Keshav Mangal Joshi Engineer/Astrologer
Ancient astrologer thinkers have used various methods to read the future of Man and its surroundings. Natal charts, various Dasha systems, Transit and Tajik are some of the most popular ones amongst them. Their judicious use helps modern astrologers read the Horoscopes pretty accurately. Preparing and reading a country's Horoscope is naturally different and complicated; and hence obviously some other way must be found out for the purpose of reading a nation's state of affairs and future. Construction of various charkas e.g. Kot chakras and Kurma Chakras and their interpretations are some of these methods. In fact, the ancient treatise "Narapatijayacharya" by Narapati has mentioned 84 such charkas. B L Thakur has also shown such a chakra in the fifth part (Prashna Khanda) of his popular series of books on Astrology.
These chakras have been successfully used by many astrologers in the past for predicting the nation's state of affairs. For this, Kot chakra has to be constructed first.
Construction of Kot Chakra
To construct a Kot Chakra, a set of four squares of different sizes are drawn one top of the other (see the sketch). The smallest square in the innermost side is a very important one and is known as the Garbha or the Sanctum of the Chakra. 28 points are then identified to represent 28 Nakshatras including Abhijit in different directions. There are 8 points in three inner squares and only four points in the outermost square. Four cardinal directions are also assigned.
To know the state of affairs of a nation, Kot Chakra of that nation has to be first constructed. The beginning point is always at the northeast corner of the second outermost square, marked by 1 in the sketch. It is the Nakshatra of the nation or the subject concerned, for example Anuradha for Nepal. Thereafter other subsequent Nakshatras are written in the squares in cyclic order clockwise as shownby the arrows in the sketch.
After the construction of the chakra, one has to look at the local panchanga and find out where (in which Nakshatra) various planets are currently situated and noted in a note book. These planets are then entered in the Kot chakra at appropriate places according to their current positions.
Results of planets at various points depend upon their nature. Benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and waxing Moon give good results if they occupy the innermost square (Garbha). They can give less and less benefits if they occupy position in outer squares. Exactly opposite is true in the case of naturally malefic planets viz. Sun, Mars, Saturn and the waning Moon. Sun signifies the ruler, Moon the general public, Mars the military and violence, Mercury the authors, Jupiter the Judiciary and the reason or the logic. Venus signifies the Arts & entertainment sector and Saturn the labour force and the older generation.
Interpretation of the Chakra
It is better to try to interpret the state by studying the cumulative effects of all the planets. Nevertheless, probably most important among planets are Jupiter and Mars; one signifying the logic/reason and Justice while the other signifying the violence and disarray. If Mars and other malefic planets occupy the sanctum while the benefic planets like Jupiter stay outside it, there is likelihood of confusion and violence in the country. This continues till some sober planet makes an entry to the inner square. Similarly if only benefic planets occupy the inner sanctum while the malefic ones stay outside, there will be peace and progress in the nation. Mixed combination of benefic and malefic planets will give rise to mixed results.
Use of Kot Chakra
Kot chakra has many uses. We try to take two cases and see the effectiveness of its utility. First let us take the case of the period of Chaitra 2062 when Nepal was undergoing far-reaching changes. Whole Kathmandu Valley was witnessing waves and waves of demonstrators and the entire core of Kathmandu and Lalitpur was encircled by the sea mass of people occupying the entire 26 kilometer stretch of ring road. If we look at the state of Nepal's Kot chakra at that time, we will see the following. On 12th of Chaitra the Sun was in Uttarabhadrapad Nakshatra (innermost core), Mars has just on that day entered Mrigashira (innermost core) while Jupiter was in Vishakha (outermost ring) and Venus was in Dhanishta (outer ring), thus outside the all important sactum or the Garbha. Entry of Mars gave rise to sudden increase in violence. On 23rd of Chaitra Mars entered Mithun rashi, 8th in transit from Nepal's rashi. No wonder, all these brought lot of violence in Nepal.
Mars remained inside the Garbha till 26th of Baisakh 2063, when it moved to Punarbasu. Some sense of calmness was then restored. Mars moved out of Mithun rashi on12th of Jeshtha.
Now let us consider the present period. On 1st of Baisakh 2066, the Sun will be in Ashwini (outside Garbha), Mars in Purbabhadrapad (inside Garbha), Mercury in Bharini (outside), Jupiter in Dhanista (outside), Venus in Purbabhadrapad (inside)and Saturn in Purbaphalguni (outside). Mars the planet of valour and violence (remaining inside Garbha and Jupiter, the planet of reason and wisdom, remaining in the outside ring is still a dangerous state. And moreover in Gochar, Mars is presently in the fourth place.
Situation is expected to get a bit better only after 26th of Baisakh 2066, when Mars will enter Revati Nakshatra and thus move out of Garbha of Nepal Kot Chakra. However the real sense of reason and wisdom will be felt only when the great Jupiter reenters the inner sanctum (Garbha). This is to happen only on 1st of Chaitra 2066 when Jupiter enters Purbabhadrapad Nakshatra. It thus indicates that Nepalese will have to wait till almost the end of the year before they could breathe more easily.
Study of Kot chakras could also be used for other purposes, like knowing the comparative strengths of two or more rivals. B L Thakur in his book has also dealt with the terminologies like Durg, Durgpati, Yaayis, Durgbhang, Durgakhanda and Sandhi also depending upon the positions of the planets.
Kot Chakras had been used in the past. We can find its frequent mention in old documents. Whenever some political upheavals or national disasters took place the then rulers had consulted the astrologers and they themselves had used this system quite often with a great degree of accuracy. The author had stumbled upon a paper where his grandfather had tried to predict the outcome of the then ongoing Second World War.
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