And earning money is not bad until it is legal. One of the most practiced and proven way of earning money is investing on stocks, commodities and forex. However, most of the investors end up losing their money due to lack of knowledge on how and when to buy and sell shares.
The Astrology has suggested some formulas on when to buy and sell shares so that one can take maximum benefit from it.
According to the Astrology, the shares, commodities and forex that go bullish and bearish has its pattern.
The markets fluctuates mostly on Monday, Tuesday and Friday because mind (fear) plays important role on Monday, greed plays important role on Tuesday and desire plays important role on Friday. If the market goes up on Monday, it will come down on Tuesday and vice-versa. If the market goes to high on Monday, it will continue till the first half of Tuesday. If the market goes down on Monday, the investor should be aware on Tuesday.
If the market goes up in Tuesday, it will continue till first half of the Wednesday. Similarly, if the market goes down on Tuesday, it will continue till first half of Wednesday and start going up.
If the market goes down on Wednesday, the market goes up on Thursday. If the market goes on on Thursday, it will continue till Friday.
The investors should always follow the astrological principle while investing to get the maximum benefit.