Time is a primary factor. Vishnu Puran says Law of Karma is so powerful that living beings have no emancipation from the rigours of law of karma even after destruction of the world. When creator Brahma starts recreation of the world after destruction, living beings are reborn in accordance with there previous karma.
Vishnu Puran has laid stress on law of karma but it has at the same time given Samkhya explanation of the phenomenon also in sloka 65.
Vedatha Darsan chapter 4 1st pada, sutra 15 emphasises that one has to be reborn till effects of one’s Prarabdha Karma are not fully exhausted.
In Prasnopanishad, Prashna 6 Sristikarma, it is said that matters and bodies are created for bearing the fruits of karma.
It further sys that the universe itself in the result of karma.
Lord Krishna gives a different explanation in Bhagwat Geeta. He says should I not engage in performing deeds, great harm will come to the world as people may follow May way of inaction. If I cease to act, these worlds will perish; nay I may prove to be the cause of confusion and of the destruction of these people. (Chapter 3)Lord Krishna gives an equal weightage to samkhya view when he says that all our deeds are performed by the modes of primordial matter.
Also he says all living creatures follow their tendencies. Even the wise moon acts according to the tendencies of his own nature of what use is my external restraint.
In Chapter 5 of Bhagawat Geeta Lord Krishna says that god determines neither the doer ship not the doings of men, or even their contact with the fruits of action but it is Nature along that functions.
When parasr says the Supreme lord itself has incarnated as the nine planets to bestow on the living beings, the result of their previous deeds or also when Parasar says that Jeevatma portions from the planets take births as human beings and live their lives according to their karmas and again merge into the planets, it is a clear hint that the supreme beings enforces law of karma through nature in a natural way and not min any supernatural manner s we mortals ordinarily do believe. Like Bhagwat Geeta astrology too has its deeps roots in Vedanta and Samkhya schools of Philosophy.
Praising the Law of Karma, Vishnu Puran says that we are all born due to operation of the law of karma. Karma gives us result as per merits and demerits of our deeds. We therefore, must Endeavour to perform righteous and virtuous deeds.
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