
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Animal astrology growing in India

Astrology practised by rats and parrots is winning increasing popularity in India.
Parrot astrologers are often seen on Indian streets but the use of rodents is becoming more common.
The two animals are featured in a textile showroom in Chennai where organisers say the customer base for the unusual tradition is growing.
It is a unique form of astrology, which was famous among the Chinese.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Test Produces Significant Result For Astrology

Chicago, IL - April 24, 2009 -- A computerized system that measures the psychological impact of transiting planets on the human psyche is described by its creator as having “just progressed to the Model T Ford stage.”

so, the mathematically-based system, which selectively calculates and assigns positive or negative values to the changing angular distances between orbiting planets, is at this point accurate enough to predict the mood swings driving directional shifts in global stock prices -- up and down. And this, says technical market analyst Richard F. Schulz, “just begins to tap its long-range potential.”

The system he calls the Technical Aspect Oscillator (TAO) is described in the April/May issue of The Mountain Astrologer magazine. It is designed to scientifically measure and predict the impact of orbiting planets on investor sentiment and, by extension, price moves in the marketplace.

Schulz says continual tracking has revealed close statistical correlations between the global psychological indications predicted by the technology and bullish and bearish stock market sentiment." There's less than a one in 10,000 probability that the observed correlations occurred by chance.

The research supports the astrological premise in two important ways. It confirms that the various archetypal energies astrologers have traditionally identified with the orbiting planets can be rigorously observed impacting human affairs. And it confirms that changing planetary alignments or patterns predictably influence outcomes in measurable ways,” he noted.

Modern astrologers believe that archetypal energies associated with transiting planets are both distinctive and dualistic in nature. For example, Saturn is positively identified with such qualities as stability and sound philosophical judgment and negatively with fear, separation, restriction and physical limitations. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, optimism and success, but is negatively identified with extravagance, inflation, excessive overconfidence and the like.

In a similar vein, Martian energy is positively identified with action and initiative and negatively with anger and frustration, Schulz said.

“For centuries, astrologers also have claimed that the changing angular relationships between orbiting planets powerfully impact events on earth. Whether the various planetary archetypes will be expressed positively or negatively largely depends upon the way they are aligned with each other at any given time,” he explained.

As viewed from the earth, orbiting planets appear to be moving at different speeds. The reason for this is because some planets are a lot farther from the sun than others and have move celestial distance to cover in their elliptical orbits. As a result, faster moving planets (including the sun and moon) appear to continually overtake slower moving planets, forming what astrologer's call applying and separating “aspects” as part of predictable cycles.

Because the mathematics of celestial mechanics are well understood, astronomers and astrologers can quickly determine precisely where in the heavens the sun, moon and every known planet in the solar system can be found. Also known is the exact number of astronomical degrees separating the planets as they travel through the various zodiacal signs.

Some aspects between planetary pairs are deemed to be stressful while others promote harmony and ease. For example, planets forming aspects of 60 and 120 degrees (the sextile and trine) are believed to influence the human psyche in positive or productive ways, while the stressful square and opposition ( 90 and 180 degree) aspects have the opposite affect.

Aspects are said to be “in orb” or operative a few degrees before and after the angle is exact. Schulz says the zero-degree conjunction is a powerful aspect that begins and ends the cycle and can be experienced either positively or negatively depending upon the psychological characteristics of the planets involved in the aspect.

“Scientists have ridiculed this idea since the 17th century, arguing that no mechanism exists to plausibly explain how planetary energies could manifest in this way. However, new evidence impressively supports the astrological position,” Schulz maintains.

In physics, an oscillator is a measurement between maximum and minimum values. More than two decades of research went into development of the TAO 2 technical aspect oscillator Schulz created to analyze investment sentiment in the financial markets. On a continual basis, the TAO 2 system computes the changing angular relationships between nine different planetary pairs. The planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are prominently featured in these pairings.

Schulz says the TAO 2 technology continually calculates a weighted positive or negative value for every degree of angular separation between the planetary pairs. Also compiled is a composite score and moving average that can, over time, be statistically compared with moving averages for the various stock market indexes. Simply, like the market averages, when TAO 2's average score is raising people's attitudes and outlook are hypothesized to be more optimistic. Conversely, when the number is falling, pessimism persists.

Because TAO 2 and the various stock market indexes are independent variables with known and constantly changing numerical values, they can be compared with each other using the Pearson product-movement correlation coefficient, a common statistical test used to scientifically determine whether a linear relationship exists. This method creates correlation values (the Pearson r) between -1.000 and +1.000 with r = +0.30 the threshold for statistical significance.

In a series of tests conducted between January 1, 1999 and June 30, 2008, the TAO 2's moving average was compared with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and S&P 500 Index twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays over the 117-month period -- a total of 990 separate comparisons for each index. The correlation value for TAO 2 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average was r= +0.72, which is well above the threshold for statistical significance. A similar comparison with the S&P 500 Index produced an even higher r = +0.81 correlation

“Correlation" is not causation. Stocks can and do move against the TAO 2 average for indeterminate periods of time. But the statistics suggest an extraordinary connection between the aspect oscillator and stock indexes that cannot easily be explained away by astrology's critics,” he said.

Schulz believes the results are difficult to dispute because the technology effectively blends applied mathematics with astronomy in a quantitative numbers-in, numbers-out type system that automatically produces raw scores from data input into mathematical formulae. Subjective human interaction is not involved in any way.

Another test for the TAO technology examines its effectiveness as a stock market timing device. Schulz routinely relies upon the technical analytical tools used by insiders in the business, but doesn't make a move in the marketplace without first checking directional indications predicted by the TAO system.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

2-day national astrologers' seminar

VARANASI: The two-day national astrologer's meet-cum-research seminar concluded in Sampurnanand Sanskrit University (SSU) on Saturday.

A number of issues including matrimonial, birth of children after marriage and their sex determination based on astrological calculations were discussed on the concluding day.

Vice-Chancellor, Meerut University SP Ojha presided over the valedictory function and stressed upon standardisation of the discipline.

Around 200 astrologers from different parts of the country participated in the programme. Department of jyotish in the university along with Jyotish Vignana Samiti (JVS) in the city had jointly organised the seminar.

Head, department of jyotish, SSU, Nagendra Pandey, general secretary, JVS Sadanand Shukla and other faculty members were also present on the occasion.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr.K.R. Joshi Passed

Well-known Nepali Astronomer Dr. Keshav Ram Joshi, passed away on 23 April 2009 ,A professor of Balmiki College & Member of B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium, Observatory and Science Museum Development Board. He brought the first telescope to Nepal from Russia and organized public observations at Tundikhel, In the early 1970s.
गणित ज्योतिषका विद्वान वरिष्ठ खगोलविद्, नेपाल पञ्चाङ्ग निर्ण्ाायक समितिका उपाध्यक्ष प्रा.डा. केशवराम जोशीको मिति २०६६/१/१० गते असामयिक निधन भएको छ । यस दुःखद् घडीमा उहाँको दिवंगत आत्माको चिर शान्तिको कामना गर्दै शोक सन्तप्त परिवार प्रति ज्योतिर्विज्ञान मञ्च हार्दिक समवेदना व्यक्त गर्दछ ।
उहाँको निधनले नेपालको ज्योतिष क्षेत्रमा अपुरणीय क्षति भएको छ । आफुसँग भएको ज्ञान तत्कालै प्रयोगमा ल्याउन सक्ने खुबि उहाँमा थियो ।
उहाँले वनासरको सम्पूर्ण्ाानन्द विश्वविद्यालयबाट सिद्धान्त ज्योतिषमा आचार्य र रुसको मस्को विश्वविद्यालबाट खगोल एवं भौतिक गणितमा विद्यावारिधि गर्नु भएको थियो । उहाँ पर्ूर्वीय र पाश्चात्य दुवै ज्योतिषका मर्मज्ञ एवं गणित ज्योतिष विषयमा एशियाकै विशिष्ट विद्धानका रुपमा मानिनुहुन्थ्यो ।
स्वर्गीय जोशीका श्रीमति, दर्ुइ छोरा र दर्ुइ छोरी हुनुहुन्छ ।

Monday, April 20, 2009

Asian Astrologers' Conference In Katmandu

Asian Astrologers' Conference is going to be held in Nepali capital Kathmandu in 1st & 2nd of June 2009 at Nepal Pragya Pratishthan, Kamaladi.Nepal.

According to the report, Indian Proffesor Dr. Ram Krishna Shastri has been selected as the chairman of the organizing committee. Dr. Lokraj poudel, palmist Bishwo Raj Thapa, Dr. Sahadev Bista and Madhav Mangaj Joshi from Nepali side have been selected as co-chairman, general secretary, treasurer and chief coordinator of the conference organizing committee.

The organizing committee has 113 members from all member countries in Asia. The conference will work out strategy to be adopted in the astrology sector in Asia and hold session-wise discussion on palmistry and related eastern philosophy.

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka, among other countries, are members of the Asian Astrologers' Congress.

Friday, April 10, 2009

वास्तु विज्ञानमा दिशा

वास्तु विज्ञानलाई बुझ्न र त्यसका फाईदालाई लिनु भन्दा पहिले दिशाहरुको ज्ञान होनु अत्यावश्यक छ ।


उत्तर दिशाका अधिष्ठित देवता कुबेर हुन् जसलाई धन र समृद्धिका द्योतक मानिन्छ । ज्योतिष शास्त्रानुसार बुध ग्रह उत्तर दिशाका स्वामी हुन् । उत्तर दिशालाई मातृ स्थान पनि भनिएको छ । यस दिशामा स्थान खाली राख्नु अथवा कच्चा भूमि छोड़नु धन र समृद्धि कारक हुन्छ ।


पूर्व दिशाका देवता इन्द्र हुन् । आत्माका कारक अथवा जगत प्रकाशक सूर्यदेव पूर्व दिशाबाट नै उदय हुन्छन् । पूर्व दिशा पितृस्थानको द्योतक हो । यस दिशामा कुनै प्रकारको रूकावट हुनु हुदैन । पूर्व दिशामा खुल्ला स्थान परिवारको मुखियाको लामो उमेरको प्रतिक हुन्छ ।


वरूण पश्चिम दिशाका देवता हुन् भने ज्योतिषशास्त्रानुसार शनिदेव पश्चिम दिशाका स्वामी हुन् । यो दिशा प्रसिद्धि , भाग्य र ख्यातिको प्रतीक हो ।


यम दक्षिण दिशाका अधिष्ठित देवता हुन् । दक्षिण दिशामा वास्तुका नियमानुसार निर्माण गर्नाले सुख , सम्पन्नता र समृद्धिको प्राप्ति हुन्छ ।

ईशान कोण

पूर्व र उत्तर दिशाहरु जहाँ मिल्दछन् त्यस स्थानलाई ईशान कोणको संज्ञा दिइएको छ । यो दुई दिशाको सर्वोतम मिलन स्थान पनि हो । यो स्थान भगवान शिव र जलको स्थान पनि मानिएको छ । ईशानलाई सदैव स्वच्छ र शुद्ध राख्नु पर्छ । यस स्थानले जलीय स्रोत - जस्तै कुवा , बोडिङ भएको व्यवस्था सर्वोतम परिणाम दिन्छ । पूजा स्थानका लागि ईशान कोणलाई विशेष महत्व दीइएको छ । यस स्थानमा कूड़ा , फोहोर राख्नु , स्टोर , ट्वाइलेट आदि बनाउन वर्जित छ |

आग्नेय कोण

दक्षिण र पूर्व मध्यको कोणीय स्थान आग्नेय कोणका नामले जान्न सकिन्छ । नामले नै स्पष्ट हुन्छ कि यो स्थान अग्नि देवताको प्रमुख स्थान हो त्यसैले भान्सा अथवा अग्नि सम्बन्धि ( इलैक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण आदि ) राख्नकालागि यो विशेष स्थान हो । शुक्र ग्रह यस दिशाका स्वामी हुन् । आग्नेयलाई वास्तुसम्मत निवासिहरुको उत्तम स्वास्थ्यका लागि जरूरी हुन्छ ।

नैऋत्य कोण

दक्षिण र पश्चिम दिशाको मध्य स्थानलाई नैऋत्य दिशाको नाम दिइएको छ । यस दिशामा निरूति अथवा पूतनाको आधिपत्य रहन्छ । ज्योतिषका अनुसार राहू र केतु यस दिशाका स्वामी हुन् । यस क्षेत्रको मुख्य तत्व पृथ्वी हो । पृथ्वी तत्वको प्रमुखताका कारण यस स्थानलाई माथि उठेको गह्रुङो बनाएर राख्नु पर्छ । यस दिशामा खाल्टो , बोडिँग , कुवा इत्यादि हुनुहुदैन ।

वायव्य कोण

उत्तर र पश्चिम दिशाका मध्यको कोणीय स्थानलाई वायव्य दिशाको नाम दिइएको छ । यस दिशाको मुख्य तत्व वायु हो । यस स्थानको प्रभाव छिमेकी , मित्रहरु र सम्बन्धि सँग राम्रो र नराम्रो सम्बन्धको कारण बनाउछ । वास्तुको सही उपयोगले यसलाई सदोपयोगी बनाउन सकिन्छ ।

वास्तु शास्त्र के हो

वास्तु शास्त्र त्यो विज्ञान हो जसका माध्यमले ब्रह्मांडका विभिन्न ऊर्जा- जस्तै घर्षण,विद्युत चुम्बकीय शक्ति र अलौकिक ऊर्जाको साम्य विन्दुका साथमा मनुष्य जुन वातावरणमा रहन्छ,त्यसको बनावट र निर्माणको अध्ययन गर्ने शास्त्र वास्तु शास्त्र हो ।
वास्तु शास्त्रमा दिशा र देवता :-
उत्तर पूर्व - यो दिशा भगवान शिव द्वारा संचालित हुन्छ।
पूर्व - यस दिशामा भगवान सूर्यको निवास हुन्छ।
दक्षिण पूर्व - यस दिशामा अग्निको निवास हुन्छ।
दक्षिण - यस दिशामा यमको निवास हुन्छ।
दक्षिण पश्चिम - यस दिशामा पूर्वजहरुको निवास हुन्छ।
पश्चिम - यस दिशामा वायु देवताको निवास हुन्छ।
उत्तर - यस दिशामा धनका अधिष्ठाताको निवास हुन्छ।
केन्द्र - ब्रह्मको निवास केन्द्रमा हुन्छ।

वास्तु शास्त्रमा योग :-

वास्तुशास्त्र योगको सिद्धांत सँग निकै मिल्दो-जुल्दो छ। जसरी कुनै योगीको शरीरबाट प्राण (ऊर्जा) मुक्त रूपले प्रवाहित हुन्छ त्यसैगरि वास्तु गृह पनि यस प्रकारले बनाइए को हुनु पर्छ जसमा ऊर्जाको मुक्त प्रवाह हुन सकोस् । वास्तु शास्त्रानुसार एक आदर्श ढाँचा त्यो हुन्छ जुन ढाँचा ऊर्जा प्रवाहमा गतिशील साम्यको प्रतीक हुन सकोस्। यदि उर्जा साम्य भएन भने जीवनमा पनि उचित तालमेल हुन सक्दैन। वास्तुशास्त्रको सिँहावलोकनले यहि कुरालाई दर्शाउँछ कि प्रत्येक भवन चाहे त्यो घर होस्, गोदाम होस्, फैक्ट्री होस् अथवा कार्यालय होस्, त्यहाँ अविवेकपूर्ण विस्तार तथा फेरबदल आदि हुनुहुदैन।

वास्तु दोष निवारणका लागि उपायहरु
१. पानी पिउदा आफ्नो मुख उत्तर-पूर्व तर्फ गर्ने|
२. भोजनको थाल दक्षिण-पूर्व तर्फ राखेर पूर्वाभिमुख भई भोजन गर्ने|
३. सुत्दा खेरि दक्षिण-पश्चिम कोणमा दक्षिण तर्फ सिराने गरेर सुत्ने|
४. पूजा गर्दा आफ्नो मुख उत्तर वा पूर्व तर्फ गरेर गर्ने|
५. सम्यक उन्नति हेतु लक्ष्मी, गणेश, कुबेर, स्वस्तिक, ॐ, मीन आदि माँगलिक चिन्ह मुख्य द्वार माथि स्थापित गर्ने|
६. दक्षिण -पश्चिम दिशामा अधिक द्वार र झ्यालहरु भए बन्दगर्ने वा सँख्या कम गर्ने|
७. भान्सा घर गलत स्थानमा भए अग्निकोणमा एउटा बल्ब लगाउने र त्यसलाई बिहान बेलुकी अवश्य जलाउने|

Stargazers and Indian elections

India's general election will produce no clear-cut winner, astrologers, tarot card readers and clairvoyants said, predicting another coalition government and even new polls in two years' time.
"There will be a coalition. Until June 23, the election picture will not be clear and final, whatever happens," astrologer and clairvoyant Bejan Daruwalla told media.
Daruwalla's prediction -- based, he said, on a vision -- is in line with more earthly methods of forecasting the result of this month's polls, which sees the Congress-led government up against the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and an array of smaller, regional parties.
Political pundits say BJP leader L.K. Advani could give Prime Minister Manmohan Singh a run for his money, and possibly unseat him after four years in power.
Stargazers Raj Kumar Sharma and Lalla Shah agreed with Daruwalla's assessment, viewing the current alignment of stars and planets as unfavourable for a majority in the lower house of parliament.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kashmir settlement by 2010: Astrologer

By Hameed Shaheen

Islamabad—A well-known occupied Kashmir astrologer predicts with the aid of his astrological mathematics the settlement of Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and Kashmir by 2010. The resolution would come peacefully.

Astrologer Abdul Majeed Nasti who had visited Islamabad in the first week of February 2009 and with home several high-up had had interactions also predicts improvement of Pakistan-India relationship after September this year. Till then a spate of acrimony will persist on Indo-Pakistan horizon. About the mode of Kashmir settlement, astrologer Nasti says according to his zodiacal stars positional study minus defence, currency and foreign affairs Kashmiris will have ‘self-control’.

About political scenario within Pakistan Mr Nasti’s astrology sees sure internal stability around September this year. In February 2009 he had forecast Swat stability through agreements ‘but some months away from the month (Feb.) of his calculation.