means avoid confidence schemes and being fooled or duped throughout 2007.
Watch for lost or stolen items and keep all business dealings scrupulously honest and above board. Self-promotion gains little in 2007 as the Pig is not interested in pushing ahead at the cost of another. Sales and marketing ventures advance only if they are sincere and completely legitimate.
All things that occur this year can be looked on as closing or final conclusions in some way. An auspicious year to complete projects, bring projects to fruition or arrive safely after completing a long life journey.
Behaviorally, we may see the choosing of sides and the emergence of the 'white hats and the black hats' – as the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys' square off, so to speak. Basically, in 2007, the good become superior and the bad become worse. The enlightened continue on their path to understanding and contentment, while the spiritually bankrupt slip farther away from their true selves. Take a stand, speak your mind and feel the closure of this Pig year.
Fire is in harmony with Earth, produced by Wood, destructive to Metal and is conquered by Water. Elementally, 2007's Yin Fire brings "happiness and contentment" to those born into Yang Earth years (Earth Rat, Earth Tiger, Earth Dragon, Earth Horse, Earth Monkey, Earth Dog).
It brings "unexpected fortune" and good luck to those born into Yin Water years (Water Ox, Water Rabbit, Water Snake, Water Goat, Water Rooster, Water Pig)...while bringing luck with "earned wealth" to those born into Yang Water years (Water Rat, Water Tiger, Water Dragon, Water Horse, Water Monkey, Water Dog).
Yin Fire brings opportunities to make beneficial changes to those born into Yang Metal years (Metal Rat, Metal Tiger, Metal Dragon, Metal Horse, Metal Monkey, Metal Dog)...while bringing life changing or challenging events to those born into Yin Metal years (Metal Ox, Metal Rabbit, Metal Snake, Metal Goat, Metal Rooster, Metal Pig).
Pace yourself during this Fire year to avoid burnout and try not to keep such a hurried pace. Add the Earth element to your life and home to sooth frazzled nerves, slow down and facilitate relaxation. Gardening, working with clay or pottery, sharing time with your animals and all manner of worship/church/temple or meditative practices will increase the Earth element in your life.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Horoscopic Influences of Ketu
Mode of Death In Astrology
Effect of 22nd Drekkana: If the drekkana is a fiery on death is due to firearms, weapons, high fever, heart trouble, assassination etc. If it is watery death can be due to drowning, tuberculosis and watery diseases. If it is a serpent drekkana death will be due to snake-bite, beasts, poison, assassination, etc. Following are the results of all 36 Drekkanas falling as 22nd Drekkana. Maharshi Badarayana is of the view that 22nd Drekkana gives the clue to death: - Aries: First Drekkana : Fire, poisoning, bilious diseases. Second Drekkana : Water and aquatic animals. Third Drekkana : Drawning Taurus: First Drekkana : Through four legged animals Second Drekkana : Fire, goat, thief, assassination, bilious complaints. Third Drekkana : In battlefield or due to fall. Gemini: First Drekkana : Cough and long suffering disease relating to chest. Second Drekkana : Due to fall, typhoid and due to milk-giving animals. Third Drekkana : Fall, injury in forest. Cancer:
First Drekkana : Throat diseases, weapons. Second Drekkana : Attack with sticks or due to being hit very hard with a box, poison. Leo: First Drekkana : Poison, watery diseases Second Drekkana : Water animals, heart disease, jaundice. Third Drekkana : Travel sickness, poison, weapons. Virgo: First Drekkana : Thief, fire, head injury. Second Drekkana : Thirst, snake-bite, horses. Third Drekkana : Animals, water, weapons, food from female hands, explosions. Libra: First Drekkana : Due to female, fall. Second Drekkana : Stomach Diseases. Third Drekkana : Snake-bite, poison Scorpio: First Drekkana : Weapons, poison. Second Drekkana : Dog (rabies), crushed to death Third Drekkana : Elephant, Camel, Stones. Sagittarius: First Drekkana : Wrath of ruler, capital punishment Second Drekkana : Poison, fire, urinary diseases Third Drekkana : Stomach diseases, watery, animals. Capricorn: First Drekkana : Pig, ruler's wrath Second Drekkana : Watery animals, injury Third Drekkana : Thief, robbers, weapons Aquarius: First Drekkana : Watery ;animals, poison, women, sex diseases Second Drekkana : Diseases of generative organs. Third Drekkana : Infection in mouth Pisces: First Drekkana : Dysentery, Second Drekkana : Dropsy Third Drekkana : Stomach ailment, knee problem. Following are certain combinations culled out from various ancient classical works and should be considered while predicting the mode of death. If lord of lagna drekkana is in 6th or 8th house and is associted or aspected by a malefic, death is due to fall or a stone. If lagna drekkana lord be in 8th with Sun and Mars death is due to lightening or Sun stroke. If this lord is with Venus and Jupiter the death is due to poisoning. If 8th lord is malefic and malefic occupies 8th death is due to weapons, tiger, fire or snake. Two malefics in mutual kendras and aspect death is due to capital punishment, poison, fire etc. If Ketu and Mandi are together in the house of Mercury or Saturn aspected by another malefic death is due to spinal troubles. If 8th is occupied by more than one malefic, death is unnatural and violent. If Moon is in 8th along with two malefics death is due to epilepsy. If Mercury and Saturn occupy 8th house death is due to hanging. If Moon and Mercury are in 6th or 8th death is due to poisoning. Moon, Mars and Saturn in 8th cause death is due to weapons. 6th lord in 8th or 8th lord in 6th causes death due to a long disease. If 8th lord is in a friend's house or in the Navamsa of a benefic and benefic occupies 8th, death is easy and without suffering. If 8th lord is in enemy house or Navamsa of a malefic death is after suffering. If at birth of a person, Sun and Mars occupy 4th or 10th house from the rising sign the person will die due to injury caused by stones. If common sign rises and is occupied by Sun and Moon death is due to drowning. If Moon is hemmed in between malefics and occupies house of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) death is due to firearms. If Sun is in 10th and Mars in 4th death is due to fall. If Mars is in 7th and Sun, Moon and Saturn in Lagna death is because of accident by a machine. If Rahu is in the 6th with 4th lord death is due to action of robbers. If Mars and Sun in Kendra from 8th lord death is due to capital punishment.
(Courtesy: Om—the Babaji, August, 1990)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Vedang Jyotish
Monday, April 9, 2007
Nepali Jyotish
I have brought some gems of astrology from the land of gods & goddesses, Nepal it is said that more temples than houses & more gods & goddesses than people. The land of peace love & devotion has variety of tradition in every aspect of human life. Such one is astrology. The Nepali astrologer have long been practicing it in solace, without exposing them .For The First Time .I am here to share these experiences with you of all.
If Any Evil Planet is in Lagna fall down from height in childhood.
Again Rahu & sun fatal to father, with mars fatal to mother, Saturn & Venus fatal to uncle. Sun & Moon suffers from spouse.
If any Evil Planets is in 2nd & 6th house, he will die in foreign land. If Sun is in 2nd house snake bite & Saturn dog bite.
Generally in astrology, 3rd house represent brothers & sister, but Nepali astrology counts 8th house for sister. If Rahu is in 8t house, his/her sister will be widow in short period of marriage.
Again any Evil planet is exalted on 8th house & aspects another malefic planets, he/she should take responsibilities of unmarried sister or due to their widowhood.
Again in astrology, 5th house represent son & daughter. But in nepal 11th house for daughter. If there are any evil planets he/she will suffer from them. Saturn causes disabled, Rahu widowhood & mars separate from husband.
According to Nepali jyotish to know which direction he/she will get married, add birth Tithi day, Nekshetra & divide it by 9, is reminder is 1-east, 2-south, 3-west 4-north, 5-agneya, 6-nairetya, 7-vayavya & 8-ishan and reminder is-0 own place.
If Saturn Rahu or Ketu is 7th from Sun, he/she will get marred with older person.
Again we can know the family member of his/her spouse, by adding Lagna & 3rd house, if Saturn, Rahu or Ketu aspects, take half of above number & if sun or mars subtrat-1.
Again to know where persons lives, if 4th house is moveable sign near a main road, dual sign by crossing two roads. To know which direction is main Entrance of house, add Lagna & 9th house. Is the number is greater than 12, deduct 12 & reminder will do 1-Aries East face, 2- Taurus south face, 3-gemini west face & so on.
If sun & Rahu is in 2nd imprisonment. If 6th house is dual sign, there is the witch right direction of his/her place. Again if the lord of kendra is in 6th or 12th, witch is left direction from his/her place.
Nepali astrological prediction has a tradition of giving importance to angular sign house & Nakshatra.every kundali has twelve house rashi & nakshatra .In vimshottari dasa calculation .the triangle’s nakshatra plays major role. While in predictive astrology triangular rashi & the house plays important role.
Like Wise,The First House of The Kundali is in Mesh Rashi Then The Triangular Rashi Will Be Simha & Dhanu,It has similar Bhava & nakshatra also. Similarly if the nakshatra of lagna is swati The fifth will be satvisha & ninth will be ardra , All Are Rahus’s nakshatra.
The Three Triangular Rashis , Nakshatras & Bhava are actual rulers in everybody’s life.
The Frist trangle Shows Native’s Will Power, Second trangle Shows Knowledge Power, & 3rd triangle is performance power. Similarly The First Triangle is Nature (prakriti) Second is Saskriti ( culture) & Third is samsakara. First Triangle means 1,5,9 house Second 2,6,10& Third Means 3,7,11 house of horoscope.
In Nepali Predictive astrology, if the planet has no harmonious relation with the planets in next triangle then the horoscope is considered weak.
The planet cannot give it’s full power, if it is not in friendly with the planet in triangular nakshatra and rashi.in such condition, the planet is considered weak. for example .Saturn is in the first house of tula lagna in swati nakshatra & sun is in the Fifth house in satvisha nakshatra . here sun is considered weak , sani cannot give support natives luck.
Similarly, if any evil planet is is tne triangle of seventh (elevenn & third) house, the native has to suffer in domestic life, late marriage & not conjugal happiness therefore ,if any one house if the trangle is weak in horoscope .the combination of will power Knowledge power &performance is considered weak and native alwaya meet failure in his life. thus the comparative study of Rashi, Nakshatra & bhava Of every house in triangle can only determine the good & bad result.
There are unique remedies for such weak planets, which is being practiced By nepali Astrologer From Very long. if any planet is weak or evil. the native should appease that house ruler. The house ruler are follows:
House Ruler
1 Shiva
2 Kamala
3 Tara
4. Brahmayani
5 Dhumawati
6 Bangalamukhi
7 Parvati
8 Kali
9 Matangi
10 Swadhashi
11 chhinamastadevi
12 Bhairavi
This DasMaha viddhyadipati are worshiped by devotee to remove evil effect of yogani dasa system, but in vimsotarry dasa system ,
House ruler are as follows
House Ruler
1. Shiva
2. Kuber
3. Kumar
4. Brahma
5. saraswati
6. varun
7. parvati
8. Yam
9. Laxmi
10. Visnu
11. Ganesh
12. Agni
For This Explanation you must be known that how to remove evil effect of planets in horoscope. For example if yogani dasa ruler is third house lord or posited in third house,& not giving good result, in that time you can worship Taradevi .Again in vimsotarry dasa system First house ruler is shiva ,if you are expiring dasa connected with first house , you should worship lord shiva to get good result.
Suneel Sitaula(Acharya Kaiwalyananda)
Editor:- Astro-science Forum
Gpo Box 10535, Maitidevi Katmandu Nepal,
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Astrology: Help, Hoax, or Harm?
To unravel any possible confusion over what astrology is, I would like to begin by establishing what it is not. First, astrology is not science, though a number of its adherents claim it to be. How can I make such a strong statement? Consider the following points: Astrology
bases horoscopes on the moment of birth, not the moment of conception when, in fact, one's genetic characteristics are fixed;
ignores the gravitational forces of non-solar system bodies (e.g., the pull of gravity by the obstetrician on a newborn child is about six times greater than that of Mars);
treats the various nuclear, magnetic, and gravitational forces exerted by solar system bodies (e.g., the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, etc.) as if they were of the same magnitude. In reality, differences of many orders of magnitude were long ago verified by research;
ignores significant solar system bodies, e.g., Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids, comets;
fails to take into account tidal forces, also gravitational differences resulting from the irregular shape of some solar system bodies;
ignores the motion of the sun with respect to other stars and with respect to the center of the galaxy;
ignores the wobble in the earth's rotation axis, which by now has shifted the astrological sun signs by one or two constellations (making a typical Leo in reality a Gemini);
omits two constellations along the ecliptic (the "path" of the planets and other bodies in our solar system);
fails to provide conclusive evidence of a direct causal link between celestial positions or "aspects" and human personality and interactions.
All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Astronomer says astrology has scientific basis:-
THREE CAN be few scientists brave enough to stick their heads above the academic parapet and claim to have found proof that, contrary to hundreds of years of scientific inquiry, the movement of heavenly bodies does affect how we behave down on the ground .
But few scientists are precy seymour , In his latest book The scientific proof of Astrology. The former plymouth University as tronomy lecturer, and member of the Royal Astronomical Society, argues that while he does not be lieve in horoscopes, movements of the sun, moon and various planets influence us.
Seymour argues that their movement interferes with the earth's magnetic field. Due to this, unborn babies are exposed to different magnetic fields that toy with the development of their brains .
Seymour 's suggestion has largely been received with the shortest of shrifts ."All I can say is that i have yet to meet another scientist that agrees with his views," says Jacqueline Mitton of the Royal Astonomical Society.
Seymour 's book is just the latest salov in an ongoing battle that pist a majority of scientists against the substantially fewer as trolosgists. Most scientists dismiss seymour 's arguments simply because the change in the earth's magnetic field are minute, The magnetic field is pathetically weak compared to those produced by gadgets and infrastructure.
The earth's field is most disrupted by bad weather on the sun. A huge magnetic strom there releases clouds of particles that blast earth . But at worst, these stroms make the magnetic field waver by nothing more than one to two percent. As for seasonal changes, they do exist, but are so small as to be almost unmeasurable.
"If the earth's magnetic field collapsed to zero, we'd get a higher does of radiation from space and that would have an effect on our behaviour, but I don't think it would make it any easier to predict if you're going to come into money one week or the next," says Massey.
While Seymour is widely seen as a scientist who hsa joined the defence of the astrologers, it was an ex-astrologer who helped deliver the most significant blow to the credibility of his former profession.Last year, Geoffrey Dean carried out probably the most robust scientific investigation into astrology.He led a study of 2,000 people,most born within minutes of one another, and looked at more than 100 different characteristics, ranging from IQ to ability in art and sport, from anxiety levels to sociability and occupation all of which astrologers claim are influenced by heavenly bodies. He found no evidence of the similarities that astrologers would have predicted.
But despite the intellectual mud-flinging, science is too blunt a tool to definitively rule out that astrology is bunkum.Some scientists certainly believe there are valid questions to be asked. Mike Hapgood,an expert in what astronomers refer to as "sun-earth interactions", says we have no real data on how, if at all, magnetic fields might affect human behaviour.
Hapgood, however, argues that it could be folly to dismiss out landish ideas too easily. :You need to do the science properly to find out anythings solid. If anyone ever finds a cause, the subject will get out of it's trough and become truly interesting," he says.
The world "cause" is the key. So far, studies that claim to support astrology point out correlations between one happening and another . But correlations do not always point to causes and effects. And with nothing else to go on, the nature of the real cause and effect can only be speculated upon .
Despite these arguenents, a thing that remains incontrovertible about astrology is its popularity . And with his second book, seymour has undoubtedly benefited from the eagerness of people to give up their money for a heavenly belief .
-Guardian news service
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Mangal Mantra
Sunday, April 1, 2007
What is Mantras ?
Mantras are energy-based sounds. It produces vibration in the body. The words uttered in mantra are meaningful and are associated with the effect of vibration . This is one level of energy basis for words. Another level is aim. Actual physical vibration when joined with a mental aim, the vibration then contains an additional component, which influences the result of saying it. Although there is a general meaning, which comes to be associated with mantras, the only lasting definition is the result or effect of saying the mantra. A Mantra can consist of a powerful word or a combination of words and can be used for self realization, for freedom from worries, to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the effects of malefic planets, to bring you success, peace and contentment -- the range is truly vast. Mantras must be chanted or recited with devotion and motivation. Chanting them as a matter-of-course deprives them of power and is practically useless from the point of view of conscious growth, evolution and effect.
Vastu sastra and Feng shui – A comparative study
Both these ancient sciences agree that an impressive door can add to the prestige of the resident. But doors that squeak or groan or get stuck are considered harbingers of bad luck. Either school of thought does not recommend sitting with your back towards the door. This is practical even in modern day offices since it keeps you from being startled or surprised and thus disrupting smoothly flowing work energy. Both systems look on plants favorably. While Vastu principles do not look favorably at sap-exuding trees, Feng shui regards thorny and prickly plants as negative chi. Both systems advocate a housewarming or groundbreaking ceremony to commence construction or before moving in. Vastu shastra has survived for a long time and has transformed itself from an architectural guide for temples and palaces to individual houses too.