In our everyday life many a times certain events are taking place. For example, the excitement of the eyebrows, itching of a palm or sole, sudden sneeze, funny chirping sounds of birds fresh moles on the body, sond of knocking on the door, feeling of movement in a steady picture, bad dreams, etc. All these things indicate auspicious and inauspicious signs. If the construction of the building in done as per Vastu Shaastra the proportion of good omens or auspicious signs is more.
If there are frequent bad signs it indicates that the building construction is faulty. No signs is sudden intentional or haphazard. It is always natural and timely. Any unnatural or planned action does not mean an omen. The great saint Varahmihir has made logical statement about good and bad sign. According to him the good and bad actions of a person in the part are reflected in his future and the pre intimation is obtained in the present.
There are different types of omens. Some of them are related to the domestic animals like cow, dog, cat, horse, bird, etc. Some omens are related to will animals like lion, deer, tiger, bear, etc. Some aquatic animals like frog, crocodile, etc. Some aquaic animals like from, crocodile etc. also indicate some omens. Serpent, Cobra also indicate some omens. Even the breaking or falling of a star indicates an omen by nature.
For your information specially some important omens are as follows :>(A) Omens from a Cow
1.When you are going out for an important work or tour if a cow is seen it is a good omen.
2.After bath if you see a white cow and calf you will be successful in your work that dya.
3.If you find tears coming out of the eyes of a cow the head of the house is prone to illness or even death.
4.If flies or dogs surround the cow there are definite chances or rain that day.
5.If a cow or a calf comes to the main entrance of the building on their own without calling, after sunrise, it is a good omen.
(B) Omens from a Dog
1.When a dog approaches somebody with a shoe or chappal in his mouth the day is inauspicious for that man.
2.When a piece of cloth is fund in the mouth of a dog it is an indication of approaching trouble.
3.If there is a piece of wet meat or a bone in the mouth of the dog it is a good omen.
4.If the dog is carrying a dry bone in its mouth it is a bad omen.
5.When a dog stretches its legs or swaps its ears it indicates that the work will remain unfinished and obstacles in travel.
6.When a dog scratches the walls there is danger of theives.
7.When the dog with his head towards the South-West barks at the sun in the afternoon, there is a danger from fire or thieves. It is also a prior intimation of classhes in the family.
8.When the dog keeps his body on one step and the head on another and looks toward the woman in the house it is a pre intimation of coming sickness.
9.When a dog sniffs the shoes or footwear of a person he intimates successful travel of that person.
10.When a dog goes to the highest storey of a house and weeps in a strange voice it gives prior intimation of calamity.
11.When a dog lifts it towards the legs of a person or lingers near his legs it intimates sure success for that person.
2.When a dog barks at a person from behind there is danger to that person.
13.When a dog eats less than its regular diet and tears come out from its eyes, it is a bad omen.
(C) Omens from a Cat
The pet homely cat with us should not be considered for omens. Only the stray cats which are not pets are considered for the omens.
1.Cats of gray colour are good omens.
2.If a black cat enters the house it is good omen.
3.If a white cat crosses the path it indicates bad health.
4.When any cat crosses the path it leads to failure in the work undertaken. When a cat sniffs the legs it is a bad omen.
5.While going on a travle if a cat is seen on the left side it is good omen. However, it is so only if the cat does not cross our path.
6.If a cat falls on a sleeping person it means that the man is going to face a grave danger. He may suffer from a serious illness which may result in his death.
7.When a cat jumps on the forehead of a woman it indicates chances of widowhood.
8.A cat giving birth to kittens in the house means all-round prosperity and wealth for the head of the family. Cruel bad forces or spirits do not stay in such houses.
9.Three black cats together is a good omen for those who see them.
10.Death of a cat n the house is a bad omen. If the cat follows a person who is coming out of the house it means getting wealth.
11.When the cat washes only one of its ears three times it indicates the coming of guests.
12.When a cat and male cat quarrel it indicates clashes in the house.
13.When a cat constantly mews when a person is going out it indicates loss for that person shortly.
(D) Omens from a Horse
1.When a hourse lifts the right paw it indicates success for its owner.
2.When a horse jumps in joy the speed of movement of its tail inccrease and it slams its right foot continously, it indicates sure success and victory for his owner.
3.A decoorated horse, if seen, is a good omen.
4.If a white or reddish brown horse is seen, it means fulfilment of one’s wishes.
5.A black hose coming from the left side, from the opposite direction is a good omen but if the comes from the right side, it is a bad omen.
6.When a horse slams his left leg on the ground, its indicates a chance for his owner to go to a foreign counry.
7.Two white hourses is seen together, it is a good omen.
8.For young lovers, if a white horse is seen it is a good omen.
9.If the horse neights before the race, it loses the race, but a horse if it neights during the race he is indicating a victory.
(E) Omens from a Donkey
1.When a donkey is standing still on the right side it is a bad omen. However, if standing on the left side, it is a good ome.
2.The braying of donkey from behind or from the front is a bad omen.
3.While one is going on a journey if the donkey is howling on the right side it is a bad omen. If the donkey is on the left side it is a good omen.
(F) Omens from a Crow
1.If a crow coming from the south-west side in the evening is sighted it indicates that a calamity is approaching.
2.If a crow coming grom the south-east direction in the eveing is sighted if indicates momentary gain.
3.When a crow drops a piece of burnt wood, bone or meat on the bed of some person he is indicating the approaching danger or death in the near future.
4.When a crow passes from the left crowing it is good omen.
5.When many crows starts crowing together in a corner around and house it indicates approaching danger.
6.Early in the morning when a crow comes flying from the north-east direction it indicates some good news.
7.The crowing of a crow on the roof is inauspicious.
8.Sitting of a crow on somebody’s head is inauspicious.
9.When a crow sitting on the back of a pig is seen it indicates legal complications. When the crow sits on the back of a camel or a donkey if it is seen it is considered a good omen.
10.When a crow flies in the clockwise direction the person who see it faces bad relations with his relatives.
11.When he ear of corn, flower or sand stone is seen in the beack of a crow it indicates monetary gain for that person.
12.When a crow carries a vessel or some costly article it is a danger signal. When a crow brings grass or burnt wood in our place he indicates danger from fire.
13.When a crow starts crowing with his face towards the south-west directions, it indicates monetary gain for the person who sees it.
14.When a crow crows with is face towrads the south-east direction, the person who sees it is likely to get diamonds jewellery, etc.
15.When a crow crowing with his face towards the south, the head of the building gets a good party and entertainment.
16.When a crow crows with his face towards the north-west, the head of the building gets grain and arms as present.
17.When a crow crows with his face towards the north, the head of the family has chances of getting new clothers of vehicle.
18.When the crow crows with his face towards the north-east, the head of the family has monetary gains.
19.When a crow sitting on a tree laden with fruit is seen, the person gets wealth and honour.
20.When a crow come into the house and crows, it indicates the coming of guests.
21.When a crow sitting on the back of a horse is seen, the person gets a new behicle.
22.When a crow crows sitting on the tail of a cow the person who sees it faces ill health.
23.Seeing two crows together, brings bad news, for the person who sees them.
(F) Omens from on Owl
1.Hooting of an owl on the right hand side is auspicious.
2.Seeing an owl on the left side is auspicious.
3.When an owl sitting on the roof of a house or on the head of a person it indicates total destruction.
4.When a person sees the romance of two owls his life is shortened.
The nails and paws of an owl are auspicious for gain of wealth.
(G) Omens from Serpent / Cobra
1.When a serpent crawling from the right to the left side is seen it is considered inauspicious.
2.When a snake comes crawling from the front side it indicates enmity.
3.if a black snake is seen on the right side before entering a building sure victory over enemy is indicated.
4.When a black cobra with his hood raised is seen, increase in welth and prosperity is indicated.
5.While starting for a journey if a snake is seen, it is a bad omen.
6.Seeing a white snake is inauspicious.
7.while starting on a journey if a snake is seen, and after that a donkey is seen on the left side, it is a good omen.
(H) mens from Sneeze
1.Sneezing on the threshould while entering a house is considered inauspicious.
2.A sneeze while starting a new business or enterprise is auspicious.
3.A sneeze during purchasing of an article is auspicious.
4.A person who gets a sneeze should stop the work for some time and then start gaing.
5.A sneeze while wearing shoes or chappals is considered inauspicious.
6.A sneeze while ging for a travel is inauspicious.
7.if there is a sneeze while asking a question leads to failure in the work undertaken.
8.While going out for work if somebody sneezes behind the back it is considered auspicious.
9.Somebody’s sneezing on the left hand side or from a higher level is considered auspicious.
10.If somebody sneeze on the right hand side or in front of us it leads to loss.
11.Every person while sneezing should turn his face to the left and then sneeze.
(I) Omens from a Parrot
1.If a parrot chirps with his face towards the East when we are leaving the house it leads to success in the wrk.
2.if the parrot speaks with its face towards the South-East your enemies will be defeated.
3.if a parrot in cage is sitting quietly with his face towards the north-east there are chances of a theft in the house.
4.If the parrot jumps with his face towards the south it should be assumed that someone dear to you will definitely meet you.
Other Omens
1.If a mirror in the house breaks it means there will be a change of residence of the owner.
2.if rainbow is seen after sunset the head of the building falls sick.
3.If a rainbow is seen when a slight drizzle is there, in the east there is less rainfall that year.
4.If rainbow is seen in the rainy season normally there is no rain.
5.When a cock sists on the top of a house and looks towards the sky there are indications of heavy rainfall.
5.When a cock sits on the top of a house and looks toward the sky there are indications of heavy rainfall.
6.If a frog croaks during the day time it certainly rains.
7.In the morning when the sky looks red or the leaves of the trees are stretched upwards it indicates the coming of rain definitely.
8.If some person stumbles and falls while coming out of the house it is a bad ome. He should remove his shoes or chappals sit at home for some time and then go out.
9.If a bangle vendor approaches towards us from the opposite direction it is a god omen.
10.If a funeral procession is coming from the opposited direction it is auspicious. But going in the same direction is inauspicious.
11.While starting a new project or while coming out of the house if a beggar or ugly deformed person is seen it is a bad omen.
12.If the tolling of bells or the sound of an instrument is heard it means the success of the project.
13.While going on the road if we meet a person carrying milk or curd or horse it is a good omen.
14.Any white object or horse coming from the north side if seen is a good ome.
15.If somebody asks where you are going, while you are going out it indicates failure in work.
16.While going out for some work or travel oif somebody suggests tha you should take your meals and then go, it is a bad ome.
7.While coming out of the house if you see a person coming from the opposite direction scratching his head it is a bad omen. It indicates loss or failure.
18.A couple coming from the opposite direction if seen, is a good omen.
19.While starting a new project if a person who is dead drunk meets it is a bad omen.
20.If a person carrying firewood or live fire comes acroos us on the road there are chances of accident or bad health.
21.If a person mumbles one of the nos, from one to five or 7 or 8 and you hear it leads to deep trouble.
22.If a third person mumbles the number six, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, etc., while your are leaving the house and if you hear it, that indicates financial gain and wealth.
23.While coming out of the house if you hear the quarrle of your neightbours it indicates failure.
24.While coming out of the house if your handkerchief, coat, cap or cane falls down there are chances of failure and loss.
25.While worshipping if the flame of the lamp or Candle goes off naturally it indicates a lot of approaching hardships.
26.Breaking of a pitcher full of water or a lemon indicates hardships.
27.Cracking of panel and glass of windows is very inasupicious.
28.While coming out of the house if some person pulls at your clothes it foretells failure.
29.If a marriage procession is crossed by a funeral procession it is very inauspicious.
30.In travel if a elephant, peacock, horse or ox is seen it is very auspicious.
31.If persons carrying water pitchers are seen it is very auspicious.
32.If a waherman or a woman holding pressed clothes is seen coming towards us there are chances of failure in the work.
33.Meeting of a widow coming from the opposite direction on the way is not auspicious.
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